Sometimes, I dream about old logos. I'm falling through space and logos are fluttering all around me as I try to grab them. It's kind of like being in one of those cash closets you see at restaurants where they lock you in a small windowed room, turn... <BR><BR>To read the rest of this blog entry from The Jalopy Journal, click here.
What do I think? ... I think I need to catch up to you ... I've only got about a dozen of those logos in my decal collection. Also ... you missed a couple of my favorites: (let the "kiss ass" comments begin )
I love those last two as well. I did the HAMB logo, but Mark Simonson did the TJJ logo - he's an amazing letter guy.
Ryan, I was just admiring that "Spalding cams" sticker at my buddy Nacho's garage on one of his tool boxes the other day. Thanks for sharing all these, very fun vintage stuff to look at! cheers, cab
That's a helluva collection. Look at the Edelbrock one that's next to the Howard Cams one. Looks like Rodney Dangerfield. But, when I dream, I'm flying an F-16 over Iraq
Great topic Ryan! As a designer in today's world I always find myself gathering references from the early to mid 20th century. To me I think classic logos had more with the computer things can get a bit too sterile sometimes.
Whenever I see these old logo's flash by in my daily stroll on the internet, I always grab them and save them to my 'Vintage Speed logos" folder.
Great thread. I have a fer that i "found" while going through my old junk and one is a Milodon decal where a hand is holding an engine,also an original water transfer OCIR. Cant get it on the computer. My engines have points, my wiper switch is on the dash and my hi-beam requires an foot movement. I'm stuck in real cars
A lot of these I have not seen so it's always cool to see the new pieces of our history. I especially like the Navarro one. A personal favorite which is not really a logo but it's a sticker that's one the Williams Bros. Roadster. It's a 1954 Bonneville Sticker that's placed on the side of the cowl and has a guy with a helmet on. Cool post.
I have several hundered MB of these scanned in... Not mine, but stuff I've stolen online and have as my screensaver. I'll burn you a CD of 'em or upload to your FTP for an A-833OD... ~Jason
Ryan beat me to the post... LOL! My complete collection is over a GB, and has state travel decals, pinup, novelty, and WWII stuff... ~Jason
awesome thread. Champion Spark plugs, the woodpecker and the Moon eyes, classic icons of automotive and graphic art. I grew up working in an alignment shop, so the Bear Front End logo reminds me of my youth, too. More!
I love the look of old school logos. I recently contacted a fellow HAMB'er to draw one up for my biz and was really impressed. If anyone needs some artwork done, give HAMB member widewhitewalls a try, you'll be happy you did. I can PM you his contact info or look him up on here. I am posting my fav. he did for me. What do you guys think?
Vintage speed decals have become one of my latest obsessions...used to drive the mailman crazy when I was a kid waiting for my stickers/decals that I sent away for to arrive
heres the few i have collected online... a little OT, but i really love the type and graphics on old petrolina stuff. Every time my head gets too big and i think i have mastered type design or illustration i take a look at these old oil cans and just look at the hand designed type with envy. definitely falls into they dont make em like used to category.