Same here. The only one i've actually called a bubble top was the 62. The other's we've always just called hard top's. hmm.
check out this link, it's a good picture of a bubbletop.
I'm pretty sure Groucho know's what one physically is. From what i gathered, he's heard of 61's being called bubble tops, but not 59 or 60's and just wondering why. I'll explain why we've always just called the 62's bubble tops. In 59-61, the only car without a post and two door was the one with the "bubble top", in 62 is was a belair hard top, but also not the only hard top offered as i'm sure you already know.. So, the standard hard top in 62 with the notch in the roof always seemed to be called the hard top, the other belair model with the carry over roof like the 61 was the bubble top. This i believe is, for the most part, the same for the other GM full size line's of those years as well. This is just what i've always understood, and made sense to me. In essence, they are all bubble tops in comparison to the other models offered in those years i guess.. I know you didn't ask this, but i figured i'd at least explain why i said what i did up a ways.
hmm. i reckon it's the rounded glass and slight pillars that makes the difference. Pontiac was '61 only. '61 Bonneville:
but.... 1960 Pontiac has similar glass and pillars, so I'm not sure why that one is not known as a bubble. look forward to hearing the answer, someone will have it. 1960 Bonneville:
you can sit in the back seat and look straight up and see the sky, At least you can in my 61 impala. I think thats why its called a bubbletop, pontiac buick and oldsmobiles were that way
And you can't in the 60 pictured above? I've had people say all 61 GM 2 door hardtops, with the roof they used on the 62 Belairs were bubbletops, but NOT 59-60 GM 2 door hardtops with a very similar roof and rear window. Why?
The 62 hardtop had a little "crease" in the roof kinda simulating a convertible top, the bubble tops did not have the crease and flowed right into the rear window....if you want, i can post a perfect example of the two....i have a pics of both....
If you look at the pic above of the 61 it does look like the rear glass goes farther forward on the roof than the earlier ones
i've called all those roof lines bubbletops since they came out and not changing this late in my guys call them what you want..i've got to go take some maalox.
We're NOT talkin 62's (with the exception of the Belair). But, that's not really the issue here. Re-read original post
IF you look at the glass it's self on a real bubbletop it has a curve in the top of it unlike a 59/60
I've never seen that view before to compare, but they sure are different. I can see why some people would consider them different now and not call them all bubble tops. Interesting... I still just call em hard tops