I want to go to Roswell and visit the aliens there. I'm sure there are some Roswellian HAMB'ers on here. When is there a rod run to your fair ET area? Are there any San Antonians or Austinites interested in cruising that direction for an event? Obviously, I do not get out much.
dont know of any rod runs, but i was there a year ago and saw some pretty good junk yards around there and the Artesia area.
This is the last photo taken of fellow HAMBer, Sgt. Harry Shrub, with the car club, "Uranus Flamers". He was a resident of Roswell and had cold sores that would glow in the dark. He hasn't been seen in 6 years...
You know, I think there's an actual Western Auto in Roswell... at least ten years or so ago there was. I felt like I really was in the Twilight Zone! ~Jason
I really miss Harry, the HAMB just hasn't been the same since he went M.I.A. He always had stories to tell that were out of this world, and some of the coolest tech posts... Anyone remember his tech on building the 50X-05 Mark II with hyper drive that was powered by a t~+g fx y^)uvs hyper drive with inter-stellar boost? That was a good one!
Alien schmalien! We've all heard the story of the jet engine attatched to an old Chevy. I tell ya, that's all it was.
There's a Rod Run that's not far from Roswell. It's called the Run to Ruidoso Downs, it's held on the first full weekend in October (Oct 2nd and 3rd 2009).
I have Ben one who knows thy are real .I just hope thy don't think we are food . and there is not quite Enif of us yet .to pick up and take us away.4 a snack.
do not fear the unknown....we come in peace....take me to your leader....if you do not comply, we will peacefully eradicate you....do not fear the unknown....we come in peace....take me to your leader....if you do not comply, we will peacefully eradicate youl....do not fear the unknown...we come in peace.........oh oh Jeopardy's on...gotta run now...Look to the SKY!!!! Klatu
After my wife and I do the Lonestar Round-up in April we plan on driving the old truck through New Mexico and maybe into Arizona and on in to Colorado and back through Kansas on the way back home. May go through Roswell. That's the plan now. Holler if you might want to tag along part of the way. Later, Dick
I'm from Carlsbad, about 1 hour from Roswell. There are a couple of cool junkyards in Roswell a couple cool ones in Artesia (if you know the right people) and a couple of sweet junkyards in Alamogordo. The Roswell strip isn't too bad if its in season. You really gotta be an Alien freak to really enjoy the museums and crash site, not bad though, but then again my brother was born in Roswell and a little off...
The only "Rods" you'll find down there are the kind used for probing, If you know what the fuck I'm talkin' about?
They were just a young Roswell couple looking for a place to get lucky. Unfortunately they stumbled onto the aliens' UFO skunkworks ... Life would never be the same.