"If it's a good car, the name won't matter. And if it's a bad car, the name won't save it." Carroll Shelby on naming the GT 350. "That rules" Tuck
Heard while at a DLRA salt race in Australia: My drinkin teams got a racin problem. There's too much blood in my alcohol system.
I believe Dale Earnhardt said, The race is not won by the guy who wants to win the most, but by the guy who refuses to lose.
"You tell this Milner I been lookin' for him....tell him I aim to blow his ass right off the road" Bob Falfa
There's a bunch on here.http://www.wediditforlove.com/techtalk16.html Some of my favourites... "After the third flip, I lost control............" [SIZE=-1] Don Roberts after crashing in the Jade Grenade at New England Dragway in 1975.[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]"Not bad for a coupe...." [SIZE=-1] Don Garlits after watching the first Funny Car in qualifying made a pass, slightly quicker and faster than he had just run.[/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]'F--k the trophy, give me the check." [SIZE=-1]Jerry Ruth after winning the 1972 Winternationals[/SIZE] [/SIZE]
The Driver: "Make it three yards, motherfucker, and we'll have us an automobile race." -Two Lane Blacktop Wooderson: "I hope you brought your wood screws....cause I'm gonna blow your doors completely off!" -Dazed & Confused T.C. Lemmons: "I didn't want my Mom to know I was drag racing for 20 years so I told her I was in prison." "I know that son-of-a-bitch is cheatin! Cause, I'm cheatin and he beat me"!
I saw Elvis at 100 feet John Force An Old Friend Bruce (RIP) His comment on how to shift his front engine digger. "Mash the gas until you see Jesus and shift into second"
i seem to remember a sticker on my dad's tool box that said "ass gas or grass, nobody rides for free"
"Turn left to go to the finish line, turn right to go to the graveyard." - Unknown (possibly A. J. Foyt?)
(Paraphrasing) "I predict the strong return in popularity of the traditional style of hot rod in the near future."............This was in Street Rodder magazine in a popular editorial, In Bill's Eye written by the late, great Bill Burnham. Bill made this prediction not long before it actually happened.
Most of these are pretty funny! I've got a more serious one though, and it kind of changed my attitude for life. I read an interview with Kieth Black a long time ago. I really just worshipped the guy, he was and to me always will be the best fuel hemi guy that ever lived, which is basicaly what the interview was about. So they asked him what it was that allowed him to rise up to be the very top engine guy in the country with all those other great guys running around as well, like Ed Pink, Donovan, Dave Zuschel, etc. Kieth said, "I guess its because when I run into a problem that I can't figure out, there are people kind enough to help me out and tell me what I'm doing wrong". Up until that point I was a pretty brash, cocky little know it all. But that story just stopped me in my tracks. Whenever I hear some mouthy know it all person anymore, I just think, what a loser! Kindness, humility, ( which means a willingness to listen, not to be a weakling) that's the way to treat people. Kieth Black, still one of my heros.
" Build it as if its for Jesus Christ himself, that way no one is disappointed". I cant remember who told me that, but it was said in my shop years ago.
The name doesn't make the car ""The car will make the name"" you can call it whatever you want !! And by the way, there's 350 steps from the office to the shop !! Guess Who !!! >>>>.
"Racing the Baja 1000 is like a 24 hour plane crash" - Parnelli Jones "I can save it" - Robby Gordon's driving style "I was going so fast when ...." "If we'd a finished we'd a won" Local short track guy "Checkers or Wreckers" After a spectacular engine failure in an Indy car, a reported asked Bobby Rahal what happened "No more squirrels in the back"