If not already announced, this Sat. in Charlotte, NC will be annual Tom Mack swap meet and sale. At old Metrolina Fairgrounds, north of Charlotte off I-77. (Fri., Sat. and Sun.) Just passing it along. Thanks, Mike Mc
A couple of us were planning on going to it on Saturday Morning. Not definite but it's a possibility.
It is usually a good break for January, Good show, I have always found something interesting there. Racinman
Sounds like a good idea !! If the weather good i'm gona go as soon as I find directions (newbie here in N.C.)
I like to go so I can laugh at the asking prices in the car corral.Maybe they'll be more in line with the economy this year. vic
I got dibs on any '32 Ford 5W under $5000! Also and rare Hemi Intakes, 18" KH Wide five wheels, 365 Caddy 2x4 intakes, and anything that has the name Halibrand on it!
I used to set up and sell at this meet for many years. It has turned into pretty much a Camaro/JUNK/Mustang swap meet the last 4 or 5 years. Your Dad ... John Vaughn is a standup type of guy. I used to buy my 55 Chevrolet Cameo stuff from him. I hope he sells a TON of stuff. Hopefully with the economy the way it is ... some sellers will bring out the pre WWII stuff ... but I doubt it.
I have met him ... I was in the same building as your Dad ... as you go in the front door of #3 ... I was the FIRST space on the left with my space between the private office/bathroom and the door. Always had my Shasta camper there.
Is This meet worth a 10 hr ride down from ohio? here lots of camastang and mustamaro comments is it doing to be warm at least?