Rick: Heh, yeah I forgot about that home-made durometer gauge. I made it at work and through extensive trial and error finally got the right spring and compression amount to make it useful. Its original purpose was to be a quick way to test other street racer's tires to see how sticky they were. You'd just walk up and push it aginst the tread and read the dial. That was the intention, but I only used it a few times. I just never felt right sneaking around other people's cars. Some people would crawl all over your car when you were away, almost to the extent of bringing a creeper and drop light. But the empirical knowledge of the softness of those McCrearys was undeniable after I got past my original skepticism. Excellent tires. Hoosiers were good as well. My life revolved around street racing, remember that starting light I made? I used the bottom and handle of an anti-freeze bottle, it had a red light on top, a yellow light in the middle, and a green light on the bottom. Battery operated with buttons for activating each light. It was sort of a hand held Christmas tree. I loved making those kinds of semi-trick items. -- BottleBob http://home.earthlink.net/~bottlbob
Oh yeah, I was amazed at your carb work. Remember those little cubes, hollow on the inside with a tiny cube inside? Guys, don't ever play chess or Atari missile attack with Bob, he's a master.
JF: That's odd. It seems the police are doing traffic control for the racers. How old it that video? -- BottleBob http://home.earthlink.net/~bottlbob
Rick: Actually, I use one of those cubes on my keychain to this day. A picture of it is on my homepage. Atari? - That sure "dates" both of us, eh? LOL -- BottleBob http://home.earthlink.net/~bottlbob
One night, I drove the vette to Glenoaks and Peoria looking for a race. Words out, it's Bob's old vette. A couple of guys that have a '41 Willys pickup (old drag truck with a chopped top) come up with an idea. Race the Willys and lose, so everyone will see how slow the vette is. I say, "What the heck! Let's do it!!". Since Bob is there without a race car, I ask him if he wants to drive the vette, but he has to lose. He agrees so I don't bother removing the air cleaner or air out the tires. I give Bob the keys and head to the finish line. I hear the cars doing their burnouts and stage. I hear both cars squealing tires as they leave. I can see headlights bouncing with each shift but can't make out which car is which. As they get closer, I finally make out the vette. It's ahead by a long shot, WTF!!!. After the race, I ask Bob what happened? He was suppose to lose. Bob shrugs his shoulders and said, "I couldn't help it". I had to laugh after that. Funny, one night I had Bob's wife's VW Bug with an auto-stick. Don't remember why I didn't have a car. Anyway, walking around the street races, I'm hitting up daily drivers for a race. Once they find out Bob owns the bug, no takers.
Bottle Bob story-Bob was sort of a recluse. Wouldn't talk to you unless he really had to. One night, before we were friends, I ask him if he needs a steel crank for a 454. I'd ended up with it in a trade, but I raced small block stuff. Bob says, I can use it eventually but have no money. We go back and forth for a few minutes, and I agree to let him plumb a Holley base plate for hidden nitrous for me. Gives me his address, and says come by tonight, I'll be in the garage. I show up and the garage door is open maybe 2 feet. I knock, he says come in. I said open the door, he says crawl under. TOP SECRET dude. Now, Bob's not too big on socializing at the street races, but here, no problem. He's showing me experimental nitrous shit all over the garage. Motor eater over here, Franken this, Mrs Chubrock that.....Clear plastic blocks with different shapes to analyze flow characteristics under different conditions, etc. It's an hour or two later and I'm gonna leave (crawling under the cracked door again), when he stops me, and asks, would I be interested in seeing what 4 units of juice does to a 13 second Vette? Well, that's like the moron on TV asking "who wants to be a millionaire? Like anyone's gonna say no. So Bob turns on the air compressor, and crawls behind the seats. Whadda ya fockin doin? He's got a silver cylinder like for pumping soda at a restaurant 1/2 full of gas that he's pressurizing in the event of fuel pump failure, or some shit like that. Then he pulls out a box from under the bench. Opening it reveals a 10lb Nitrous bottle in dry ice to be able to put 12lbs in it. Long story, longer, we're on the freeway hitting switches and just hauling ass. I'm very impressed! Bob gets off the freeway and says too much pressure in the bottle is causing "some" of the solenoids to stick and not open. There's MORE I'm thinking? Well, yes there was. After bleeding off some pressure, he's hitting the horn button nitrous (and steering) with 3 fingers and shifting through the gears and hauling some very serious ass. After that, I was leary on using the baseplate he'd plumbed for me
Groucho: Ya know, that reminds me of something I tried for awhile. I had a tank inside the car that had avation gas in it. You couldn't really run av. gas in your tank to the races since it gives your exhaust a distintive odor and is like trying to get a race while having the bubonic plague. No-one will even come NEAR your car to race. Anyway, I've got two ball valves and a "Tee" in the fuel line. I can turn one ball valve off which cuts the fuel from the regular gas tank, and turn the other ball valve open to run the av. gas to the rear fuel pump. The whole point was to be able to drive all over the valley on pump gas, but when you actually GET a race you flip the ball valves and your on av gas. Which of course allows you to use more nitrous without incurring severe pre-ignition & detonation, and without having to retard your spark so much. Some personal info, I almost never think about the old days. But since replying to these threads all those dormant memories are slowly surfacing. Stuff I hadn't thought of or remembered for DECADES.
Now, is that a GOOD, or BAD thing? Either way, you prolly now "get" why most of us still talk about those times
It was 1964 and I was hanging out at a drive-in called " Mighty MO's" just outside Washington D.C..Lots of hot cars,mostly regulars.I looked over in the next isle and there was a 62 chev. 2dr.cheapo model and the owner was calling cars out to race.I know he left once and prolly ran someone and beat them and came right back.He'd pick a car that he thought would give him a good run and he'd rev his engine in front of them.He sat in the isle and got out and opened his hood and some people looked,it was a 409 built to the gills.I'm sitting in my 57 ford rag top with a 312 that after it sat for a while and started up would smoke like a sombitch.I wasn't opening my mouth,but a guy with a 64 ford fastback 390 went over and told the guy for money he'd meet him out on the highway were they had a quarter mile painted off on the road.They agreed on the money and everyone took off to the place and parked on both sides of the road and got out of our cars.We were all waiting with the 409 guy and then comes the ford sounding pretty healthy.They held up traffic and a flag man waved them on and when they took off the engines and the burning tires were so loud it was exciting as hell.The Ford kicked his ass and we went back to "Mighty Mo's" and the Ford came in but we never saw the 409.Later we found out that 2 brothers owned a gas station and they had Identical 64 Ford fastbacks except for one small detail the one they brought to the race had a 427 .
I remember that Willy's pick up, old gasser style, painted black (old paint) some crazy roll cage in it that the driver always had to twist himself into, I remember one night on Saticoy & Woodman we lined up with my 64 Nova, I left on him and pulled 3 cars, then he drops back, I let off and beat him from a coast, he got the thing stuck in low gear, we set up for a rematch and when he was ready in about 2 weeks I had sold the Nova for a 69 SS Camaro cruiser. Good Times !!
Well, I got a story. My husband and I lived in a small 2 bedroom rent house on the outskirts of town. Well every Friday and Saturday night it was grand central station at out house. We had everyone that was a street racer at our house. We even had trailer cars stop by the house on the way home from the drag strips out of town. One night in perticular, there is a very well known street racer here with a BBC Monte Carlo on the gas, that the hubby had been trying to get a race with for quite a while. Hubby's truck is a 71 chopped chevy with 383 on the gas. so this guy shows up and Tray immediately approaches him. He says the only way he will race is if Tray runs his buddy first in this 350 Chevy Mustang, LOL so Tray say's line em up. We knew what he had in mind, he wanted Tray to waste his bottle then run him. So Tray races the mustang and lets him win by about a car and a half or so. In the meantime this guy is running up to me yelling tell him to go to the light, tell him to go back to the light!!! Tray pulls up to the driveway and tells me, turn my bottle on with a smirk..........LOL So the race is on, and Tray gets him by 1 car, and they both return to the driveway. He walks over to Tray and says I don't understand what happen, I beat that mustang all the time! He leaves just as confused as he was when he got beat............ Just recently Tray (the hubby) gets called out late one Saturday night that there is a trailer car wanting to run his 30 model truck (BBC) this truck has 273 gears, no posi, no convertor and way toooo much motor. So, we go out in the back yard pop on slicks, uncap headers and go about 5 miles down the road to meet this guy. He has a Mazda something??? with a stroked SBF on the gas. They both agree on a heads up race, the guy told us this car is a 10.50 car on the gas, but we are ready. Tray is feeling pretty confident seeing that the truck only weighs about 2,400#'s and if the truck ever bites he might be able to out mile per hour him on the big end. So the race is on, Tray jumps him about 3 cars out of the gate (damn Jimmy's slicks worked good, didn't think she would bite) then the junky ass 700 R4 shifts at 4000rpm's into second, then the Mazda is next to Tray. He's turning about 6800 rpm's shifts to third gear and the damn thing won't shift!!!! Back out of the throttle, and there is that damn Mazda coming on around! He's got Tray by one fender when he get's back in it and goes to third. The Mazda wins by a car length, Tray grits his teeth but as he always does walks over and shakes the guys hand. We go home and the very next day, the truck has started coming apart. It is now getting a turbo 350, 4000 convertor, triangulated 4 link, 9" ford with 411 posi. Lookin for a piss yella deuce coupe!!!! LOL
I posted this on the other page but wanted it here SORRY I remember running some guy in a 69 chevy (i had a 67 fastback 390 4 speed) On woodley and saticoy, And the firemen had chairs out we had about 6 races there and they all went in fast, then here came the cops. that night the mg with the sbc in broke the drive shaft again. i saw him line up about 6 time never got down the track Oh and i won $30 bucks lol my one and only money race
I saw him recently at the Long Beach swap meet. He still has the Willys but now he has another one. Red with Coca Cola on the side. It's a radical piece, roller cammed bbc with like 15-1 compression. He drove it from Glendale. Told his wife to hang by the phone in case in broke.
Big Block Mama: Loved your stories. A female of the species interested in street racing! So rare - so cool. AND, writing street race stories... you're putting your male counterparts to shame. -- BottleBob http://home.earthlink.net/~bottlbob
bob boyd was a local legend with that vega...first time i met him was at scottys on whittier blvd. one of my friends had a 1965 chevelle with a 427 and 4 gear 4 or 5 of us pooled our money to race him for a couple hundred bucks. over the next year that money changed hands back and forth a few times. legend has it that eventually the vega was so well known boyd couldnt get a race ,so he sold the body and put the motor in a 66-67 nova hard top. at some point boyd moved into a house in my neighborhood and i would talk to him once in awhile. i left that neighborhood in the early 80s i havent seen or heard from him since. i do think he still has some of my money tho.
One night, it's late and there aren't too many cars around. There's a '68 Mustang with a 390 so I ask if they want to race. We exchange info on each others cars (in other words lie) and the kid wants 3 cars. Off we go to Vanowen and Clybourn. Both cars are staged, the hands drop and we're off. First gear, the revs are climbing and I'm slowly catching the Mustang. Suddenly the engine dies, WTF , the Mustang is pulling, but I left it in gear and the engine restarts. Hit 2nd gear, the Mustang is now 5 cars ahead. Revs climb then the motor shuts off. Then it occurs to me, the rev limiter, it's set on 5000 rpm. I crank the pointer over to 8000 rpm and the engine restarts. Now the Mustang is 8 cars ahead. I shoulda kept the nitrous on the car. I hit 3rd gear and punch it. Now I'm freight training and making up distance fast. Slam 4th gear and go by the Mustang (sigh). Head back to the start and the Mustang guys are pissed. "You've got nitrous!". I said no I don't. "Yes you do. You hit it in 3rd gear!!!". I laugh and explain that my rev limiter was set too low. I pop the hood and let them look.............
Thought I'd chime in from a distant land far far away... Hawaii. When I was growing up in the 60's, I lived at home and my Dad said I couldn't have two cars so my '55 Chevy was my commuter, love wagon and race car. I was the reigning E/G & D/MP champ at the time and drove it to work everyday - with 5.12 gears! Good thing gas was cheap then @ $.50 a gallon for Chevron Custom Supreme (which I thought was expenseive). There used to be lots of street activity on weekends as any city would in the 60's. One event particularly sticks in my mind is: One night, the track was closed and people gathered in the industrial park where the track (Hawaii Raceway Park) was located and street racing started. There was this '58 I saw there that bugged me when I was on a date with my now ex-wife and I didn't want to run him with her in the car. So I called him out, ran and beat him. When I was returning to the starting line, I saw the crowd scatter which meant the cops had come to snuff us out. Being in a semi-developed industrial area, there were lots of unfamiliar streets so I took off down this street that looked good to me. In my mirror I saw a bunch of headlights following me which wasn't good (people weren't familiar with the area too so were following me - blind leading the blind). To make things worse, this was a dead end street so I had to turn around. When I did, I saw several cops had blocked off the entrance and knew I was screwed. Then one of the cops took his gun out and fired several shots in the air. I think at that point I had visions of the St. Valentines's Day Massacre... They were cool and I got off that evening, I don't remember why. Another race was this '56 Chevy in my girlfriend's town. She was from a different town from me and guys don't like outsiders taking their girls. I was called out by this guy so we went to this desserted road in the pineapple fields. We lined up and nailed it and he missed a shift so we stopped and started again. This time I again jumped him on the line and was about a 1/2 to a car length ahead of him when I started to lose control - I had just installed a set of narrow front tires and the car reacted differently which I wasn't used to. Good thing I was in front and nothing came of it. I believe the road was a bit wet as this place rains alot. We decided to call it quits before someone got hurt. Now here's the kicker, this guy lost his right arm (in the bicep area) in a motorcycle accident and drives with his left. So you say, "what's the big deal?" This '56 has a 4 speed and he shifts with his left hand... Try that in a race! Fun to relive the "good old days". Though I'm older and supposedly wiser, it's fun to look back at the good times of our youth. Someone said "it's amazing how much we get done when were're young and stupid."
My buddy, who came from Hawaii, had a '32 3 window which he still owns to this day. He was running from the police. As he came around a curve, he lost sight of the police. He ran his car into a bunch of bushes on the side of the road, hiding the coupe. After the police drove by, he pulled out and went in the opposite direction. This took place in the early 60's. With what paint jobs cost nowadays, can you imagine doing that now! The ticket would be cheaper.
You don't like this thread so it has to be closed? Here's an idea...if you don't like it, move on. Why is it that there are always guys like you wanting to dictate things to the rest of us? Besides, how is this off-topic? This is a site for traditional rods and customs, and it cannot be disputed that street racing is a huge part of our heritage, period. You may not like that, but the facts are the facts.
First time at the street races....I was about 16 I think. A buddy of mine had a 64 Lemans that had a snotty 455 in it. We used to race anything and everything in those days...we used to go to the local street races in the summer together. Cars would start to show up at the local Whitlock Auto Parts around midnight. Everyone was quiet in the lot. Just walking past cars, peering underneath etc...races started around 1am I'd say. The lot would be packed....125 cars in race trim. Tubbed Novas, wheelie bars on Chevelles, cars on trailers. It was awesome. My favorite memory was a HOT summer night. Probably late July. Humid as hell. No breeze...just sweaty guys in a lot. Saw a nasty 409 in a 63 Impala line up against a 68 or 69 Nova. Both cars on slicks...both do a nice burnout. They line up. Flashlight lights up and they are off. There was so much rubber on the pavement from night after night of races. It was the first time in person I had ever seen someone hang the hoops on the street. My jaw must have hit the curb. That Nova just planted and went. Car didn't have a really mean idle or anything but man did it scoot. The Imp was and is still owned by a really tall black guy that still builds 409s. He has a 55 Bel Air also today with a blown stroker 409.
Thanks BottleBob! We are very much enjoying your stories as well as everyone elses! I had posted a street racing story on here when I first joined and caught so much crap from it I was kind of nervous about posting any other stories until I saw this thread! Man you guys rock! 16 solenoids, holy crap how many stages is that?? LOL Well, I have a small story of my own drag racing experience. The same night Tray raced the mazda, I had a race of my own. A friend of ours built a 37 dodge pickup with a 440, w/727 and they brought it over that night. Well, I am in my 30 coupe and it only seems right to call him out. (This was my first race ever) My car has a 350sbc, turbo 350, one legger, but she is real real light. She ran a 12.97 at 106mph at the day of the drags in Temple. So Tray uncaps my headers and tells me to stand on it and don't look back! So I am shaking in my boots nervous as hell!! It is a heads up race from a roll. I hit the gas and start shifting gears, don't look back and never even saw his headlights! Man I blew his doors off, what an awesome feeling!! I got back and Tray was so happy that his "old lady" beat a dude!!! That had a 440 at that!! So we went on to the house to open a beer start a bomb fire and sit around and tell stories!!! bigblockmama
BBM: While I've had staged units in a lot of different cars, the Frankensqueeze unit was ALL or NOTHING. It would be probably be less then useless on a street tire'd car since if you didn't have a rev limiter it might spin the tires so quick you'd bend a valve/pushrod or throw a rod. Great first race story, and a WIN at that! Maybe you should make a little decal with a picture of his car with one of those red circles with a line through it, and stick it on the side of your car. The start of hopefully a long list of your "kills". LOL -- BottleBob http://home.earthlink.net/~bottlbob
Talk about a good laugh!! Now that was funny!! I don't think our friend would appreciate that too much!! He has since sold his 37 dodge, and is building a 52 chevrolet gasser. I will go after the gasser once he has it done!! I am waiting on my new sanderson drag headers to come in, and we do have a real real nasty aluminum headed small block sitting on the stand if I need to make a quick change!! LOL BBM
Wow, my kinda of woman. Great story. During my street racing days, I had a short lived girlfriend but she liked to go to the street races. One day, I have my daily driver. Its a '75 Chevy Monza with a 350/350 from the factory. My buddy has an AMC Hornet and think both girls should race. They get out and line up. The Hornet jumps out but the Monza catches and passes the Hornet. Both girls come back soooo jazzed, my girlfriend is offering 5 cars to the Hornet. She wins again. That was what captured my heart. Unfortunately, we broke up a month later but I still think of her to this day.
Yea, Tray always tells me I am his perfect match because I love the hobby so much!! We are few and far between, it is kinda irritating sometimes though, because all girls want to do is shop, and I am always in the shop getting greasy or grinding on something!! haha If I know how to post pictures I would post some of me and Tray with the hotrods. Our most current project is a 72 Nova, 454/350 ! We just bought all the new interior and have been working on it every day after work. I am sure we will be getting "called out" real soon once word hits the street! LOL
Here's a cool shot I just found. This is Devoshire and Arleta. The Mustang's getting a "spot" (car lengths) from an off camera car. That's "Fat Ron" flagging the race, while "Mustang Bob" (my machinist of over 30 yrs) looks bored while sitting on the curb
We street raced at the Cleveland tank plant [ now IX center] average race in the eighties was 20 dollars. We would hang down in the valley [ metropark] to drum up action. Back em in up on the grass with wax and rags, break out the frisbee's and wait. Never fails some punk would drive by shoot a rev, you simply flip em off, they stop to talk, its on. The Tank Plant was used during WWll for war production, nothing but open 4-laner, non residential streched out for 1/2 mile. Also had several emergency exit options. Directly next to Hopkins airport so the jets would drown out even open header cars. I often take my coupe there for solo runs these days, but do not street drag anymore. Can't afford to loose my CDL , drag racing fuckin 8 pointer nowdays. My friend Dave Gentelli and Dennis Sunderman never got to legal drinking age were both killed street racing. My friend Joe Poletta { JIMS TRIM } Son Joe Jr just died last summer . He was a passenger in a street race age 15. My Point ? I aint got one, just miss them. MH
One of my rappies the 'Mad Greak' had a 402 bbc in a 67 firebird, 4-sp muncie, 456 gears. he was pulling 2nd gear when the shit hit the fan. his hand holding the shifter was almost sucked through the floor. grenaded the trans, spit the driveshaft. The mopar 2 cars behind him pulled up with pieces parts sitting on his hood , cracked windshield ! I will never forget the look on that guys face ! PS. there is nothing more traditional than street racing in my opinion. That is the very begining
Mr. Haney: I've never heard the term "rappies" before. Perhaps it's a geographical thing, where's Green Acres? Anyway, it's funny how just a few words can trigger memories that have lain dormant for decades. I was to race this 66-67 Chevelle (the name Chuck comes to mind but I'm not sure that's it) that was running a tunnel ram and slicks (actually a barely streetable car) against my brown Vette on street tires. I was getting car lengths, I don't recall the exact number now, probably 4 or 5. We're doing this on the Simi freeway. I do some small tire cleaning burnouts and wait while he's doing water burnouts - repeatedly laying down rubber - the whole 9 yards. Starter points to me, then to him, up down and we're off. I'm about 3/4 of the way through low gear and he's already at my door handle and movin' fast. I'm thinking Uh oh, this can't be a good sign. So I do what I NEVER do, and that's hit the juice at the top of low gear and power shift with the button on as a sort of last resort measure to try to keep him from putting too many cars on me. Oh boy, THAT DEDCISION was less than intelligent as it shreds the ring and pinion and I coast to the side of the road with sounds coming from my drivetrain like bowling balls turning in an empty cement mixer - MY portion of the race is OVER! The next day I take it to a friends house to put another rear end in. Rick Uyeda (GassersGarage) was kind enough to give me a hand. Thanks Rick, if I was so focused at the time to have forgotten to thank you. But the crummy part WAS, that after we replaced the rear end we found out that the M21 trans was toast as well. So I went and dug up another trans and we put that in as well. God, the HOURS and DAYS of work to just have a few seconds of excitement!