You got the culture shock thing right! Don't let anyone fool you, We have great BBQ here and Santa Maria Tri Tip is the best in the world. not to Mention "Johnny Reb's" where the slogan is "Put a little South in your Mouth". As for Iced Tea you are starting to see "Sweet Tea" in some places, but for the life of me I can't figure out why - Bleh, Yech
Tiki - heck Atlanta still has one of the original Trader Vics opened. Good Luck in California. Chatsworth is a little hike from the beach though
Ok- which one of you bastards left the door open. You know we have bad earthquakes here. We have high taxes here. We have hot weather here. We have fires here. We have Ahhhhhhhhhhnold here. Still coming? I tried. You will love it here. Just get a high paying job as the cost of living here is insane. Wall to wall car events 12 months a year.
Yeah, but just like Hot Rodding, they started here and California still has three, including the one on Olympic Bl in LA, so he'll be close to that too
Bite your tongue! Tea comes in Lipton bottles here. BBQ? We have BBQ- you just won't recongnize it as BBQ. 200K? That's a down payment here.
Welcome to CA. Every state has it's ups and downs, but California is the best. I'm about 2 hrs north of simi valley; that's a nice area. You will have a good time here.
Come on out, you'll love it! I came here for a 6 week vacation - 10 years ago! Damn pissing & moaning So Cal natives don't realise how good they got it! Nothing wrong with the West Valley either - and plenty of car stuff to do. Sell your house to anyone who says they'd rather be in GA than CA! As for the traffic, I dig driving my old car - ain't that what it's all about?
I was raised in Garden Grove. It was good back in the 60/70's. Hot rods galore. Weather to beat the daylights outta everywhere else. Dirt that would grow anything. Yea, I'm glad I live in Tucson now. Enjoy it and I hope it works well for you. Whiners think if you tell everybody how much paradise sucks, they'll have it all to themselves.
Except you ain't "driving" in SoCal traffic. You're mostly just sitting. Or crawling along at 15 mph or less. I don't call that driving. My 15 mile commute when I lived in San Diego took an hour.
It's actually a good time to move to Calif. Housing prices are way down. If you can handle a bit more of a drive, Thousand Oaks and the Camarillo areas are much cooler temperature wise than Simi Valley. There is absolutely something to do every weekend the WHOLE year round out here.
James Speaking as a Brit living in CA, they won't understand you here either mate! But welcome, hope to bump into you at the Primer Nats!
welcome roadracer!!! If you need a hand with any car stuff stop by,im in the west valley.. good luck. brian
....the secret is.....hindsight, I bought my house in 1972. Life is good when you don't have a mortgage any more. ( I'm NOT gloating....that is the secret, really) oh yea, I'm unemployed too
You'll get used to Ca---but it may take awhile.I live in Ventura--home to Primer Nationals / Back to the Beach.Right on the beach--good weather--hour or so to the desert / El Mirage. Like's been said--every weekend is car weekend out here.Plus---I get to see KiwiKev every day--whether he wants me to or not! Here's what you get to see--day and night-----
As someone that's lived in Austin and Los Angeles, I can tell you they both have their ups and downs. Austin , at least used to , be a decent place to live, even if you didn't have a lot of money. LA is not a decent place to live unless you make a lot of money.
Welcome! Simi is nice, and so is Chatsworth. Daveyboy is right, Valencia is nice, but to and from valencia to chatsworth can be a bitch at peak times. I live right next to Chatsworth, I'm sure you'll like it. I don't know what all you guys are talking about, Chatswoth isn't that far from the beach. It's a cool drive if you know the right ways to go, even better in a classic car. I've gone snowboarding and to the beach in the same day, which means neither of them are too far.
If you need a rest stop in Dallas/Fort Worth, I'm less than a mile off I-20. Come on over! Can't offer much, but I got a house with A/C in a quiet neighborhood, garage full of beer, secure 10 foot fence and plenty of room for your ride, and a Mexican meat market down the street for excellent marinated fajita meat. Always looking for an excuse to fire up the grill! Damn, I feel better just typing that. I'm doing alright...
Exactally, so how does everyone afford it. I have always been curious how the average household that brings in around 90K a year combined affords a house and everything out there. Gotta be some average people in CA. Not everyone can make $150K a year....
Yeah,I'm curious about the cost of living in LA,how does the average joe make it there if everything is so expensive,real estate,gas,etc. Do you guys eat a lotta ramen noodles ?
It's all relative...No heating costs to speak of, no need to buy winter clothes, no A/C costs (except for maybe three weeks a year), no snow tires, etc. I've never earned any kind of big bucks, so I don't eat out every night. The cost of living in SoCal is not out of line. How could 20 million people possibly live in an area if it was?