Ok i give up trying to put starter in my street rod!! New 168 tooth flex plate new starter for 168 tooth starter and all it does kick the bendis and gear and get stuck in flex plate will not turn engine over even with plugs out.... Is there a way to tell i flex plate is backwards and would this cause this problem??? I am at my end with thing
Does it rotate by hand? I ask because I jammed my flexplate into the converter once, and could not spin the motor. Could the starter need shimming to line up better?
did you try a shim? see if the bendix gear is hitting the flexplate..(is it getting into the teeth on the flexplate but not releasing once its done its job?)\\Dooley yer quick on the keys..lol
how does the starter gear look when it comes up to the flexplate teeth? do this by hand if you can.. does it mesh into the teeth? or hit the flexplate?
is it possible that the starter isnt square with the flexplate when tightened up into place on the block..(slightly kicked a bit sideways?)
where did you buy the starter? You tried shims and it still gets stuck? hmmm Youre sure that the starter and flexplate are compatible? Good battery/good wires? I chased starter problems for a month. All my problems went away when I put on a Premium Napa starter. 70 bucks and my nightmare is over...
maybe these threads can help.. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=303119 http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=176457&highlight=flexplate+mounting+boss ALSO MAKE SURE YOU USE STARTER BOLTS THAT ARE KNURLED ON THE ENDS!!!!! Your starter could be moving when you try to start it and jamming. The correct bolts might stop this. I'm sure it doesnt have a brace either? Is it a high compression engine??????????
see how much it moves down while loosening the bolts ( a little at a time) when it lets go (the bendix) measure the distance the starter moved down. if your starter is kicked a bit out of square and thats causing the issue, than you have to be sure before it gets tight to the block that it stays square.. to be honest Ive never had any huge issues with all the SBC starters ive installed over the years, but than again they have all been OEM set ups ( hope by saying this i havent jinxed myself)
i have seen starters that someone had ground on the mounting pad,for whatever reason. get another starter..
check the bolt pat. their are different bolt pats on starters their should be three bolt holes in the block. Get a cast iron (steel) nose and a starter brace for back of starter to block. some of sbc had to have this brace.if they did not they would binde. hope this helps
I went through a half a dozen starters for my 454 before I got one that didn,t grind or bind.I was beginning to think I fucked something up....
Sounds like you need to shim it. They should sell a shim kit at autozone. Hows your battery? I just went through changing my starter for nothing couple months ago. My battery wasnt charging properly and was causing the starter to stick.
You might want to count the teeth on your flexplate just to be certain.After working in a parts store,I have found out that you don't always get what you think you have in the box as marked.
not in my case it didn't. Took 3 napa starters and 2 old starters for differant parts to get mine to work on a sbc. Not knocking Napa but I've never had any luck with anything electrical from them and I've been dickin with cars for over 35 years
Thank you thank you i winner is added another ground cable from frame to engine and took right off thanks for all the help you guys are great!!!!!
AMEN BROTHER! i went through countless shim configerations and 4 autozone starters before i got smart and got a napa starter. sounds beautiful with zero shims