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Tech: how to remove unwanted female guests from car: PETA warning

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by fur biscuit, Mar 12, 2006.

  1. deuces94
    Joined: Jan 24, 2009
    Posts: 171

    from Minnesota

    For christ's sake, I'm reading this and my wife starts screaming. " What the hells wrong?" "There's a snake out here." "Leave it alone and it'll go away." "The dog is after it!' "Scream!!!" "What the hells wrong?" "She caught it, please come out here and take it away." So I put down my sandwich, go outside to the garden and there's the dog with the snake's head out one side of it's mouth and the tail out the other side and the snake fighting like hell to get away. So I yell at the dog, "Give!!" and she walks over and drops the snake at my wife's feet. By this time I figure it's time to do something about the situation and step on the snakes tail and pick it up by it's head. I start to walk out of the garden with my wife behind me with both hands on my back screaming "kill it", "kill it". I went out to the road ditch and gave it a toss and away it went. All the while my wife is pissed because I didn't kill it. Even when I told her they eat mice and bugs it didn't do any good. The last thing she said to me was "will it come back"? I hope not, now my beers warm.
  2. Chebby belair
    Joined: Apr 17, 2006
    Posts: 853

    Chebby belair
    from Australia

    You can use a regular vacuum cleaner as well, and if you spray some bug killer down the tube while its running, you get a handy flamethrower - once:D
  3. <hr style="color: rgb(229, 229, 229); background-color: rgb(229, 229, 229);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> I have to evict the Black Widows along with a myriad of other spiders and bugs when I work in the garage. I've even come across a bug that the locals call a cow killer. I don't have a picture of it but imagine a bumble bee with no wings, blood red and black stripes and hairy.

    What I DO have a picture of is this chrome spider that I get every spring and fall on my patio. It's big and the web material is strong enough to pull that plastic chair that it's setting on. The cat won't even go near it!

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    Florida has every damn weird thing!
  4. American Hellbilly
    Joined: Jun 11, 2008
    Posts: 121

    American Hellbilly
    from Seymour,IN

    All I ever use use PB Blaster, and then flame to a crisp.
  5. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    we have those cow killers here, they look like ants but aren't i have to look up what they are,they are interesting little buggers, related to the wasp
  6. After reading this tread I think I need to shower, starting to feel things crawling ..

    I used to work in this shop and there was this old boy there, great guy, lots of cool stories, you know the one... we used to get a lot of critters behind the work bench, he would get the gas welder, turn it on but not light it, he would run the gas behind the bench then back up and throw a match, whoosh.. small fire ball, insects were gone and first couple of times so was I.. yeah I miss him....
  7. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    here's your "cow killer" just leave it alone and don't get stung. they won't hurt anything. it's really a wasp. anybody know of a bug bomb effective on black widows? i just want to clear out my shop. I hate to kill off my giant huntsman spiders though,very cool.
  8. My god! It's a parasite of a parasite! Over the top creepy.
  9. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    what you have there is a golden silk spider, [​IMG]
  10. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    your spider looks like an oddball unusual spider there in florida here's one
  11. hotroddaddy
    Joined: Jun 26, 2007
    Posts: 193

    from jax, fla

    I saw some of those over the weekend. very cool looking and big.
  12. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    not as cool as my wolf spiders and huntsman spiders:D
  13. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    here you go,not for the sqeemish, we have these in south georgia now,and they are in Florida, they came out of australia and south america. I have one of these looking at me on my desk right now. they are all over my house and garage.:D they are very cool!!
  14. KreaturesCCaustin
    Joined: Sep 3, 2008
    Posts: 1,258

    from Austin, TX

    Imagine that in your underwear!!! I got bitten by a recluse in Boy Scout Camp when I was 11. It got me on the left thigh. To this day, I have a dime sized scar there and a dent about 4" in diameter where muscle won't grow.

    I kid you not, I have such a bad case of arachnophobia that once, when I found a wolf spider in my bed, I picked up my .380 auto from the night stand and shot the damned thing from 2" away. My room mate gave birth to a bunch of butt nuggets and came running into the room with a ball bat. He looked at me in my boxers, gun in hand and gave me a curious look. I just said, "spider". He nodded and went back to bed.

    I hate those unnatural spawn of the dark lord. YEEEUUSHSHGHAHGAHGA!!!
  15. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    hahahahahha gave birth to a bunch of but nuggets!! those wolf spiders won't hurt you as long as they don't feel threatened. they are harmless to people. they are very useful for eating other bugs. i have them here too. they actually carry the young spiders on their back for a while.
  16. Kustomkarma
    Joined: Mar 31, 2007
    Posts: 898


    Oh yeah we've got tons o bugs down here. We definitely have the Huntsmans and Recluses, and Widows, etc. etc. I had a problem with tiny little beetles in my kitchen getting in all my cereal and noodles, and stuff. I couldn't get rid of them. Then I noticed all these little reddish brown spiders setting up webs - after a couple of weeks no more beetles. Then I had too many spiders, so I started taking them all outside - I've gotten good at catching them with a glass and a 3x5 card. So we worked out a deal, they eat the bugs and I take them outside when they're done. Funny how nature works.
  17. Here in central MI,we rarely encounter BR or BW spiders,but they do find their way to these parts. All you folks now make me want to hit the garage only after donning a protective suit. I will be checking the toolbox,parts/junk boxes and other places more cautiously. Perhaps a little off topic,but this surprised me with its presence in the belly pan of an old Arctic Cat El Tigre I purchased for parts:


    A DeKay's or Michigan Brown snake;they're only supposed to grow to around 18 inches or so. This one went the "or so" route,as in 2+ feet long. I was cleaning out the crud that had accumulated under the hood of the sled in question,and this thought my thumb was a mouse,or at least its next meal. Tried to shake him/her off to no avail;finally grabbed it behind the head and did the jaw squeeze and got it loose. Turned it loose in the yard,and thought no more about it-knew it wasn't poisonous,but the thumb and hand hurt for awhile. Saw it again,about an hour later slithering into a crack in the cement steps leading to the house,and watched it pull out a large frog. Must not like mice,as they're running rampant around my place. My cats do not go outside,as there's enough dangers for them out there,so maybe I need to acquire an Eastern Diamondback rattler or Pygmy Rattler to deal with them.
    My problem is also with the yellowjackets and mud daubers around here-damn aggressive bastards,but my buddy Gumout carb cleaner helps.
  18. chopd top
    Joined: Jun 25, 2008
    Posts: 475

    chopd top
    from Florida
    1. HAMB Relays

    Thats IT!! The one's around here are a deeper red tho.
  19. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    you probably have the same ones we have here in south georgia
  20. chopd top
    Joined: Jun 25, 2008
    Posts: 475

    chopd top
    from Florida
    1. HAMB Relays

    I used to do the same thing with wood spiders when I lived around Daytona. Once the wood spiders moved in, I never had any other kind of bug show up, nothing. No widows, recluses, palmetto bugs, nothing. Those things are the garbage can of the spider world. They would just scare the daylights out of our visitors tho :eek: :D
  21. shinysideup
    Joined: Sep 1, 2008
    Posts: 1,627

    from ruskin, fl

    Good technique. BIG fire is fun.:D
  22. HomemadeHardtop57
    Joined: Nov 15, 2007
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  23. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
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    be glad we have them,or we would be armpit deep in much more annoying bugs, and probably lots of flys buzzing around your head,as well as other flying critters. i saw my big huntsman spider carrying one of those big flying roaches, anything that can get rid of those is cool in my book. :D
  24. Aman
    Joined: Dec 28, 2005
    Posts: 2,522

    from Texas

    Here's one for ya. So...I'm sitting in my easy chair looking over my wiring diagram for the A and I look down and low and behold a black widow is walking across the floor in front of my couch. I about shit, it was only a small one but damn I hate spiders. The biggest one I've ever encountered was in a deer blind on a ranch near Zapata, Texas. It was before dawn, I'm in the blind and I look around with my flashlight and see her about 12" from my face on a 2x4. I I decided to whip out my skinning knife and try to stab her. Luckily I hit her dead center. If I had missing, in the dark I think every deer in the county would have heard my best little girl scream as I tumbled out of the blind with a loaded .270. My My memories memories.
  25. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    just went to take a shower and killed a black widow and a recluse in the window, have that spectracide or whatever it's called, in the gallon container,with the nozzle and hose. works good, remember on spiders even a good insecticide takes a little time to work,but it will kill em. they tried to crawl up the window, made it half way,and dropped dead. if you want to knock em down quick get some of that knockdown wasp and hornet killer, but use it outside. if it will knock down a yellow jacket,it sure will knock down a spider.
  26. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    Maybe I'm missing something but why are you all scared of the black widow? Very few deaths occur from envenomation from them, its low like .5% of all envenomations.
    I was bitten by two Aussy red backs once, the more nasty and dangerous cousin to the black widow, I felt sick for a few hours and went to work the next day. The bites themselves are the worst, the venom is slow moving and burns like a bitch but hell its only a bug!
  27. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    because black widow bites are extremely painful and people do die from them, the recluse causes necrosis of the skin and the bite has to be surgically removed. I like spiders,but if it's one of those two it's going to die. I much prefer my wolf spiders and my huntsman spiders, yes we have them here now in extreme south georgia, they are pretty interesting. we also have the brown widow spider here now, it's so dangerous they have issued alerts in areas where they found them.
  28. teisco
    Joined: Mar 25, 2008
    Posts: 171


    When I was a kid of 4 years old my mother found me playing with a black widow in my sandbox in California. She screamed and jerked me out of there and I think her reaction to that incident is what caused my spider phobia today.
  29. Fraz
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 1,818

    from Dixon, MO

    Workin at a local auto salvage yard, managed to kick a nest of widows open somehow when I was workin on removing a door from a 90's model car. Ever seen like 40 pissed off and dangerous spiders crawling up your leg fast as they can go?

    Yeah, I'm an arachnaphobe now.
  30. CLSSY56
    Joined: Dec 19, 2002
    Posts: 1,218


    Man I'm glad I haven't seen any here. We do have these nasty spiders though.


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