I called the Texas DPS office and asked if a windshield was required and they stated no it is not required. I asked where do I post my stickers and they said to keep them in the glove box. Has anyone driven their hot rod without glass for long? Ive driven short distances in mine but need a horn to attemt to get my inspection sticker.
Not hot rod driving, but a guy I know over in CA purchased a rolled over 4wd pickup as a wreck and drove it home about 800 miles, it had now windshield so he worn a motor bike crash helmet for protection from the bugs etc.
Probably a good idea to wear some safety glasses if you go windshield-less. A long time ago I used to ride a motorcycle about half the time without a helmet (back when there were no helmet laws). One time when I luckily had the helmet on with the face shield on, a car in front of me kicked up a big bolt and the bolt hit me square between the eyes and actually left a dented impression of the shape of the bolt right in the center of my face shield. Scared the crap out of me when it happened. I'd probably have been blinded or killed if I hadn't had the helmet on.
I drove the "Mini Merc" for two weeks without glass after I chopped it. I just had to cut it that weekend. Next time I'm planning to have the new windshield on hand for my glass guy before I cut the top Needless to say commuting from San Mateo to Berkley was a b&^$ch especially in the morning. Based on both my experience and RustyBolts, You'll need at least a good pair of sun/safety glasses www.Customikes.com
I got pulled over once for driving my '54 Jeep with the windshield folded down. I wasn't going very fast, so catching wind was not an issue, but that's why the detective stopped me.
I have a good friend that is a DuPage County Cop. He looked it up and Hot Rods, Modified and custom cars can be drivin "in Illinois". Yes I did it for 4 monthe and is sucked bad. I have a shaved head and every time we drove it my son asked if I was ok and why was I crying? It was my eyes watering and tears rolling around my head meeting at the back.
During the right season, you won't need breakfast either, just drive with your mouth open and remember to chew occasionally.
Was test driving my Merc the other day with no hood or windshield - man there was all kinds of dust, dirt, debris smacking me in the face. I'm looking forward to putting the glass back in.
Down in southeast MO we have what we call love bugs that cover your windshield at night. We moved further north and they aren't as bad up here, but down there even riding a motocycle with a face shield was unpleasant at night. In SC, Georgia and Florida they have Palmetto bugs(probably other places too) , Which are best described as flying cockroaches the size of a fieldmouse. I would hate to get hit in the face with one of them.
i still have my windshield but me and the dogs hang our heads out the window and catch some air......
http://www.freewebs.com/jzrusa/19.htm On a Roadster you could use these. Delflects the air and thus bugs up outta your face.
Oregon says you need a wiper but says nothing about a windshiels. So we just carry a wiper blade under the seat.
Never had a real windshield on my old car. Drove it forever in all kinds of weather with nothing and finally installed a really short one. More of a glass knuckle guard. (it was about 3.5" - 4" tall) It's really no big deal.
Slightly off track, but I know a dude that only has one eye now, several years ago he was riding without a helmet or goggles, and a big fat junebug hit him in the eye at 75mph.
A friend of mine had a 59 austin healey bug eye sprite, he had the windshield on it but he deleted wiper (he had no top for it) so it wouldn't pass a Texas state inspection without the wiper unless it had no windshield, so we took the windshield off (4 bolts) got it inspected, he was told to carry the sticker in the car, got back to his house put the windshield back on, and slapped the inspection sticker on the windshield, or register your car as a antique vehicle, and you don't have to have it inspected. BTW: if you drive without a windshield at least wear goggles, the continuous wind in your eyes over time can cause eye problems, or eye diseases.
Going without a windshield is an exercise in young fool cool. The above posts should dissuade you from endangering your eyesight and the other drivers on the road around you. Your choice but remember safe is good, responsibility for hurting someone you don't even know is bad, very very bad.
What is the difference between a truck without a windshield and riding a motorcycle if one wears proper eyewear?
If the cycle guy gets a rock on the noggin and falls down he gets run over. If the car guy gets a rock on the noggin he doesn't fall down but runs over the cyclist in front of him thrn hits a busload of nuns on their way to The Festival of Our Lady of Guadaloupe and is damned forever. That's what.
NONE, a windshield on a truck won't protect you 100%, just like riding a motorcycle with the proper eye wear won't protect you 100% The cycle guy gets a rock on the noggin and falls down he gets run over buy a car that then becomes out of controll then the car hits a busload of nuns on their way to The Festival of Our Lady of Guadaloupe and is damned forever.
Many, many moons ago I used to drive my old daily driver VW's without windshields. Usually had a good reason like metalwork or waiting on glass or something to that effect. Never had a problem getting inspected as long as I had working wipers (stupid, I know). Never had an issue with the cops either(and they don't play games around these parts). Although I did catch a rock in the shoulder one time while driving to San Antonio. That was not too pleasant....
Here are two of mine.. The copper car had chopped down Harley.. The other roadster will be getting a boat windshield but I drive like this till paint done... Jason
I'm scheduled to drive a busload of nuns to The Festival of Our Lady of Guadaloupe this weekend. Could you guys tell me which highways you normally use? Think I'd like to try a different route, damn you!