Any updates on this beast? Lets see that shiny paint. I just last week drug home a 50 plymouth and hope to get a build thread going soon
Hey guys, new update, I finally got to take some pictures of the progress on the body work, and with the next week or so it should be in primer, then final paint soon after hopefully <o> </o> Anyways enjoy…. <o></o> French in progress: <o></o> French done, with skim coat: <o></o> front fender before: <o></o> the other front fender, all welded up and smoothed over: <o></o> rear fender smoothed over, shaved off the trim: that was also the fender with the damage I think you can see in some other the previous posts <o></o> trunk lid all shaved: <o></o> the whole thing: <o></o>at this point the hood was all shaved and welded up too, don’t have any pictures some how…. <o></o> All in all willy’s doin a great job <o></o> The plan for paint right now is this: <o></o> White base around the body Ice pearl and some sort of metal flake top coat. <o></o> Red on the roof, with subtle pearl or flake, and relatively subtle scallops over the wheels <o></o> That’s all for now folks, <o></o> patrick<o></o>
been messing around on photoshop, this another '50 plymouth 4 door, i took off the trim from both fenders, shaved the doors, and lowered it about 2 inches up front, 3-4 in the rear, then ive just been sketching out some rough scallops, sighh someday... so thats basicly the plan, except for the pearl white paint of course, if any photoshoppers are bored, i like my scallops long, thin, and few. subtle is better - patrick
I had a nice 50 4dr for 5-6 years and drove it all the time. Nice driver, good highway cruiser, and it got a lot of attention, plain but cool. I miss the car and am sorry I sold it and will be watching for another one. One caution, don't put an awful lot of money in it unless it is your keeper cause you will never get much out of it if you sell.
Whats up Patrick.Heard about the post on your car.Very cool.Wait unit its done,I'm sure everybody will be pleased.Notice to everybody that knows me.....I always seem to be able to sneak Flake in a job
still messin around with photo shop... this next one i cant figure out what to do with the back, i know it needs something for a second scallop but i cant see it and im not so sure about the red top after seeing the photoshop with it, idk which i like better, with or without
totally couldnt help messing with the shape. never leave well enough alone. here she is with a chop, section, reverse rake and a little work on the back end and some simple scallops...
ooooo niiicee i really like the scallops. haha and i wouldve loved to do a mild chop and things like that, but it wasnt in the cards for the first custom. ha i couldnt weld two pieces of metal together when i started, let alone chop a car... maybe some day, thanks for the input, patrick
I've got a '52 Dodge 4 dr. Maybe you've seen pics of it already (I've been posting 'em in lots of threads. ). I think these Mopars have a lot of overlooked potential, even the 4 drs. Mine seems to run good, although it smokes a little, but I had it cruisin' down the rode at 60 mph and it hummed right along. I've put new brakes and cylinders all the way around, chrome wheels and narrow wites on it. I'm waiting for a set of skirts I ordered and I want to drop it the back a little. Here's a pic of how it looked when I brought it home. A photoshopped pic of how it looks with the chrome wheels and new tires. A photoshopped version of how I would like it to look.
Recently purchased this. Early 49 Plymouth (first series---made in the first 3 or 4 months of 49) Will have a 54 Plymouth flathead with split manifold. http:// Also have this one.....47 model.....not exactly a hot rod, more like a period thing. It did run down the strip during the HAMB drags in JOpln a couple years ago.. Not fast...... Those who said you don't see these old Mopars at car shows....they were right. Often times I'm the only old Chrysler product of that era there. http://
yeah i dig these cars. i have my eye on a 51 Plymouth for my next project. the good thing is they are still affordable. so i dont mind them not being so sought after. i would love a 49-51 merc but i can buy 4 of these for the price of a merc these days. cant wait to see it done.
I have owned my 1950 Plymouth Business coupe for 8 years now. I am just now starting on the body. I have shaved the head, Fenton intake with dual Carter Ball and Balls, split exhaust manifold, straight duals, spin off oil filter, hotter ignition, and Hudson Hornet aircleaners. I love this car. The straight six isn't the most powerful motor around but they have gobs of torque (and they sound bitchin through straight pipes!). I lowered mine 3.5" in the back with dearched leaf springs (I recommend this). I also cut a coil and a half out of the front. That's about as far as I can lower it without making a deeper driveshaft tunnel. I have driven the pants off of it and it has been a damn good car. I think the 1950 fronts look better without the turn signals so I am removing the front turn signals. Otherwise I don't have a whole lot of plans other than some little custom touches and hopefully get it all into one color someday. I don't have any pics at work but the car can be viewed here
Thanks Pete I like yours as well. I am not sure what I find so attractive about the Mopars of the 50's but something about them just gets me. I almost sold it last year in hopes of picking up a 1936 Plymouth coupe but that plan fell through the cracks. yep 1954 Studebaker President caps.
I am working on 47 plymouth 4 door chop 4 inc and wide rear fender 3inc look me pic . but plymouth look good 40 to 50 .
I'm somewhat partial to GM but these early 50's Plymouths are way cool........2 and 4 doors.......don't know which I like better......
sweet car, i love those little business coupes...maybe one day if one plymouth doesnt turn out to be enough...
Here is a pic of mine when I first got it last year, almost ready for the road. inline 6, split manifold, duals w/24" smithys, offy w/dual b&b, shaved head.