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O/T Add me to the list of unemployed.

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Fat ASS Whitewalls, Jan 8, 2009.

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  1. I was glad to get the letter of reference. I went to work everyday to do the best job I could. I was told once, "we're not building space shuttle parts here, these won't go to the moon."
  2. SanfordAndWife
    Joined: Nov 28, 2008
    Posts: 318

    from Michigan

    I'm with all of you. Lost my job 11 months ago. First time in 35 years that I've been off work more than 3 months! (situation similar to Don-Vee, but unable to men tion any details). Times are rough! Everyone hang in there, and my prayers are with all of you, as I do understand more each day the true meaning of LIVING BY FAITH.
  3. Rooster
    Joined: Jan 14, 2002
    Posts: 355


    I'm not sure who the entitlement class is, the scumbags who suck offa people like you n me who try to do what we can, who don't work and hence get welfare or who don't work and "shelter" their money from the tax man etc..? BUT I am glad I took the time to look into that link! I can't imagine that legislation actually getting traction in either Indiana or Kentucky, the states bordering my own, but worse things have happened already! What CRAP! And to see it coming from RED states and not having pending leg in our swing state just makes me further question who has what agenda? I'm hopeful(ug, there's that word) that such things get tabled as I see has happened repeatedly in NY. It just seems that certain people who would in no way infringe upon our right to own these weapons would make operating them for sport or pleasure an outrageously expensive affair. That would again lead me to believe that it comes from the second group I mentioned in my opening, who should probably be labelled the "entitled class". Gotta protect their interests from those who might rise up anonymously and remind them of how this country was founded. Doesn't sound very liberal based to me. They'd be dumb enough to believe nationwide victories at the recent polls gave them impetus to restrict ownership, again. And I believe that above All else, that is why a party who actually has many good ideas(yes, along with the nutty ones) can only implement a handful of them when the rich reeeally screw us regular people to the wall. But I'm pretty F'ing jaded. Of course I also firmly believe that I am entitiled to some of the money I've put into the system when things go badly for me and am not ashamed to take umemployment. Better to get mine when I need it than to perpetually give it to those who haven't earned it, I say. That said, ammo prices have gotten INSANE this past year! I just blew two unemployment checks! Hell, the prices have gone up over 25% just since the election! And clips have nearly doubled. It's like the whole politics of fear has crept over from oil speculation. I'm inclined to believe that speculating on some cases of ammo would make better profit in a year than you could on the stock market! Actually sounds less risky given the current markets and political climate. What is it about chance favoring the prepared?...
  4. squareonair
    Joined: Sep 19, 2006
    Posts: 27


    14 years in the building limo buisness and on dec. 31 2007 i was laid job yet ones doing any hiring.....just got to live simple and get back to the roots of life and just fabicate parts and make it how ever we can
  5. RichG
    Joined: Dec 8, 2008
    Posts: 3,919


    The worlds taking a dump on the middle class. Yep. Not a big secret there, it's been going on for over twenty years that I know of (I'm just a pup to some of ya!) and nothing is getting better about it. I watched my dad get laid off FIVE times, and I've had the pleasure of being booted once myself, but they kept our retirement money...

    It's not easy.
    It's not fun.
    Take advantage of whatever the Gub'ments handing out, you EARNED it! Take those dumbass classes, apply for grants and loans, look at what's available.
    Get re-educated.
    Move on.

    The only way you will fail is when you take on that sad sack "woe-is-me" attitude. That's when they'll get you, that's when they've won. I don't agree with everything I've read here, but there's some good stuff, some good people willing to help you if you are willing to help YOURSELF!

    I'm on medical right now, my company is day-to-day too. We make a product no one really NEEDS to survive, so who knows what tomorrow may bring? I'm losing my house, I can't pay for it, so I feel for Doc, I hope ya make out man. Keep your faith.

    I do know this: if you're working right now, pay off those credit cards! Pay off the toys, get rid of the excess, trust me, you won't miss it. Those $25 payments may not seem like much, but add a bunch of them together, or fall behind on one of them, or run over the limit. Your perception of credit will change instantly.

    And as for those that would tell you to "man up" or "get a job"... have they been in your shoes? It's easy to look down your nose, that is until your eating dirt and wondering what the hell just happened. I know, it happened to me. The shock to the system alone is enough to ruin a man. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

    All those conspiracy theories, what's going on and who's doing it? They don't matter, not one bit. The world keeps spinning no matter who's in charge, and nothing ever really changes.

    Worry about yourselves if you aren't willing to reach out and help someone else out. They sure don't need your boot in their faces. Life's hard enough without having someone crap on you for no good reason. Save your hate and self loathing for yourself.

    I've been there before, I'm there now, I'll be there again. It's not as bad as it seems. Look around, tell me you don't see one good thing in your life...

    Good luck brothers.
  6. Mark in Japan
    Joined: Jun 19, 2007
    Posts: 1,466

    Mark in Japan

    I'm sorry....Im a bit confused.

    Is this the same Doc who couldn't phone Mooneyes coz he WORKED 14 hours +, 7 days, in an Aussie Emergency ward ??????? only a month or two ago???????

    I smell something funky!

    ....and you never did post the pix of that project you were workin on...:confused:

    In the words of another Aussie bigotted redneck from up North...."Please Explain"
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2009
  7. Mark in Japan
    Joined: Jun 19, 2007
    Posts: 1,466

    Mark in Japan

  8. Mark in Japan
    Joined: Jun 19, 2007
    Posts: 1,466

    Mark in Japan

    Im disgusted that you would make a mockery of other people's GENUINE hardship. :mad:
  9. On the Dec 19 the Chev dealership I worked for closed to rid itself of the union, also a Pontiac dealer closed the owners merged and built two show rooms and one garage and hired non union from the Pontiac dealer they had lowered pay, no sick days only two weeks of holidays and they could set the opening hours. we worked 4 9hr days plus fri. until noon and they wanted to do the wal-mart thing. I was off on disability so I'm ok until May and I was going to retire so everything is fine for now
  10. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    And there we go people, we have assholes here in Australia too. You are welcome to come up and see my situation for your self, in fact PLEASE do, I would like to meet you face to face!
    Didn't read the thread huh? Just made an assumption, because there is obviously no way one can loose their job is there, funny that was explained in the thread huh? The quote you put up is from October, of course that is just ONE or TWO months ago.
    Of course you know exactly when I was on the VA pension too right? So that too has bearing on my situation? Missed the part where I hadn't been paid a cent from them in years?
    I had savings but with VA wanting 10g from me, I have had to pay what I could, eats up those savings pretty fast. I think I will get that back, I have been paying for a debt I don't have but that is beside the point.
    Yup, its bad enough being in this situation, now I have to put up with this little fool.
    No wonder Australia is not half the country it once was, and to think I once vowed with my life to defend YOU!
    Your disgusted? Man I now have to put up with the stigma of being from the same country as you. Do try to remove your head from your arse before making such an idiot of yourself.

    Last edited: Jan 13, 2009
  11. One of my businesses has been recruiting, I have been in it for exactly 20 years. I am very specialized, working mainly in finance and energy. I have as of late worked mostly in renewable energy, which encompasses sectors like wind, solar, geothermal, biomass/biofuels, and hydro. I would research sectors like wind and solar for manufacturing and service jobs, they are growing areas. Blade, tower, etc,. manufacturing has been moving to the US, and new factories have been built and old factories are being retooled. Try doing searches on google for:
    green/ green jobs
    sustainable/ sustainability
    solar manufacturing jobs
    wind manufacturing jobs
    energycentral jobs

    Some wind companies to help prime your search:
    Hansen (gear boxes)
    tpi composites
    lm glasfiber

    Solar (photovoltaic mostly):

    I think folks should do a few things when embarking on a job search. Number one, have a nice dinner. The next day you need to look at whether your past job and industry are worth staying in for a while or not at all. If I worked for a automotive dealer as a parts manager, I'm not sure I'd try to stay in the industry. You know it's contracting, even for the imports, so if you elect to stay in it you are doing it because you know it not because the industry has legs to it.

    For those who can, and have an interest in doing side work or starting up new businesses, I'd look for a regular job and do stuff on the side and see what happens. I have a friend who is an insurance broker who was just laid off, but he's been powdercoating on the side for a while. He's going to do that fulltime until he can secure another job.
    There might be a bounce after the inauguration, but don't want for the job markets to all of a sudden lift. You need to be out there, sending a lot of resumes, doing a lot of research.

    My recruiting firm has gotten pretty slow, about as slow as we were in Jan 2002 so we are doing 4 times the amount of normal client development.

    Good luck to all, and like we've all been doing, save up money for a rainy day. We might be at the bottom, which is good, but we might stay here for a while, which is bad.

    John Ryan
  12. 29nash
    Joined: Nov 6, 2008
    Posts: 4,542

    from colorado

    Keep your sense of humor and you'll do just fine. Me? If the rug was yanked out from under me, my cars would be that last to go because I have less money in them than anything else! I like to brag on how much I DIDN'T spend on them. :D

    Life's like a ship sailing along the rocky coast. Stopping dead, steered straight ahead, turning into the rocks, or heading out to the open sea are the options. Your outlook on is the rudder, luck is the unknown, with fate as the compass.

    Any advice would be rhetoric, don't know enough about your situation. One man's opinion is only a part of the mix.

    Generally speaking, decide what you want to do and pursue it.

    Simple as that.

    I'm clicking off this computer and going out to drive the Hot Rod Nash. It's going to be sunny and about 40F. No windows in the car yet, so with heater warming my feet, I'll drived until my nose and ears turn blue

    Good luck.:cool:
  13. Mr Haney
    Joined: Jul 17, 2008
    Posts: 1,000

    Mr Haney

    Funny , I was watching a special on TV last night that blew me away. The girls in the Autralian military were getting free boob jobs on the government. They were parading around with little ausie flags and cleavage hanging out. This was on national TV last night. Funny Doc cant get a meal outa them ! ! ! Hey Doc I offered you a place to stay for minimal labor FREE at a friends farm. All you had to do is feed some horses. Peace Out
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2009
  14. povertyflats
    Joined: Jan 8, 2007
    Posts: 8,283

    from Missouri

    Christ, why are you guys kicking Doc Watson while he's down? He can't just jump on a plane and come over here. Not that simple. He has to have a travel visa, money, (I know some have offered to help), approval from his government and ours, and etc. Not to mention he has health issues, medications and so forth. He is dealing with alot of issues that most of us better hope we don't get stuck with.
  15. Don B.
    Joined: Jan 13, 2009
    Posts: 70

    Don B.
    from IL

    Yup; join the crowd. 1st post here though I have bummed around here lurking. I lost my job on a medical (WTH is the difference between getting hurt/at home, which is where I did, right in my own front yard) but with the Dr still not cooperating I can't even go looking; hopefully by the time he cuts me loose the jobv market will open up.

    I spent 18 years as an alignment guy, became ASE master certified over that time;

    then 4 years ago I switched to ind maintenance in a steel mill. lots better pay there. AND NO MORE SNAP ON BILLS! that's the job that I "officially" just lost 12/26, but have not worked since getting hurt 9/26/07. I was working in my front yard taking out tree stump, and the chain saw kicked back on me nearly costing me my right foot above the ankle. but I feel I could be out there working. so I am gonna try and get out into my (unheated) garage and make some headway on my too-long term project car, which you guys will learn about as I hang out here and post about it.
  16. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    Seconded. :(


  17. Mr Haney
    Joined: Jul 17, 2008
    Posts: 1,000

    Mr Haney

    NOT kicking anybody ! ! He aint gettin shit from the gov over there. Myself and others would most likely be able to fund the plane trip. He can at least get a roof over his head here in states ! ! the main focus would be to get here , the other stuff can be worked out. Laws here may be more in his favor. How much will you kick in ? ? ? I am good for a 50. No law here against coming over on visitation...................with will there is a way.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2009
  18. povertyflats
    Joined: Jan 8, 2007
    Posts: 8,283

    from Missouri

    I'm good for $100 towards Doc's plane ticket. He hasn't gotten clearance to travel yet. But if he does I'm in. He's a stand up guy and a great contributor to the HAMB. I like the guy.
  19. Mr Haney
    Joined: Jul 17, 2008
    Posts: 1,000

    Mr Haney

    Cool PF ......sorry if i sounded brass. After watching the TV about ausie military girls getting FREE boob jobs from government , This red blood in my veins boiled over ! ! They were bragging about it on national tv ! !
  20. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
    Posts: 13,404

    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    now what is the aussie military going to use them for?....distraction?

    that should piss off a shit load of tax payers , and military personell,
    sounds like some bone headed stunt our military would pull....oh wait..maybe they already have...we did have a Boob as president for the last 2 terms...:eek::D:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2009
  21. RichG
    Joined: Dec 8, 2008
    Posts: 3,919


    That should be a wake up call to anyone playing with chainsaws. My uncle nearly lost his life when I was young because of a saw. The safeties on the old Stihl saws would lock up if you sneezed, so in production work they would remove them. No big deal, that is until the chain kicked off the bar and didn't lock up under the cover. Whipped his throat three times I think, barely missed his windpipe and arteries. Small saws are more dangerous than big ones, they can build more speed with no mass to slow them, and people think they're so darn cute...

    Sorry, safety rant, won't happen

    I don't have much, but I'll commit to $20 right now to get Doc here, and I'll give more at the time if I've got it.
  22. BillBallingerSr
    Joined: Dec 20, 2007
    Posts: 651

    from In Hell

    I agree, WTF is wrong with people? I'll throw in $100 myself, I can't afford it, but Goddamn it I will find a way. It doesn't matter to me what red tape you're wrapped up in, I've been there too. Imagine making sacrifices for things that never happened. Doc you are among friends here. Don't forget that, it makes it worth getting up. We will help if we can. All I need is an address and verification that it is going to you. Put it toward your VA debt if you have to.
  23. BillBallingerSr
    Joined: Dec 20, 2007
    Posts: 651

    from In Hell

    I'll never touch another Stihl under the logger size. That little 009-011 thing is a piece of crap. The big saws are still pretty good. That goes for Poulan and the other Wal-Crap saws.

    Husquvarna Pro-Series, or good old 16" Sachs-Dolmar are the only small-medium saws I'd trust up in a tree.
  24. inkundone
    Joined: Sep 12, 2007
    Posts: 276


    I got laid off on Christmas Eve.

  25. Frieght railroads are hiring. CSX, Norfork Southern, Union Pacific, etc etc. Welders, machinists, track labor, conductors, etc. Yea it's hard work, but it's honest work. I'm applying to any frieght railroad I can. I guess this is the time in my life my grandfather said I would have to suck it up and do whatever, work whenever and sacrifice my free time to support my wife and the bun in the oven.

    Good luck to everyone looking for work. We will come out on top. Time to take back our country!!
  26. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774



    My dad has a "Poulan" riding mower from Sam's Club. The first time I saw it I had to comment, "Poulan... isn't that French for 'chicken'?" :D


  27. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    Remember boy, you can give your soul to Jesus, but the Railroad owns your ass!

    Dad worked for the UP since the late 50s and just retired 3 months ago... ask about the above statement when talking to older railroad workers. It's true!


  28. BillBallingerSr
    Joined: Dec 20, 2007
    Posts: 651

    from In Hell

    You know I think you are right :D:D:D
  29. I wouldn't work for CSX. You get hurt on the job, they blame you, no matter how rediculous, fire you, and you have to go through the union to get back on or sue them to get a settlement - usually for pennies on the dollar. Trust me, I know a guy who went through it.

    Don't get me wrong, it's probably better than no job at all, but you have to be a hell of a lot more careful.
  30. realkustom51
    Joined: Nov 14, 2005
    Posts: 664


    I visit 1 of about 5000 fabrication and metal shops each day. Have been since 1993. My territory is from DC to Florida, east coast only.
    If there is one thing I hear each day is how many metal workers and mad fabricators are being let go. Since I know these shops very well and many of the owners, maybe I can offer anyone a name and location of a shop near your area that may be hiring.
    Its the least I can do since ,so far, I am still working. I might be adding my name to this list very soon.
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