Larry what's wrong with a well done faux finish? Many aren't done right, but when they are done right, and then driven to add more patina they sure look good to me.
Here's an old Chevy I have been after for years! My friend dropped it off. Just take it & do something with it! Been aging for about 30 something years. Here she is after a bath & a new pair of shoe's! I didnt even know it was blue!
More metal 'au naturelle' than paint, but this is the real deal baked to perfection in the desert sun... Did have to paint the hood with rustoleum 'rusty metal' to blend in though.
That is an originol build car. Not some new rat rod. It was used in the mid west for delivering "mail" in the ozarks during winter. I drank some mighty fine shine with those fella's at the hotrodarama last year.
I've been studying your pictures and I just can't figure out where the blue paint came from. I'm looking at the back of the cab, I see the tan section in the "clean" picture on the passenger side below the window, but I see NO evidence of it in the before pic. Frickin' amazing. Did you buff it out, or what? Did you really just wash it? I seriously wanna know.
Here's my Dodge when I first brought it home. I keep thinking I should throw some paint on it but I kinda like the way it looks.
That is a killer ride, would really dig seeing it in person and if i were handing out a good ol home made triphy at a show this would be my pic hands down...glad they did tear it down.