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Just curious (Phx. hist.)

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by landseaandair, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. landseaandair
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 4,485

    from phoenix

    Does anyone have any interesting facts or pictures of automotive history or related locations in Phoenix Arizona. Such as little known drag strips or still standing buildings that once were speed shops or old ads or phone books w/addresses. One example that I heard is that Bruce Crowers original shop in Phx. was where Schreiner's Fine Sausages now stands but I have no proof. Also, the Mad Hatter Muffler in Phx. is one of, if not the last Blakely gas station still standing that I know of and may be the one in the pictures below. They were the station that gave away glasses and dishware w/a tank of gas which are now collectibles. The owner was also involved in auto racing and sponsored a number of cars from the 50s and 60s.

    pgdvlclint2.jpg pgdvlclint.jpg

    Both of these images were found here:
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2016
    Deuces, els and Bowtie Coupe like this.
  2. Beeline Dragway is still where it was, turned into a shooting area. the 'new' tower still stands, put up around 1970.

    Speedshops? I remember Goosic speed Center on Indian School at 16th street.
    Service center on north Central just south of Camelback on the east side of the road.
    Chucks Speed center is, I think, still in the same place it has been since 1966.
    There was a speed shop on south Central around Southern.

    there was a drag strip in or near Williams

    hope this gets your thread started.

    <DIR>Hosting- 7th annual Nostalgic Show and Go! and swap. Drags, cool car show, parade, special exhibitions, gassers, rails, stockers, customs and much more. coming Sunday April 5, 2009 to Speedworld. Phoenix, Az -This is Arizonas longest continuest running nostalgic event, our 7th year!
    Also Hosting- Hosting 11th annual Pontiac Heaven, show, swap, drags, party and all around good time. Saturday April 4, 2009 at Speedworld near Phoenix, Az more info-
    els and Bowtie Coupe like this.
  3. landseaandair
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 4,485

    from phoenix

    There was a guy I would see at Goodguys every year that had made it his mission to reopen Beeline but it's on the Res. and the tribe didn't seem into it or when they came close to a deal their leadership would change. I also heard a rumor that the original wood tower was burned down by a jet car. I remember the Service Center too. I liked to go and check out the used parts for sale on consignment.
    els, Bowtie Coupe and czuch like this.
  4. Yeah,. I think you are thinking of Gary. can't remember his last name this second. He put together the nostalgic meet at Speedworld in Jan of '03. It didn't do well and I haven't heard of him since. He had big plans to reopen Beeline/ This included engineering prints with buildings for racers, resturants, gas station out on the hiway at the entrance, etc.
    It appeared very promising.
    Then, his new plan was to build the same type of drag strip near Williams air force base used to be. He showed me prints of that too.

    Looking back, I do not see the idea feesable. we have 3 good tracks here is southern Az and I cannot see the support for a 4th.

    Speedworld is a great track for a nostalgia event. I have hosted events there now for over 10 years and get along well with them. My events are coming up in about 3 weeks.
    Marks deal is there this sat. There is also a Heritage event there planned in June.


    <DIR>Hosting- 7th annual Nostalgic Show and Go! and swap. Drags, cool car show, parade, special exhibitions, gassers, rails, stockers, customs and much more. coming Sunday April 5, 2009 to Speedworld. Phoenix, Az -This is Arizonas longest continuest running nostalgic event, our 7th year!
    Also Hosting- Hosting 11th annual Pontiac Heaven, show, swap, drags, party and all around good time. Saturday April 4, 2009 at Speedworld near Phoenix, Az more info-
    els and Bowtie Coupe like this.
  5. landseaandair
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
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    from phoenix

    Here's more subjects. The Arizona State Fairgrounds dirt and paved ovals (yes they raced cars there up until the 60's) circa 1940's . Another Blakely picture, same station? color.jpg Also, this is the Desert Dust office (published a magazine about auto racing) . Does anyone know where the building was or is? By the way the Mel Larson in the picture may be the guy that built the dragstrip of the same name in the early 60's now called Speedworld, who ironically I hear was big in stock car racing and is also credited with having the first on board camera in a NASCAR race in 1956. The footage was shown in Ford commercials at the time.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2009
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  6. landseaandair
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
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    from phoenix

    That sounds like the same guy. I'm a big fan of Speedworld but a Return of Beeline would have been pretty cool. If I had to choose between Beeline and Firebird that would be pretty easy.
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  7. landseaandair
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
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    from phoenix

    Nobody else?
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  8. JeffB2
    Joined: Dec 18, 2006
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    from Phoenix,AZ

    When I first came to Phoenix in 1970 I worked at the Checker Auto at 27th ave & Glendale there was a sheep pen next store:eek: and Ed Smith's Speed Shop behind us.
    els and van's rod shop like this.
  9. landseaandair
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
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    from phoenix

    I use to go to Ed Smith's every now and then. If I remember right he mostly did exhaust and his Doberman? would always make you pet it when you came in. I also recall going to Dagley's parts yard in the early 90's and being greeted by some kind of livestock. Mule?
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2009
    els and van's rod shop like this.
  10. Mike
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 3,539


    Chuck's Speed Center has moved due to the light rail construction, they are now located near 30th ave on either Weldon or Whitton (I cant remember which).

    The Schrieners Sausage building is most definately the old Crower Speed Shop location.
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  11. Jeem
    Joined: Sep 12, 2002
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    Alliance Vendor

    Friggin' light rail.....
    ...another big city feather in our city council's cap shoved down our un-wanting throats.

    Dang, I'm pretty sure I was conceived on Central.....How 'bout that? Creepy enough for you?

    Does anyone know where AMT's digs were?
    els likes this.
  12. Loper's is still alive and kicking in two of their original locations.

    I think Rundle's in Mesa is still there. I have a sticker of theirs on one of my dry erase boards.

    Chuck's is on Weldon and doing pretty well. Chuck is also starting to re-create some of his favorite drag cars from the past. Right now he's doing a 62 Coronet with a HEMI.

    Ed Smith retired and his son is running the shop as a muffler shop. Last time I talked with Ed his engine collection was still in the "lobby"
    finn and els like this.
  13. buckeye_01
    Joined: Jun 20, 2005
    Posts: 1,441


    I'm surprised that Lopers is still in business. Everyone of them were the same. Happy and cheerful employees....NOT!
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  14. JohnEvans
    Joined: Apr 13, 2008
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    from Phoenix AZ

    Goosic's orignial store was on Indian School Rd at about 22nd street in the 60s . Bought my first real Mag wheels from Ev in 65. Later as I recall they had 2 stores ,one was on 24th St. and Glenrosa ? . That one was run by Ev's son Bill,matter of fact ran into Bill a year or so ago at the Friday night 35th & Northern show. Don't remember where the other store was. Ev passed on several years ago,hell of a nice guy.
    Anybody remember the old Reyco Muffler & seatcover shop on Central south of Indian Sch. on the east side? Their dumpster provided some of us with pipe and mufflers! LOL And the big Black guy that installed mufflers etc Lafayette Barr ? Man he was a wizzard with the #4 welding tip and about 3 sticks of 1/8 gas rods filling 3/8s-1/2 " gaps.
    Ah those were the days !!! Spent more time on Central in the 60s than I did at home ! LOL
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  15. landseaandair
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
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    from phoenix

    Glad this thread's still kickin'. Keep it coming. Also does anybody have any really old dusty pictures stashed away of hot rod related stuff in the valley to add.
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  16. landseaandair
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
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    from phoenix

    Not even one picture? Bttt one more time then I give up.
    els likes this.

  17. "Marks deal is there this sat. There is also a Heritage event there planned in June."

    Yes it is , but let's not forget my partner, Ken Ackman (aka Spike)
    He's been with me since the first race. Spike grew up in the valley, and is a long- time drag racer, hot rodder, spray painter, and sign salesman.
    He's the one responsible for our Arizona Pioneers awards, the T- shirt concession, and our newest addition, Miss Stephanie, the flag -drop girl
    Don't miss this!
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  18. jpm49c
    Joined: Nov 23, 2006
    Posts: 397


    I have several pictures of Beeline Dragway the day it opened Oct 1963 by Jim Rogers and his dad. The first race car i ever started was Jim's 413 dual quad S/SA 1964 Town and Country Plymouth at Lazears Chevron at Hayden and Indian School (now a McDonalds). What a thrill for a 14 year old kid. As far as i know Jim lives in Rio Verde Arizona. Talked to him a few years back. Those were the days! I'll post some pictures as soon as i get my scanner working. John

    PS Don't forget;
    Speed Research 8837 N.Central,
    Al's Speed Shop 314 E. Van Buran, Retired and lives in Colorado
    Valley Speed Center 4030 N. 7th St. Burned down.
    Del Blades Engine Service 55st and Washington,
    Rundles speed Goodies original at Mill and University (in the back of his mom and dads grocery store then 2202 Apache Blvd then moved to Payson AZ. I heard Joe Rundle passed recently,
    John Scotts Engine Service 1828 E. Indian School,
    John Thornes Scottsdale Speed specialists 516 S. Old Scottsdale Rd. behind the Old A&W ,now all gone.
    Advanced Auto Supply about 70th st. and McDowell. (now Tri City auto)
    Antique Ford Supply 3040 E. mcdoewll (now SO Cal speed0
    Phoenix Performance Parts 4235 w. Camelback RD.
    McCluskey's Auto Wreching 3100 W. Grand Ave.
    king Balancing and Arizona Hard Chrome 2609 W. Cypress (still around)
    Johnnie Lopers first speed shop was near 3rd. st. south of Indian School then i think on Clarendon (sp) east of Central
    APCO Auto Parts 2924 E. Thomas and 4412 n. Central.
    Ed Smiths was at 2526 W. Glendale ,
    I think i got most if it right!
    els likes this.
  19. landseaandair
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
    Posts: 4,485

    from phoenix

    Beginning CPR. We're defibrilating victim Rampart, we have defibrilated victim, he has sinus rythm.
    . Alright! This thread aint dead yet.
    Last edited: May 20, 2014
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  20. MilesM
    Joined: May 28, 2002
    Posts: 1,219


    Only the liquer store on University is left. I believe the address on the sticker is where the 101 cuts across at Apache so the building is gone.

    Those sickers are ones I had remade from an original that was inside the glove box door of my 52 Chevy Sedan Delivery when I got it.

    I did not know about Payson or that he was still alive. Sad to hear he passed.

    Can someone add years to the below info?

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  21. jpm49c
    Joined: Nov 23, 2006
    Posts: 397


    [​IMG]Rundle's Speed Goodies 1955 Chevy at Beeline Dragway about 1968. I think, i did not mark the date on it. John
    els likes this.
  22. Let's not forget Legend City.

    * By the way, when is the next "Cruise On central" ?
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  23. 4bangertroy
    Joined: Dec 27, 2007
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    from Phoenix

    Apri 11th:)
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  24. landseaandair
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
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    from phoenix

    You're awesome! Pictures like that make me smile.
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  25. landseaandair
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
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    from phoenix

    You are getting a little bit off topic although Legend City was created by Wallace and Ladmo and Bill Thompson a.k.a. Wallace is a big model a fan so I guess it kind of is in a way.

    Edit: Was looking through these old posts and having a laugh. Not sure where I got the idea Wallace and Ladmo started Legend City. They were a fixture there though.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2017
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  26. jpm49c
    Joined: Nov 23, 2006
    Posts: 397


    The other picture i posted was Beeline Dragway opening day October 1963. When the flagman started the race (no tree back then). John[​IMG]
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  27. jpm49c
    Joined: Nov 23, 2006
    Posts: 397


    A picture i took of Johnny Loper's "Lil Hoss" at the (I think) 1966 Winternationals at Beeline Dragway.
    That's Johnny in black pushing the car back. Johnny Loper passed away in 2006. One of my favorite cars! John [​IMG]
    els likes this.
  28. I believe the orange 55 is Daryl Haynes of Haynes Performance. If so, that care looks exactly the same today.
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  29. Toymaker
    Joined: Mar 26, 2006
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    from Fresno,CA

    I'll add a photo of Lopers Maverick I found on the Drag Cars in Motion thread. I worked at Service Center, 35th and Greenway I believe, wasn't there very long:D Rocky
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  30. Bill Van Dyke
    Joined: May 21, 2008
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    Bill Van Dyke

    From a ways back..anybody remember Bob Sefton who owned the Sefton hotel on Washington? He owned and raced a fairly high dollar blue 32 lowboy with wire front wheels and a hemi.
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