I am well aware they used a number of different wheels. The most common where kelsey hayes wire wheels and 1940 ford steel wheels. You rarely saw any ARTILLERY style wheels on cars, and when you did. It was the 16x4.5 kelsey hayes ford 5x5.5 wheel.
I dont wanna make this an argument over what is what, But the first pic of the CLEVE_WELD style wheels that you said are KELSEY-HAYES is a completely different wheel than the Second picture you posted. The First pic woth the Chrome centers look EXACTALLY like my CLEVE-WELDS. your Second pic looks like a pair of Ford General Jumbos & a Chevy KELSEY-HAYES. I have & have had Alot of old wheels, Currently Looking for a pair of 16" Ford b/p Solid wheels called THE GENERAL made by CLEVE-WELD. They are an All solid wheel with a BIG oversize General Jumbo style cap that says THE GENERAL on it. And another Lil tid-bit is GENERAL JUMBO wheels are made by CLEVE-WELD.
Ok I will clear this up right now. The first wheel that i will be posting is of a 16x4.5 Chrome centered Cleve-Weld Wheels. They are 5x5.5 bolt pattern too.
These wheels are the Kelsey Hayes 16x4.5 5x5.5 bolt pattern. These are also chrome center wheels too. These wheels also can have clips instead of a ring like the wheels pictured.
I am not an expert on these wheels and would like to know if anybody might know or would know where I could find more? They are 18" in diameter.
Thanks Weasel! That is exactly what I was thinking actually. I heard from someone that they might be a Firestone manufactured wheel. I do not know for sure? For now I will be sticking with Studebaker.
Any clue as to what this wheel is? It's not a Goodyear Airwheel. Similar but different. I'm looking for a single Clark wheel. They have a split rim. I have pictures if you are unfamiliar with them. Clark
I'm pretty sure Weasel is correct on the Studebaker wheel. The Firestones where 16 and may be the same as the Clark wheel. Here's a pic of the Clark's. Clark
Hi Clark, that is a very un-usual wheel that I have never seen before. It looks like they used an artillery wheel and filled it in. Look at the back side of the wheel. Do they have a wheel cover on them?? I have wheels that look similar to that one. I have seen those clark wheels but I do not own one. Yes they are split rim.
Yeh...The back looks like an artillary wheel. I don't have the caps for them and the opening is a little larger than the Airwheels. I have a pair (wish I had 4). They are 5x4.5 bolt pattern. Clark
That is one of the most unique wheels I have seen, I am sure you would love to have 4, I know I would! I will keep an eye out and if I come across one. I will definitely let you know. I will help whoever out with artillery wheels they are looking for!
I have an artillery wheel related question: It was common practice to paint decorate artillery wheels - some of it is pinstriping but other patterns appear as if they were painted with a stencil. Does anyone know of a source for stencils for artillery wheels? Here are a couple of samples: 1936 Willys Model 77 Kelsey Hayes wheel , 1933 Willys Model 77 KH wheel - no holes, and pinstriped Packard wheel.
I snagged a set of 5 of what I believe are Kelsey Hayes 16" x 4.5" wheels, 5 bolt on 5.5" circle, on e-pay about 3 years ago. One has never had paint on it! I removed the center rings for a small hubcap and inserted button head fasteners to hold these Mercury caps. I'm trying this Krylon rattle can "khaki" color as I want to do something else other than red or black wheels on my black deuce nailhead hiboy. I'm going to run Firestone blackwall 550-16s on the front and 750-16s on the rear.
Hey!!! Yes that look was called "Sunburst" that you could get painted on the wheel when you went to purchase your wheels new. I would take your wheels to a local pinstriper to have him do it. I know a guy in reno who would be great at duplicating the "sunburst" look.
If anybody has a picture of the firestone wheels actually mounted on a car please post that!! I really like that wheel and am looking for one more. Please respond!
Can you show a pic of where you put the button heads .... I'm wanting a set of caps for mine and am having no luck as of yet.. I have a set of baby moon caps I am thinking of putting on them just have not come up with the time to do it yet....
Sorry for the delay in answering. Here is the wheel with the hubcap removed. I took careful measurement of the diamete of the cap where it contacts the "bumps" on a Ford wheel and transferred that lcoation to the artillery wheels. I then drilled and tapped 4 holes to insert the button head machine screws. They hold very well but, just for a little insurance, I may add a small bead of silicone where the cap seats on the wheel.
Hey! Yes thats very cool! Those wheels are 16x4.5 Kelsey Hayes Ford Artillery Wheels. The are 5x5.5 hubcap. Those screw might allow for a momre popular hubcap to fit on the wheels. I have only seen about 2 wheels with hubcaps on it. The regular ones are impossible to find! Rare wheels!
Mike, I was just about to post my own thread on these,but maybe you and your wheel friends can take a look first. They came off a homeade trailer, so I also have the front axle, splidles, and brakes 16" w/ 5x5.5 bp VERY heavy compared to std steel wheel. Spokes are rivited to rim. Hubcap clips are attatched thru a slotted hole then scewed in. I can peel a tire off this weekend if I need to. Thanks for any help. Jeff
I just came acrossed one trying to figure out what it is. Its 16"x5" six lug got it and a pair of brand new Dilly hubcaps. Ill post a pic later today