Its for real OJ, I only get down that way once a year and the cars are allways changing as he sells some he replaces them with more.I take pics every time Im down there, theres more on my profile page.
This car is in the Petrified Forest in AZ it overlooks the Old and covered up section of Route 66 you can see the telephone pole in the background that use to run along 66! If anyone has address for junk yards like what is now makeing me ill in AZ, NM, or TExas please forward! I would like to stop in them on my next trip! Thanks I am curious on what year and make this is? If I was a painter I would paint it!
This Nomad used to be off of Rt 13 north in Delaware by the C&D canal. I think it was the St.Georges bridge that you could see it from once you crossed over the canal on the right. There was a few other cars on the other side of the building. 49-50 Chevy bus. coupe and a few others if memory serves correct. Cars are all long gone(about 5 or so years ago). It was a shame. That Nomad was busted up for parts from what I heard
Now that you've gotten all excited reading all the above posts, how about remembering our little buddy Andy Dunn. You probably can't buy one of the rusty old cars in this thread, but you can step up and make this project a winner.
oh god i feel horrible and sick!!..this is a painful thread...and rottenpop please stop doing that to heart hurts..
Can't be saved, lord knows I tried.......just up the road from my place,......gonna fix it up one day....yep.
Ummm, is that body made from plywood? The rear view makes the corners look like 3/4 plywood butted up against each other. And dig that stained glass window!
Is this a Graham sharknose? What a shame, these are beautiful cars... Odd to see one in this state. Know anything about if it's for sale or not?
Yeah,,cars at the second auction looked a bit better,,I hear he still has stuff stshed tehy have'nt got yet lol
it was in Rosemont ,New Jersey,, Last year,,you can see in his pictures some of teh 'before' pix,,they came in and cut alotta trees out so cars could actually be moved
One man's too far gone is another man's ideal project. I've seen worse than a lot of these get fixed by someone with the time and patience.
OK here ya go guys, I "Harvested two 26/27 T coups from a guy in South Dakota 3 1/2 years ago. All these cars were his dad's projects. His dad did restore several As and Ts before he died though.
A friend of Mine knows where this is, but it is in a Farmers yard, so we never looked into it any more, I would like to dig this one out Kelly