Hello and Merry Cristmas to all of you. Take a look at my webbsite, I think it`s the best way to introduce me to you! www.rocket88.se
Welcome to the HAMB from Texas. Nice Olds. Great website too, it's pretty cool to see the old Hot Rods are appreciated in Sweden too. Lucky667
Hello Dennis and welcome. Young man ha ha thats a good one Did you have the beer cooled for the New Years rumble?
Welcome Nice Ride... A Norwegian friend of mine has a nice 55 Chevy over in the Stordahl area.. I've been to Norway and seen some nice cars in the AM Car Club..
Welcome think it was you I talked to at End of summer powermeet, your friend was selling Air ride where you there or am I way out in the blue
Hanky, sure you was talking to me, but I can`t put the finger on it, it seems to me that you where to Hot Rod Reunion also
Välkommen or Welcome. Dont think i meet u at Reunion last summer, but i was talking with Örnen a couple of times during the weekend. Really like your Olds. Will be great when its done. Regards, Hasse. Hope to see u at Reunion this summer. Will be drinking some Beer with Per and Patrick from Umeå then. Hopefully i also will ride in my Old Ford and have the Escort Gasser behind it. Have u seen the link to the Gasser here on Hamb? Well here it is... http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=254938
Hello Sweden! Just came from Stocholm. I bought there my -49 Merc. Maybe you know the company SE-Service!?
SE-service is Stellan Egerland. Been rideing shotgun in a hotrod with him at Svevägen in Stockholm around year 2000 i think it was...