I actually got #18 in the mail before it hit stands...and that included an address change on my sub. I was shocked to see it in the mailbox... Glad to see they're getting things together on the distribution end. Garage is one of the few mags I get that takes more than one crap to read!
here's something to pass the time for all you "true" American hot rodders that go to Walmart to get your imported poorly made items....
I would laugh at the WalMart Bingo card if it wasn't for the sad truth associated with it. I could fill up the entire card on any visit. I sadly have to stop at WalMart around 2 or 3 in the morning on the way home from work and WalMart patrons at 2AM typically have at least one child under the age of 10 with them while shopping at that hour. Usually about four or five kids. It's quality parenting. On a completely unrelated note, every garage magazine I've even seen is amazing.
That 55 is beautiful. Awesome body and paint...but what is up with the upholstery on the seats? The upholstery looks heinous and completely out of place with the rest of the car. Throw the seats away and the car is flawless.
Damn, thats a pretty bold statement to make, especially about one of the baddest 55's in the land. Unless of course you were just joking
I guess I'm feeling nostalgic .. Remember back in the good days when we would have two maybe three threads at a time going, where people would be looking for the issues from the sub they bought and paid for and never recieved .. Then Good ol' Stoner would show up and defend it and attack the people that were looking for what they bought and paid for .. Then Ryan would show up , make a funny and lock the thread Ha,ha .. Yeah, I sent my money a long, long time ago ..never got it but, it also happened to me as a youth with my "model car science" sub I bought and paid for and never got when the boy scouts honked me out of my money I earned from mowing lawns .. I hope everyone is able to get the mag this time .. Good job Mr. James
I totally understand everyone's frustration and want to thank those that have stuck it out through all the bullshit, and continue to support the magazine.
i thought i saw sandra bullock in the photo shoot, but it was just speed 2, revenge of the cruise ship on TBS. nice mag, and models. that '55 is BA
Jesse, You got the best damn rag out there! Sure would like to see Annie Duke on the cover one day. That gal gits my motor runnin"!
Hey Jesse can we get it at newstands in Australia or do we have to subscribe?,cool looking mag....Rod....
heard about the mag awhile a go never could find it in any stores so i sucked it up and got a sub i have faith
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