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Who cruised Van Nuys Bl in the 70's?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Groucho, Sep 26, 2006.

  1. Yup. Hasley Canyon
  2. banditomerc
    Joined: Dec 18, 2005
    Posts: 2,494


    Sounds like Whittier blvd. in East Los Angeles,around the 70's..except there was lowriders and O.G.s bombas.Ya ese!:cool:
  3. Greybeard
    Joined: Dec 13, 2005
    Posts: 40


    I lived in Modesto from early to mid 70's (in my mid to late 20s). McHenry was prime cruising almost every night back then. About once a month for a year (73 and 74) we'd take a run down south in a raggedy rustoleum red 64 Chevelle 4 door with a brutal 427, and a 3.23 gear hauling a covered trailer that held jacks, tunnel ram, a tool box, sleeping bags and a pair of slicks bolted to a complete 4.56 rear end. Parked the trailer at my aunt's all night diner in Reseda, swapped gears and intakes, and did some serious stop light run-offs all over the area. Last time we ever went, the chevelle blew a header muffler off somehow, and while we were out of the car looking for it, a decent cop stopped and helped us find it and then shone his spot light on the job till we got it back on and drove away. Half a block later, another B&W pulled us over and busted Joe with a handful of tickets inc too loud exhaust. I remember most of all the variety of cars - rods, customs and street racers. And a lot of them.
  4. BuickBorracho
    Joined: Jan 30, 2008
    Posts: 430


    Sounds like you lived in the ghett-O! Glad you left. I would've left too. This place obviously wasn’t for you and you must've had terrible experiences during your stay, but your resentment clearly points to issues that have gone unresolved. The only thing Id say is live your life happily in Serra Memorial and don’t dwell so much on your bad experiences in the Valley. Life is too short. ;)
  5. Oh, please spare me your Jr. College Psych 101 crapola. As I clearly stated, I lived in a nice middle class neighborhood. Work a little harder on your reading comprehension and less on trying to be Sigmund Freud Jr. I had no bad experiences, whatsoever, while I lived in SV, in fact, I had some of the best of times. Explain to me, Professor, where I show any degree of resentment or unresolved issues.
    I left SV 40 years ago while it was still pretty nice. All I am saying is that it once was a nice carefree, quiet place to live and raise a family. Many parts, now, are quite different. As far as the Serra Memorial thing, WTF? Haven't stepped foot in there in over 35 years when my last child was born. I'm almost 62 years old and a combat Marine vet. Don't lecture me on the shortness of life. Seen it, done it. Additionally, if you wish to engage me in a war of words, I'll wait while you go for more ammo.
    Last edited: May 2, 2009
  6. well back to van nuys blvd. who is coming and what are you bringing?
  7. vncruiser
    Joined: Mar 5, 2005
    Posts: 541


    The Wild Bunch is bringing a '72 Vette, 69 Shelby GT500, '69 Super Bee, '55 Ford Courier and a '65 Corvair convertible....And hopefully more....
  8. elrobo818
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 664


  9. elrobo818
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 664


    And dont forget to tell your friends and car club members!
  10. GOT'CHA
    Joined: Dec 28, 2008
    Posts: 218


    I've just listed the cruise on, I'll do what I can from up where we just got electricity! Ha!

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  11. elrobo818
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 664


    lol sweet man. thanks!
  12. vncruiser
    Joined: Mar 5, 2005
    Posts: 541


    It's blank, man.....
  13. I started cruisin Van Nuys in 1966. Stopped in '79. I actually lived on Van Nuys Blvd right next to Carnation in 1961. There were houses there back then. I'd walk to Oscars and A&W to see the cars. Couldn't wait until I could drive.

    The Falcon was my High school ride. 200 6 with 3 carbs, header and Fenton shifter on the stock 3 spd. Welded the spinder gears cause I kept blowing them trying to race it. 6 inch shackles to raise it up in the back. The trunk was hinged to be a rumble seat. Drove the cops nuts when I had people back there. Always got pulled over with that one.

    The '54 Merc I bought in NY(1970) when I was in the service after my mother sold my Falcon on me when I went to basic. It was all stock with 17k miles. I drove it back to So.Cal. when I was 18. My Street Racer colors are hangin from the antena.

    The '51 Buick Woodie was so kool. Had that when I started College after I got out of the service (1972)

    The beetle was my first total build. Autocrossed it as well. Had fun blowin off the Porche snobs. Even won Sweepstakes in the import class at the old Canning Champ car shows in '77. Photo was taken in Lone Pine at a 3 day Autocross event.

    It was the last car I cruzed the Blvd with. Finally got tired of the cops hasslin me. I was respectable by that time. I was a Autoshop teacher.

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    Last edited: May 8, 2009
  14. MCM
    Joined: May 9, 2008
    Posts: 162


    That's too awesome for words, gotta see if I can track it down on DVD!
  15. GOT'CHA
    Joined: Dec 28, 2008
    Posts: 218


    Came through for me Reid. Too cool. Never heard of it till I came to the H.A.M.B.! Racing vans??????? Not on my watch! That's just silly! lol. ('cept for the one I saw when I re-visited the lot on Sepulveda and Plummer in about '81 with my '69 Roadrunner. Went to race a nice lil red Nova and let him know who "GOT'CHA" was and beware of Washington License plates (Bobby Carson (R.I.P. 2000) started the race, I ended it, but that small block chebbie had some heart). Any way I pulled up to the light after Devonshire (while heading north on Sepulveda, on my way to Woodley and Renaldi) and this early model MOPAR Van pulled next to me, swear Sonny was drivin, and when the light turned green that M.F. stood straight up in the air!!!!!! Totally frickin awesome!!!! Who was THAT bearded man???????????????

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  16. GOT'CHA
    Joined: Dec 28, 2008
    Posts: 218


    Someone stole yur door handles on the Falcon Bob. What was yur handle in the street racers and out of what area I don't remember a hotrodbob? GOT'CHA. Autoshop teacher? now THAT'S COOL BOB, really cool.
  17. GOT'CHA
    Joined: Dec 28, 2008
    Posts: 218


    LET US ALL KNOW!! Pleasssssssssssseeeeee?
  18. vncruiser
    Joined: Mar 5, 2005
    Posts: 541


    It wouldn't show up on my computer at work but it does at home....As far as tracking down that DVD, don't bother...I saw that movie when it came out...With great anticipation, went to the Winnetka Drive in and left before it was over...The only Van Nuys Blvd stuff was maybe the first 20 minutes, the rest a bunch of irrelevent crap.......
    Got'cha, as far as vans racing, I got a good one for you....I was hanging out at B of A on a wed night with Jim Steinert...He had the "Future Shock" Chevy van that you lettered and striped...A guy drove by in a Dodge van and Jim said.."Race that pieceashit?" The guy pulled into the lot there and they decided to go over to Sepulveda and Oxnard....James the kid that bought "Fantasia" from you was the starter. He did the usual point-point, arms up and when they came down and the vans took off, he hit the deck, sprawled in the street....He got up, shook himself off and said "I forgot about those big mirrors sticking out....Damn near took my head off'....There's one for your movie!!! I still laugh my ass off on that one....
    And what the hell were YOU doing driving a Mopar!?
    Last edited: May 10, 2009
  19. if ya want the movie its on ebay for $3.49 as a double dvd.............
  20. vncruiser
    Joined: Mar 5, 2005
    Posts: 541


    Sorry to hear about Bobby Carson...I remember him well.....
  21. GOT'CHA
    Joined: Dec 28, 2008
    Posts: 218


    I even drove chebbies Reid, not many and certainly not fast but chebbies none the less. lol. If you recall I got so mad about "Fat Ron" making fun, at the Devonshire and Balboa lot, of my competitive pro stock 67/68 camaro, "Mad American" with the L-88 Rat in it that ran 9.60's (in '74 that was competitive) that I pulled the motor, slung in one of my "UNDISCLOSED" Ford engines, went to Orange County Raceway, ran 8.80's all night long, went to Orangethorup with Big Willie, made a bye run with my wheels in the air in 3 gears and pulled over at the end of my run bye the local black n white which by the way made the first issue of "HUSTLER" magazine in a story about street racing. Check it out, last two paragraphs in the story. I made the run to save two other racers that really WERE racing. I got a ticket for EXIBITION OF SPEED. Fat Ron learned to hate that CAMORD, especially after it went almost a second faster with the FORD engine! Wonder if he's still trying to make that fake '67 "GTO" Pontiac (Rat powered) get into the bottom 15's. Lots of money, lots of slow and the end result was absoulutly no go!!!! (I'm a poet!):eek:
  22. GOT'CHA
    Joined: Dec 28, 2008
    Posts: 218


    Thanks, I'll try to score it then copies will be free from me (soon as I learn how to copy!!) You just pay shipping guys/gals. Man that PIE WAGON looks just like the nail head powered one that sat on Sepulveda Blvd by Gary Baca's old 1980 shop and the owners name was Ron something. He also had a REAL A/C Cobra hanging from the ceiling of his custom fabrication shop. Yeah, like that's still there.
  23. GOT'CHA
    Joined: Dec 28, 2008
    Posts: 218


    Thanks to the Thurston County drug task force. ASSHOLES! He was dying of brain cancer and moved back in with me to spend his last days. Still had his big 'ole ponytail and was still an arrogant STREET RACER till his last breath. Owned some of the prettiest Mopars and Mustangs you'd ever wanna see. Was the painter of my "QuickET" roadster. Mike Hall helped him and I think Super Jew had something to do with getting fiberglass in his curly locks. Hey Harlan, tell us about your roadster you bought from me and then stuffed your 440 stage III into! What a frickin rocket!!! You screamed like a little bitch! lol. I got a picture of it from the night we took it out with one of my big block Fords in it and ran that bike in Simi Valley and blew it AWAY!!! Smokin the tires THE ENTIRE 1/4 mile!! Hardest $50 I ever made. Hey GROUCHO? You gettin these little stories you been dyin to hear? Did u get my note on the lear jet 8 track? You want it or not?
  24. Yes, I'm soaking up all the stories (finally). PM me on the Lear please.
  25. Hotrodbob is what my older son called me when he was about 5 and it stuck. Back in those olden days I weighed less the 120lbs. Worked at a gas station in No. Hollywood and had to use a 6 ft extention and jump on it to break tires down. My boss called me Spindle Ass. The guys heard that and it became my name. I've made up for lost time and the name wont fit any more.. F-T Ass is closer now.

    I lived in No.Hollywood -Van Nuys area then. In '74 I moved to Lancaster. Been in Burbank since '82.

    Door handles shaved was a 16 year olds first custom attempts. Car Coa on Van Nuys painted it. I rattle canned the stripe.
    Last edited: May 10, 2009
  26. If it was blue, that dude raced at LACR a lot. Had a blown 440 if I remember right. He ran high 10's at LACR Wheels up whenever he wanted.
  27. GOT'CHA
    Joined: Dec 28, 2008
    Posts: 218


    Did we ever meet? Then yur right down the street from GROUCHO? I'm sorry. lol. If yur fat now Bob it just means yur night bustin enough ASS! Just kiddin, life has a way of catching up with all of us, I'm still outrunning it tho'. Good job on the "Shave" and several of my cars were painted at Car-Coa at Van Nuys and ?. SPEEDMASTERS was at the location before Car-Coa. You use to be able to buy a 301 chevy short block (327 w/ 283 crank +.030 over bore) screamer balanced and the whole shooting match for $301 from Leon and his little skinny blond haired partner. Hey GOUCHO? I don't know how to send a PM. Call me at 360-672-4359, I R 'tupid. DEEEER.
  28. Hey GOUCHO? I don't know how to send a PM. Call me at 360-672-4359, I R 'tupid. DEEEER.

    Click on his screen name above his avitar and a drop down menu will appear. Click, "Send PM"
  29. jalopy43
    Joined: Jan 12, 2002
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    Sorry to hear about Bobby.....R.I.P..... I tell you someone could make a million(or more) if they make a movie/documentry about Van Nuys bl. street racers,in the 70's.. My Pioneer supretuner 8 track still works, the Kiss, BTO,Boston Steve Miller tapes are pretty well toast though... ho those days/nights were sweeeet!!! Sparky(50 ford shoebox)
  30. GOT'CHA
    Joined: Dec 28, 2008
    Posts: 218


    Thanks Carl. One of my dearest friends lives near you in Castac (Female) inb fact she was my first girlfriend. Guess I keep friends for a long time. Also Jimmy and Judy Badgett live near you. Jimmy's my cousin a way cool dude!

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