Found this and am looking for any information on it. 1949 hudson,its been shaved and chopped with tinted glass.It still has the flat 6 motor but has been updated to 12 volts.It looks like a 60s or 70s custom,Anyone know about this car? owner will take $3200 for it is it worth it?
You found one of the coolest looking cars in history, in good shape, and for the price of a used KIA.................. What exactly was your question?
The top looks stock to me. It would be the "factory chop". Also looks like a good deal. It's a seldom-seen 2-dr. brougham.
If you don't buy it, at least tell me where it is so I can buy it. A beat up Taurus with torn seats goes for $3,200. BUY IT!!!
That car isn't chopped at all. Hudson just built a custom car at the factory, that's all. For $3200 you caouldn't lose unless it won't run, and even then you caouldn't lose because engine swaps are not a problem. DO IT! IF the paperwork matches the car and all is well there, of course.
At this point I will check the paper work and if it all matches up I mite pass it on.I would really like an open car.
How much rust on the underbody and bondo under the paint? Assuming that it's not a frightfest underneath, that's a pretty smokin' deal.
Is that located in Suwanne GA? better snatch that up. even with that big ass dent on the roof and hood its a good deal
Looks like a good buy to me. I agree with others- top is not chopped. That is a two-door sedan or "Brougham" in Hudson parlance (they also made two door "Club Coupes" and two door "Hollywood" hardtops). The one thing to look for on these cars is rust in the perimeter frame. There is a frame rail that runs outside of the rear wheels and around the back of the car. Dirt can get trapped between the outer fender and this frame rail and cause severe rust. Not a show stopper, but be aware you may have some metal work to do. Oh yea, you can buy pre-made front and rear floor pans for these cars now, so don't worry too much about rusty floors if you find them. If you buy it, check in over at the Classic Cars Hudson forum: Hudson - Classic Car - Where Car Lovers Click
I'm a big believer in "get what you want so you don't get bored with it." If you're looking for a step-down Hudson, well you just found a smokin' deal. It is going to take a lot of time and money to make it right, so if you really aren't that interested in the car itself, let someone else know where it is. Kinda funny you thought it was chopped.
$3200 is a steal for that car, you could flip it and double your money. One of the papers there's a guy with a '49 coupe with a goofy custom paint job that doesn't run and he wants I think $7500 for it. I want $2000 for mine, it will run but needs paint and brakes and some frame repairs. As far as rot goes the place to look is the frame rails from the rear seat to the back of the car, especially between the last spring perch and the bumper.
There is no damage on the roof and the rockers seem solid.The car was painted long ago from the looks of it.Only a couple of bubbles around bottom of trunk lid.It had a cal.title from what I was told.I got a hold of the guy that took me to see it ,Hes a friend of the seller ,Hes getting more information,I am not into this style of car and did not know it was a factory roof line.It has tinted windows and the interior has been redone with original seats,Again it looks like something that was done years ago.I will know in a day or two if I want it.If not I will pass it on.