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Go for a ride? Mans best copilots!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by no55mad, Nov 12, 2007.

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  1. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 9,756


    Well, that is sad. If any of you have a question, PM me (they are O/T) and
    I will try to help you out.
  2. wrenchrocket
    Joined: Mar 16, 2005
    Posts: 197


    This is Bruiser better known as Bruce


    and his former partner in crime

  3. 28 chevy
    Joined: Mar 5, 2006
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    28 chevy
    from NE Pa

    Back on the lighter side. This one goes whenever we will let him in any vehicle.
    We have a great vet by the way who does a tremendous amout of free work for abandoned pets.
  4. 28 chevy
    Joined: Mar 5, 2006
    Posts: 512

    28 chevy
    from NE Pa

    I knew that didn't work. Try this

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  5. FalconEddie1964
    Joined: Apr 15, 2006
    Posts: 367


    Here's one that's been trained to stay off the furniture............
  6. no55mad
    Joined: Dec 15, 2006
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    You are killing me too 'lostforawhile'. My budies in the original post are so full of love it's indescribeable!! Old Henry in the back seat just turned 12 in Feb 09. He is a flatcoated retriever/border collie mix but retriever size and I know big dogs at 12 are pushing it. I've buried a few dogs in my time and that is the hard part about having pets, you outlive them. If anyone out there knows of a flatcoat I'd love to have another - they seem quite rare. Henry was rescued at 7 and has been a very reliable loving dog. I'm sure the vet means well with the 'restraining your pet while driving post' but I can't imagine restraining these two large dogs on the annual cross country trip we make or even the local jaunts.

  7. 5Window, it was her attitude, not the fact that they didn't do anything. I don't care if that receptionist sees that stuff every five minutes she didn't have to be rude to that woman that had no idea what to do. The least a vet could have in his place is a map to the humane society and directions, not just say "It's across town by so & so". No I didn't offer to do anything, hell I didn't know any more what to do than that woman did. I'm an old retired guy on a pension and I'm sure that vet that drives an Escalade can afford to do something a hell of a lot easier than I can.
  8. Doc Squat
    Joined: Apr 17, 2008
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    Doc Squat
    from tulsa, ok

    I haven't had a dog since I was in my teens. My wife and I have had cats for 40 years. Had persians that both lived to 17 & 18. Have a cat now that our neighbors left when they moved. Had he 17 years. Shes gone blind in one eye, can't hear shit, has a tumor on her liver and has thicking of the heart wall but still gets around fine. My point is to you who have lost your friends I feel for you. To say you'll never get another because it hurts to much to lose the think of it this way. When you lost your parents it was hard, but how beautiful was it when your first nephew or niece arrived. Or how thrilled you were when that first grandchild arrived? GET ANOTHER DOG!!!!!!! Check out the pound in your area, there is someone there just waiting to go home with you. What you get is unconditonal love.
    Like I told the kid, "Your music's not too loud, it just sucks and so does OKC!"
  9. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 9,756


    Yeah, I get the attitude thing. We call our "receptionists" client relations", if part so that they will remember who they are dealing with. that not everyone knows what we know and that people only call because they are concerned,whether they have money, or not. It's a battle. There is NO excuse to be rude-on either side of the desk! I think CR is the hardest job-clients,techs and doctors all want what they want now and the Cr team has to try to pleae all. But they are the first and last folks to talk to you at my hospital, and I better hear please and thank you.
  10. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    they have harnesses that buckle into the seat belts, the dog can still move around, lay down,sit up, look out the window,but in the event of a crash it stops them from going flying and being injured. they are like kids in needing to be buckled up. they may protest but at least they are safe. whoever invented these is a true dog lover, there have been countless dogs killed and injured in car wrecks over the years. ask any vet. the crazier people drive,the more they are needed. do you want your dog you love to death to die because some moron on a cell phone ran a red light? not being ugly in any way, the gear to protect them is out there, I wish more people would use it.
  11. cgaswillys
    Joined: Oct 5, 2008
    Posts: 1,076

    from New Jersey

    Our 2 dogs are the same way. I take the kids to a jr. handlers class every Friday at 5:00. Just get the leashes and they know where there going. Let them out the front door without a leash and they run to the back door of our truck. Axle & Benny just love to have fun. It seems there favorite things are riding in the truck and playing with other dogs after their training class.
  12. pauliesocial
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 116


    ya yall have some great lookin pups... I have a 2 year old American Pit Bull Chinaman that me and all of my friends laugh and joke calling her daddies wife / girlfriend / and daughter... Bitch sleeps in the bed with me, under the blankets with her head on the pillow next to me and likes to kick other woman out of my bed... I have lost some girlfriends in the 2 years ive had her cuz they learn first hand if Evol (love backwards) dont like you then you gotta be hittin the door sorry shes like my kid.... Evol goes everywhere with me... car rides, walks, and to the bars.... Shes a regular in one and shes a trip when shes in there... eatin cheetos off of the bar and getting served and hello'd before me ... its priceless shes a goofy girl I wouldnt trade her for anything else... shes a spoiled lil gal though.... as soon as she hears me grab the keys or get my shoes on shes out the door... pulls my ass on the walk up to our favorite watering hole and the second that she hears the name of her aunt and uncle who work there shes ready to go that second... here she is at the bar and all [​IMG]
  13. pauliesocial
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 116


    ya I had a friend like that once... we dont really talk or hang out like we used to at all anymore... she was my best friend as well as my pit's nurse ... well I was work one day and my friend that watched her calls me up saying that Evol is completely comatosed, not her usual bouncy playful self and just looks really sick and even threw up a few times... so I call my friend up and give her all of the information and all she told me was "bring her in and let the dr look at her" ... i wasnt at home and I was out in the middle of the boonies doing a damage job with at&t... so all i was looking for was a home remedy of some sort till i could get home and take a good solid look at her and figure out what I needed to do....

    luckily enough I had another GREAT friend that works and lives in Michigan and works at an emergency vet hospital and her & her doc are amazing people... she tells me the quick home remedies of what to do and if the case worsen then bring her into the vet but from the sounds of it got into some bad food and had a really bad case of heart burn.... so thanks to my best friend who finally helped me just had to make a long distance phone call, some rice, ice water and a 25 mg pill of some heartburn meds she was fine the very next morning and back to her usual bouncy playful pit bull self....

    at least there are still some people out there that care about animals and being a vet or vet tech isnt just a 9 - 5 job for them... its about the animals I tell ya
  14. sacredsteel1
    Joined: Nov 15, 2003
    Posts: 191


    Brutus and Butch LOVE ridin, in the '49... Brutus (with the black face) sits up front and hangs an arm out the window every time.. we get alot of laughs at red lights!

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  15. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
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    :D thats my dog!! boo is a pit mix and she does the same thing, sleeps right next to me with her head on the pillow. if i so much as move i get slobbered. My manchester terrior sleeps under the covers right next to me,or between my wife and me, if i don't let her under the covers,she walks around and head buts me. when it's really cold i drag out the sleeping bags,and she sleeps inside of the sleeping bag. the old beagle sleeps next to my wife. all of them are serious characters. that manchester is 20 pounds of attitude and teeth. she doesn't play nice lol. but thats tthe way i like her. :D
  16. pauliesocial
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 116


    thanks man aint they such characters though... you have no choice but to love em lol
  17. That's a cute story. I can imagine that dog in a bar in Louisiana, around Pittsburgh and some other places in the country, but I can't imagine it in California. Reminds me of "Budweiser Charlie" a wild hog that was brought to a bar in Cross City FL. when he was a tiny baby. He was raised there by the patrons and was in the bar until he just got too big. There was a sign on the wall "No Pets Allowed". :D I think your story is so cool .. Good Luck ..
  18. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    does your pit snore like a diesel truck idling in winter? :) i get the snores grunts,snorts and sneezes out of boo,always been like that. watching dog town saving the michael vick pit bulls right now, hats off to these people saving these dogs that everyone else would have thrown away or put down.
  19. pauliesocial
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 116


    oh hell ya she does... she was woken me up from a drunken stupor before like someone just ran their car into my apartment lol... ya some of those dogs went to a rescue called all or nothing ... they are named for the guy that runs it named brandon bond who has all or nothing tattoo in atlanta... he got i believe 3 of them but one of them, named seven, ended up passing away and they now use his picture as their logo.... ya shes a trip though... threw her a bday party at the bar last night and she was havin a blast playin with all her new toys and the patrons.... shes definately a character and i love it when your playin with em and they look up and you can tell that they are smiling
  20. Pete1
    Joined: Aug 23, 2004
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    from Wa.


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  21. pauliesocial
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 116


    thats an awesome name and pic for a bloodhound.... bad ass dogs too Ive always wanted one just for the fact of how they howl... its awesome
  22. Pete1
    Joined: Aug 23, 2004
    Posts: 2,261

    from Wa.

    I have had them for years. Also Black & Tans and Basset's.
    Used to coon hunt with them...Neat stuff.
  23. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    ran out of dog food until thursday, so they are eating out of the fridge until then, had a nice big pack of stew meat that had a slight bit of freezer burn, desfrosted it and baked it in the oven, then mixed it with mixed veggies and the sausages left from this morning. you would have though they were eating at the Ritz carlton. I thought they were going to eat the bowls. :D
  24. pauliesocial
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 116


    ya thats how evol is as well.... whenever we go up to the bar she always gets patrons and the bartender buyin her bags of Cheetos... she eats them straight off the bar... the bartender, Peggy, plays with her about givin em to her almost teasin her... its funny cuz she starts literally drooling for them.... last night we threw her a birthday party in the bar cuz she just turned 2 and people brought her presents i.e. chew toys, plastic bones, squeeky toys, and the best one was one of the regs brought her a big ol bag of cheetos lol.... she thought she had died and gone to heaven.... then another buddy came in with some sausage and chicken with beans, homemade potato salad and some chocolate chip cookie cake.... she had a bunch of sausage and she was in flippin heaven lol.... its the small things that they do that make you laugh./... besides whenever i make something in the oven and what not she always gets to lick the plate clean... dont matter what it is shell eat it all... dogs make a damned good pre rinse cycle for the dishwasher
  25. LoSoto
    Joined: Jul 29, 2008
    Posts: 151


    Our little Dachshund, Schnitzel loves a ride in the car, especially one of the old ones.
    He's in my '67 VW in this shot, but loves the DeSoto and he finds my wife's '69 Bimmer a yawn. The little fella also loves arriving at a car show, generally bounding through the grass, with a particular liking to German Automobiles.......must be the heritage.

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  26. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    when you say he has a liking for them does that mean he pees on the tires lol. j/k.:D
  27. DogTownKustoms
    Joined: Nov 19, 2008
    Posts: 114


    Don't got a dog yet, but i got a girlfriend.....close enough?
  28. Boy! I wouldn't touch that with a 10' pole ... :D
  29. pauliesocial
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 116


    wow my ex would have beat my ass if i said that .... but then again i guess thats why shes my ex lmao....
  30. Amen and Amen, Doc! I have a pair of restraint straps in the back seat of each of my vehicles. The straps are woven nylon 'web' straps. They have a loop on one end through which you put the seat belt, click the belt shut, and then there's a swivel snap on the other end that you snap on to the dig's harness. Yes, a harness. You can't hook these restraints to a dog's collar, or you'll just break the dog's neck in an accident. Secured by these restraints, my dogs can stand and stick their heads out their windows, they can sit, and they can comfortably lie down. They really are more comfortable when they're hook up, because they know they're not going to get tossed around by unexpected braking or turning. As a driver, I'm more able to drive as I need to without unduly worrying about what effect my driving actions might have on the dogs. Prior to my adopting him, a dog I used to have bumped his head inside a car during an accident because he was not restrained. He lived a good long life. Turns out the restraint we always used on him didn't get tested in an accident, but that's just a matter of luck and skill. Bottom line, the dogs don't mind. And you can feel good, knowing you're taking good care of a friend who depends on you.
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