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O/T Add me to the list of unemployed.

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Fat ASS Whitewalls, Jan 8, 2009.

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  1. I think if you are a legitimate user of narcotics ( as in pain relief ) you are probably too ill to work and are therefore most likely a legitimate beneficiary.
  2. Just an example how it will start effecting us.

    Georgia Traditional Car Show Canceled
    <HR style="COLOR: #e5e5e5; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e5e5e5" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title -->
    <!-- message -->Due to the current state of the economy, Brad and I have been unable to sign any major sponsors to become our marketing partners and/or title sponsor for our event. Without such partners, we will not be able to promote the '09 Race & Rod-A-Rama, originally scheduled for March 21-23 at the Gwinnett County Fairgrounds in Lawrenceville, Georgia.

    We had tremendous interest from car owners and vendors who, like us, thought the concept of a 60's style indoor car show would be a great addition to the Atlanta area automotive hobby events.

    We thank those folks for their interest and encouragement, and look forward to finding marketing partners who will be interested in becoming the title sponsor for a 2010 event.

    <!-- / message -->

  3. forgot to include the thread :eek:
  4. BillBallingerSr
    Joined: Dec 20, 2007
    Posts: 651

    from In Hell

    Shit I would burn a hole in the cup and they are all legal prescriptions from one doctor. I broke my neck, had a skull fracture, a belly surgery where I got laid open from sternum to belly button (wide awake). I don't have any choice. Pain is a constant, some days I can't even get out of bed but to drag to the bathroom. But I take the least I can, less than I am supposed to be. If you can show prescriptions, then they give you a pass, but it can't impair your function. Because of my other problems, vision, psychosis and pain (short patience and quick to snap) I am pretty much screwed. Its just best I stay retired is what they tell me.
  5. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    I fall into that category, though narcotic agents are available in quite a range of strengths. Like I have said, I am still classed as Totally and Permanently Incapacitated (TPI) but have to work as I have no other income..... er.. have no income at all.
  6. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
    Posts: 13,404

    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    True...didnt think of that, although some people are on companies payrolls with extensive pain management programs and are still working , so im not sure where the cut off comes.
  7. Kerry67
    Joined: Apr 11, 2005
    Posts: 2,606


    Exactally !!! That is what is most f**ked up in this country. Nothing pisses me off more than that. There is even someone in my family who is like that and I find them pathetic as well.

    I remember standing in line at a grocery store years ago buying a pack of cheap hot dogs to eat and the lady in front of me with her food stamps and a gaggle of kids was buying T-Bone steaks and she sent one of the kids back to get another for her dog. Now I love dogs but jesus...........I was working full time and eating hot dogs and she had a cart full of food and was getting it FREE. There was certainly nothing wrong with this lady other than the fact you could tell she was one of the lazy ones stealing from the system.
  8. Kerry67
    Joined: Apr 11, 2005
    Posts: 2,606


    Here is something else to think about. So many people are being laid off yet all these Baseball players are signing 30 Million dollar contracts to play a GAME. Sickening.....I am a HUGE baseball fan and I find it absurd that a few years ago Sammy Sosa made more in one at-bat than I made in a year. And what is worse, he usually struck out !!! Sad, that some of these guys are a dumb as a bag of hammers off the field yet they are getting that kind of money to play a game, while veterans and good working class people are losing everything and cannot find work to feed themselves or their families. F' ing pathetic.
  9. Or afford to buy a ticket to pay for their sorry asses.
  10. williebill
    Joined: Mar 1, 2004
    Posts: 3,374


    It's not a game,it's entertainment.Simple matter of they make whatever the owners are willing to pay..Is it fair? By whose standards? This puts all of us on a slippery slope when we're indignant about what somebody else makes..Next comes a sense of entitlement,and that will not solve this country's problems..Ballplayers don't send jobs overseas,or cause layoffs,they entertain the fans..This has NO place in this thread
  11. Rootie Kazoootie
    Joined: Nov 27, 2006
    Posts: 8,130

    Rootie Kazoootie
    from Colorado

    So, if someone offered to pay you 30 mil a year to build hot rods, would you turn them down?
  12. Stu_Norman
    Joined: Jun 29, 2007
    Posts: 40

    from Wisconsin

    I work in telecommunications. I was laid off last May. I looked and looked, but nothing was available and I saw the economy skidding into a ditch at a high rate of speed. So, while some were shocked, I took a contractor position in Afghanistan.

    It sucks being away from my wife, my home and my cars, but hey, I'm making real real good money, we're getting out of debt and building up a nest egg.

    The way the economy is going, I will probably renew my contract once or twice.
  13. Mr Haney
    Joined: Jul 17, 2008
    Posts: 1,000

    Mr Haney

    Been working my fucking balls of since i was 15.5 paying into SS , 401K the whole she bang. I make decent cash still don't have my DREAM HUT on the beach in SO-CAL. Told my kids [ when I leave this stinkin world ] to pocket the money , take a 30 day vacation, RUN the pacific coast highway up and down until you find my DREAM HUT, suck down as much wine as your belly's will hold. Throw my dirty stinking ashes into the Pacific ! ! God Bless, Haney
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2009
  14. Kerry67
    Joined: Apr 11, 2005
    Posts: 2,606


    That is not the point. The fact that they complain after they sign a contract and want to renegotiate if they had a good year, yet if they have a shit year they don't want to give any money back. The sheer GREED they have and the fact that they don't think twice about the privilege they have not to ever worry about money. They will never know what it is like to have to struggle......Sorry you feel different than I do about this.
  15. Sutton
    Joined: Apr 7, 2005
    Posts: 699

    from BTR

    Isn't this a traditional Hot Rod Forum?
  16. jimmydeansgirl
    Joined: Oct 2, 2004
    Posts: 122


    yes a traditional hot rod forum that supports eachother through hard times.
  17. Sutton
    Joined: Apr 7, 2005
    Posts: 699

    from BTR

    Yawn.....You got people arguing over how much money baseball players make, who gives a fuck?

  18. jimmydeansgirl
    Joined: Oct 2, 2004
    Posts: 122


    its not the essense of this thread, I think its more of a side bar, go back to the beginning of the thread, baseball and politics aside, its really about unemployment. And when you are sitting at home trolling the "now hiring" ads feeling pretty dejected about it, its nice to know you aren't alone.
  19. The first clause makes an assumption that the economy is the reason they failed to get sponsorship.....could be other reasons.
  20. 54GMC
    Joined: Mar 15, 2008
    Posts: 62

    from NY

    Not un but self employed. With everything else around here so slow There is no work, plus Self employed do not qualify for unemployment benefits. At least my wife has a stable job.
  21. Luckily I am still employed. (who knows how long) I fear it will get worse before it gets better. This isn't a mistake or freaky force of nature that no one could of predicted.Certain forces have planned for the last 29 years. Here's a story that just broke today and is a great example of the 'mindset'

    Let's see, give $700 billion to the fat cat bankers (who's greed got us here in the first place) with no strings! Keep your bonuses, your $300k a year gigs, manicures, and corporate jets. But $17 billion to GM and the auto industry to save an American institution and 3 million hard working, good paying union jobs with no strings? Hell no. You'll take a pay cut, even though you already did, and on top of that, ahhh...we'll take your balls please...yeah...thanks.
  22. Mr Haney
    Joined: Jul 17, 2008
    Posts: 1,000

    Mr Haney

    YEA.......these poor bastards are SELLING their TRADITIONAL HOT RODS regretfully so they can FEED their families. One guy on here is down to his combat boots ready to loose his roof. These HUMAN BEINGS are the FORUM ! ! ! having to go to school to learn a new trade, start a new career doesn't happen overnight.
  23. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
    Posts: 13,404

    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    thats IF they are lucky enough to find someone that has the money to buy their Rod..and or finding out that they cant sell them to feed their families...yes these people are the HAMB..and this hurts us all
  24. Kerry67
    Joined: Apr 11, 2005
    Posts: 2,606


    It sure is but a LOT of people on this board are finding out that the HOT ROD is not the important thing in your life. Some times you gotta have a place to talk about LIFE as well with like minded people who may be in the same boat as you. Some of you keep saying how the HAMB is a family, so where is there a better place to talk about some of the crap we are going through ?? Maybe it is the only family some people have......
  25. JC Sparks
    Joined: Dec 8, 2008
    Posts: 733

    JC Sparks
    from Ohio

    I think we are all rite in the middle of that rainy day our parents told us to put some money away for.
  26. pwschuh
    Joined: Oct 27, 2008
    Posts: 2,906


    Please don't take this as a personal insult from someone who lives halfway 'round the world, but you should probably study a little about how economies work before you criticize things you don't understand. Just like WWII brought the US out of the Great Depression, OIF and the current war on terrorism have poured billions of dollars INTO THE US ECONOMY. Where do you think those HUMVEES, tanks, and weapons are made? Where do you think most of the soldiers' and contractors' salaries get spent? War funding might have diverted money from other gov't programs (most of which are already over-funded) but it did not hurt the economy. No one wants our soldiers to be dying in Iraq or anywhere else, but to blame ANY of our economic problems on the war is simply ludicrous. [/rant]
  27. Mazooma1
    Joined: Jun 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,545


    I'm glad to see the goodness of humanity rise to the surface on this thread.
    In a time of crisis good people step up and help one-another.
    You saw it after 9-11 and here, in Southern California, after the Northridge earthquake.
    Well, this is a crisis, both National and personal.
    We all have to rise above the name-calling and finger pointing to band together to solve and survive this together.
    There is enough blame to go around:
    The Democrats, Republicans, corruption, foreign aid, Iraq, foreclosures, mountains of personal debt, the national debt, unions, lack of unions, the voters, the non-voters, blah, blah, blah, and also, you and me all are responsible for this.
    The only way we as a Nation and personally are going to survive this is to act like we did during World War II.
    Yesterday, I was in the barber shop getting a trim when all of this was discussed. As I'll bet many of you would agree, the barber shop is the one place where discussing issues with common sense is standard procedure.
    (that and the hardware store).
    We were talking about how during World War II, people had gas rationing, grew vegetables in "Victory Gardens", bought War Bonds, and wasted nothing. People looked after eachother and all Americans lived with common win the war and to bring their troops home.
    People who are united and are working towards the common good for all are certain to prevail.
    Yesterday, here on the HAMB, one individual was offering help with resumes, while others offered support and suggestions.
    Lets let the historians document how America got into this mess. What we are left with is the "here and now"...what can we do today. Or, better yet, what can we do for someone else.
    We can all argue while Rome burns or we can act like the Americans back in the 40's and get tough, stay united, and work together for the good of ourselves and our Country.
  28. Quote………..Here is something else to think about. So many people are being laid off yet all these Baseball players are signing 30 Million dollar contracts to play a GAME. Sickening……
    The reason these chuckleheads get this kind of dough is that people are willing to pay the price of a ticket.<O:p</O:p

    I don’t watch much sports anymore……I saw Ray Nitscke, Bart Star, Johnny Unitas, Joe Namath and guys like that play, I watched Ken Norton bust Ali’s jaw.

    Why would I want to watch some chucklehead do a little victory dance in the end zone?<O:p</O:p

    These chuckleheads will keep getting 30 million dollar contracts as long as other chuckleheads keep buying tickets.<O:p</O:p

    In terms of our political chuckleheads? They’ll keep screwing our lives up as long as we keep voting for them.<O:p</O:p
  29. Cargo
    Joined: Jun 18, 2007
    Posts: 234


    Maybe this is the NEW Tradition. Back in the day you talked over your neighbors fence, or at the local pub. The subjects really have not changed much, the crux is greed, politics, and "how are we gonna survive this"? Now days we have cell phones and the net. We get together on this site as a like-minded group, traditional rods might be the glue that binds us, but so is the fact that we breath the same air, and have the same ups and downs. Hot rodding has been as much a mirror of what is going on in this country as anything else.
    Traditional rodding was born out of, 1)Desire 2) Innovation 3)Creativity and finally, 4)Knowledge. I suppose since I love this hobby that makes me a DICK, I'm proud to share the hobby, the joy and yes the troubles with my brothers.
    BTW, your avatar is'nt exactly "tradional Hot Rodding", but what do I know, I'm a DICK!
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