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DEUCE OF SPADES roadster repairs and breakdowns

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by HiboyGirl, Mar 17, 2009.

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  1. metalshapes
    Joined: Nov 18, 2002
    Posts: 11,130


    That was pretty skimpy as a TECH to begin with, so it did not really need to be repeated.

    Of all the kick ass Tech that has been Posted, there are some things I would love to see again.
    But that probably wont happen, because the Authors of those are really into it for the Tech.
    And not to Spam something else...

    Hopefully, if your "sturdy old machine" isn't too unreliable, you'll run out of things to report.
    And this Thread will spiral down the Pages, where it belongs...
  2. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    So, I just read this whole thread. I don't do that very often, but I had my reasons...

    Faith gets a lot of heat from me and the people that make this place work - namely, the moderators. I think there is a legitimate reason for that - the HAMB has always been really defensive about its stature amongst the commercial world. We are underground, we are punk rock, we will tell any commercial business what they are doing wrong, etc...

    Now, I agree that we have gotten more mature on how we handle that defensiveness through the years, but the core feeling is still there.

    And I think that core is what has given Faith so much trouble. Some folks might think she is trying to capitalize off of this market. Some folks might think she has the wrong motives. Some folks only see name dropping. Some folks might just see her as a chick... looking to do something meaningful, but still a chick.

    Right or wrong. That's how it is... And while I agree with some of those sentiments, I've never felt it appropriate to write anyone off so quickly. Here's what I think:

    Faith is a person that likes old shit. I like old shit. Most of you like old shit. Why don't we give her a chance? Drop the pre-history here and just look at the roadster. I gotta admit, I kind of like it. Stance is good, color is right, etc... It's not perfect, but neither is anything I have.

    Faith isn't going to be posting about her movie in the main forum anymore. That's promotion and we have never really allowed that - not as aggressively as we allowed Faith to anyway... Instead, she will posting in her social group.

    All of that out of the way, why don't you fellas let Faith off the hook a bit and see what she can bring to the hot rod table before you give up on her? In my mind, it's the right thing to do.
  3. Read all of the above and I have to side with Ryan on this one.

    Some of you cats are tad harsh - I tend look at it this way.

    I dont know ANY women who are doing what she is doing. PERIOD.

    Not one wrencher, not one who owns a 32 roadster, not one who is prepared to have a go and go where no other guy has re attempting to put together a chronicle of 50s So Cal hot rodding on celluloid. Sounds like a driven individual to me.

    Maybe you guys do know or have heard of gals like that; I sure have'nt.

    And while I agree the HAMB is not for shameless self promotion, it IS a tradtional hot rodding forum.

    If Ms. Granger was simply a film maker looking to promote her flick on here and that was it, we'd have a reason to gripe.

    But she is also a hot rodder in a male dominated field who is wlling to have a go at learning the hands on skills required to be JUST THAT.

    Shouldnt we be encouraging other women to be the same?

    For that alone (other than her film making endeavours) she gets my support, and I for one like her roadster.

    As Ryan said, how many of our rides are TOTALLY perfectly correct? Even rarer, how many WOMEN do YOU guys know who drive a 32 roadster DAILY and wrench on it too?
    Sounds like a perfect woman to me haha !!

    Come on guys, cut people a little slack......

  4. We do have a few other She Males that turn wrenches. MissPrint, Chevygirlrox and Denise for starters. I'm sure there are others here I'm just not aware of. These few are truly an exception to the standard. Personally I like haveing them around.
    The Wizzard
  5. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    I hope so...

    There are tons of ladies on the HAMB that are hardcore, no fucking around, hot rodders.
  6. Nads
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
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    from Hypocrisy

    Me included.
  7. Haha nice one Nads....

    Ryan, I know here are plenty on the HAMB, but by normal stds, they're outnumbered hehe !!

  8. Royalshifter
    Joined: May 29, 2005
    Posts: 15,658

    from California

    Ladyshifter is one and believe me she knows Hot Rods. "Keep the Faith".
  9. I don't give a shit if she's a girl or not, it's all the branding that gets to me.If you want to do a tech post, just take photos for the purpose. Stay out of it if it's an issue.
  10. metalshapes
    Joined: Nov 18, 2002
    Posts: 11,130


    I was hoping I was done with this, but I think I have to explain myself.

    Trying to explain this as a Male/Female thing is way too easy.

    To me, her particular brand of self promotion is about as annoying as a Billy Mays Commercial.

    ( See... No gender bias...)
  11. Nads
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
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    from Hypocrisy

    Absolutely agreed, it would be sexist to call this a boy/girl thing, it has nothing to with her being a girl, a dude woulda never been given such a wide berth. Faith is annoying, repititive and spammy as all get out, this 'new' post is a last ditch knock at the door after being told we don't want to buy her brooms.
    I love girls, I treat them with respect and give them kudos where they are due. I know nothing about filmaking, maybe she's ace but this is a traditional hot rod forum and her car might fool neophytes and the wishy washy but it's faux in a place that birthed hot rodding, Newcastle Upon Tyne, the car would be special, in California it's boring.

    This isn't personal Faith, I swear to you, but this smacks of desperation on your part.
  12. Revhead
    Joined: Mar 19, 2001
    Posts: 3,027

    from Dallas, TX

    If this was a pure tech post why is "DEUCE OF SPADES" in caps and part of the title?

    Do you seriously think that someone is going to steal your photos of you working on your car or the guy sleeping at wheel? Who would want them? no offense, but it's not like they are professionally shot photos.. they are just snapshots of you progress.. or are they? That leads me to believe that the giant copyright stuff plastered on them is more for advertising than actual use.. a simple "copyrighted Duece of Spades 2009" does the same job.

    I agree with nads that this is just a last ditch attempt to find a way to get your movie back into the main dicussion board.

    Give it a rest.. you are losing more interest than you are generating.
  13. HiboyGirl
    Joined: Jun 22, 2007
    Posts: 781


    :) Nice group of Cyber bullies !

    Is there a full moon out? :D

    I wish I could say your comments are going to make me crawl into a little corner and cry for my mommy, but I am afraid that is not going to happen.

    And I am not going to waste much time "defending" myself against your many attacks. You can think what you want, it's a free country. One thing for sure: You guys always assume the worst and are very negative people.

    Fortunately for me, I am surrounded by wonderful, supportive people who "get it". And those are not just every day people. These are people that MADE hotrodding. They were there in 1948 on the dry lakes, they raced in the late thirties. They were on the cover of HOTROD magazine in the fifties, their names are in the hotrod Hall of fame. They are the REAL DEAL.

    They are kind, supportive, encouraging and very appreciative of what I am doing right now to contribute to the hotrod community. Heck, Richard Parks grabbed a stack of my film cards at the SCTA annual banquet and passed them around himself! :eek: And he was walking with a cane that day, cause he got hurt. What a nice man. His father Wally Parks founded the NHRA. And to quote a recent email from Richard: "If my dad was still alive, he would have done everything he could to help you".

    So are you guys saying all these very well respected veterans, corner stones of hotrodding, are idiots? Is that what you are saying?

    Cause if they are not idiots and they (who have actually MET me and SPENT TIME with me to get to KNOW ME) all love me dearly, and fully support the film, and help in any way they possibly can, then could it be that maybe... Just maybe... You guys are way off in your judgemental attitude towards me?

    As for your petty comments about my being "desperate" and embarrassing myself? Looks to me the only embarrassment to the hotrod community here, is YOU. ;)
  14. srosa707
    Joined: Jun 5, 2005
    Posts: 1,573

    from Sacramento

    HiBoyGirl is really John Favreau.
  15. Hey gal, I dig all your about and so do many others. You are accomplishing more then many others who have not even got their ideas off the drawing board. I give ya PROPS and enjoy the updates and await seeing the film in its entirety.

    When I was scoping out El Mirage while you were there. Maybe a smile next time?-Weeks [​IMG]
  16. You know everytime I see the Duece of Spades thread pop up I wonder if Favreau lurks on here like Leno does. Does he really have a picture in the works is another question and content might be scary to some of us and make parts that were already made out of unobtainium become dodo bird status.-Weeks
  17. striper
    Joined: Mar 22, 2005
    Posts: 4,498


    I don't know Faith. Don't really care about this argument either. BUT I just had to point out that "She Male" usually describes a person with rather unique anatomy.

    Like I said, I don't know Faith, so it could be appropriate. If so, she carries it well. :eek:
  18. If I may add my 2 cents here.. I don't usually get involved in the drama here... It's funny as hell to read, but......... Anyway... I have had the privilege to work with Faith on her car. She is as into the "car thing" as much as you or I. Faith jumped into the repairs / upgrades to her car with both feet. Put in long hours on the car while putting the movie together and working her regular job. She listened, watched and learned as we worked. There wasn't an ounce of arrogance in her and she was a pleasure to work with. You can nit-pick her about "peroid correct" all you want. You can pick on the way she phrases things.. I'm sure that all of us, When we were new to this hobby, knew all the proper terminology for every topic we discussed regarding said hobby.. She is doing what she can with what she has. It's a fucking movie people. Shit will be off here and there. Big deal. Lighten up.. If you don't like her posts... Don't read them.. If you just need something to bitch about.. I'm sure there is a "fng" out there somewhere that can use your constructive criticism. Concentrate on that.
  19. "her car might fool neophytes and the wishy washy but it's faux in a place that birthed hot rodding, Newcastle Upon Tyne, the car would be special, in California it's boring"

    Nads, IMHO I have to RESPECTFULLY disagree with you man, that kinda attitude is ELITIST and is PRECISELY why a lot of traditonal style hot rodders dislike the so called "Gold Chainers" that are so often ridiculed on here in the first place.

    The fact is - there's enough room in this hobby for all. To call someone's car faux in So Cal (who cares whether it s So Cal or South Pole - its irrelevant) b/c it has a glass body, aint steel or wasnt originally built in 1956 is just that....ELITIST. Sorry pal, but it is what it is.

    This individual loves her car, it HAS the look we love and she wrenches on it and is learning OTHER NEW SKILLS to do it better/perfect it. Sounds like hot rodding to me, ALL OVER.

    Dunno about you, but there's a lot of so called hot rodders out there who could learn a thing or two themselves. Especially about attitudes.

    Yeah yeah I know, theres a certain more HARDCORE bunch who wont drive anything unless it steel, has nothing newer on it than 1957 et etc. They have their place and I love those rides too. Its just not for everybody dude and thats the point.

    PS: Who are the neophytes anyway? With this kinda attitude, its a wonder people don't just liken us to the .............hang on, .............the Gold Chainer brigade?

    Attitudes like that, regardless of what group the originate from, are still wrong attitudes.

    I suppose that makes my POS glass, blown flathead powered 32 3W a pretender, neophyte or whatever else you wanna call it.


    No offense intended btw !!

  20. striper
    Joined: Mar 22, 2005
    Posts: 4,498


  21. Thanx man.....wink !

  22. vert1940
    Joined: Aug 10, 2006
    Posts: 395


    i don't know faith...i admire what she is doing...but....after reading from her and about her on this board and a couple others.....have any of you ever met anyone with obsessive/compulsive disorder?? fits her to a T.
  23. Vert damn you must be some kinda shrink to be able to diagnose OCD from an Internet Forum....I'm impressed.

    Then again, it seems that in this world the obsessive compulsive types seems to be the ones who become ACHIEVERS in life as well.

    Funny that.

    See my point?

  24. Kilroy
    Joined: Aug 2, 2001
    Posts: 3,229

    from Orange, Ca

    I've really tried not to post on her threads, in fact, this is the first one I've read since the first movie post... I thought that one was an absolute joke, but in the interest of the HAMB's increasing maturity, I bit my toungue...
    I did find the fact that it got a free pass and was largely embraced by many on the HAMB a bit depressing too...

    So, I gotta say, I'm with Metalshapes on this one...

    This thread could have been "Hey, I got the wiring done on the roadster... Pic* Pic* Pic* Pic* Pic*"
    Instead it was "Look how Traditional(sic) I am... Name* Name* Name* Name*"

    Hiboy girl... In the way of CONSTRUCTIVE crit... Just post the pics and answer the questions... The dialogue is unnecessary.
    And don't get upset by any of this... You've gotten the Kid-Glove treatment as far as the HAMB is concerned. Suck it up and have fun...
    Or go...
  25. Nads
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
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    from Hypocrisy

    Faith, you are a self promoter, plain and simple.
  26. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    I just don't give a shit.

    Lets get back to hot rods and customs.
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