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Folks Of Interest Hoarders

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by decker, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. im not a hoarder of auto parts but i am willing to learn!:D
  2. boldventure
    Joined: Mar 7, 2008
    Posts: 1,766


    I just remembered an article I read a few years ago about Ed Iskendarian. He never throws anything away. The author of the article mentioned that Isky met him at the airport in a big van but the author had to get a cab because the van was full of "stuff". As i recall Isky has ALL the equipment he's ever bought. What he didn't have was a PC/TV name for the his conditon....
  3. Shifty Shifterton
    Joined: Oct 1, 2006
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    Shifty Shifterton

    Sad to see the old hoarder cry, but the amount of scrap there was never going to pay for anyone's retirement even at the height of scrap prices. Might pay for an old pickup at best.

    And to the comment about the government profiting by taking it away- how?? It costs money to lock a person in jail and at $5 a ton it costs more to haul away than it'd ever pay back. Definitely not motivated by profit. Put the tinfoil hat conspiracy theories away, they only cloud up what's really happening.

    Realize the hoarder is not on our side. Because the laws end up written to deal with hoarders and then hobbyists have to work around those laws. Can hobbyists identify with hoarders? Absolutely. But a hoarder is not an automotive hobbist and actively works against what we do. They hoarde raw material and put code inspectors on red alert.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2009
  4. 1941ihkb5
    Joined: Feb 19, 2009
    Posts: 338


    Its a sickness but its ok if you admit it!
  5. outlawsteel
    Joined: Feb 19, 2009
    Posts: 360


    well if there's not hoarders like this where would i get all my parts and bodies to add to my collection. my neighbors love me hehehehehehe. atleast i have all mine lined up nice and neat and all the parts in buildings nice and neat
  6. shinysideup
    Joined: Sep 1, 2008
    Posts: 1,627

    from ruskin, fl

    The collecting and USING of cars and their parts is a great thing, keeps them in circulation. Hoarding is nothing more than a rotting junkpile that will never serve a use to anyone even the hoarder.
  7. 73RR
    Joined: Jan 29, 2007
    Posts: 7,329


    The 'nanny-statist' continues to re-write the constitution.

  8. I saw the episode with the couple that lost their kids due to the house being unliveable. The wife was the hoarder and amassed a huge pile of clothes, toys, etc over the years. They had a crew come in and clean up the house in 3 days, but the husband dumped her anyway. She still had something like 1400 boxes of items she couldn't part with.

    I have been guilty of hoarding model cars and am separating a pile that I will be selling. I'm 54, plan to move in 10 years or less and don't really need to drag 400 kits with me.

    There are other terms for the disorder like cocooning, where people insulate themselves from something.

  9. slickschoppers
    Joined: Mar 15, 2007
    Posts: 160

    from Iowa

    yea,, we have an old horder too.. the problem is that he has lived here longer than ANYONE else around him. He has collected cars and trucks all of his life. He is 81 years old.

    he has a MASSIVE amount of vintage steel and still likes to work on his projects.

    I feel that if you own the land it is NOT your responsibility to make sure your neighbors property is worth more...

    BULLSHIT.... he paid for his property. he can do with it what he wants as long as it is not a danger to others....

    an eye sore!!! seriously. remember, alot of people look at our old cars as gass guzzling things of the past that should all be destroyed. just because the current trend is to think that does it mean we should all have to crush our cars????

    we live in a REPUBLIC not a DEMOCRACY. just because the populous believes that it is wrong to lower their property values does not mean that the LAW should support them..........

    there are ALOT of things I don't agree with and this is a BIG one....

    what do you do with someone like the guy that lives here?? HE DID LIVE IN THE COUNTRY!! the town moved around him!!
  10. brandon
    Joined: Jul 19, 2002
    Posts: 6,370


    they probably scrapped it last summer. and he's now living in florida on the half mil he made.:D
  11. I feel sorry for that guy. I have complaints all the time about my cars. It really frustrates me I mean we are not hurting anyone I just like old cars.
  12. rixrex
    Joined: Jun 25, 2006
    Posts: 1,433


    I am a bit of a hoarder, at least I am aware of it and can make stash is on a piece of other property with no neighbors to bother. At the house here if my accumulations start to bother the P.O.A. I load it up and take it over to the stash area..I recently traded eleven cars for three so I am down wife and her sisters have the real problems, my wife and her big heart for stray animals has lead to dedicating an entire house next door to fourteen? cats and five dogs..Her sister originally had an upstairs apartment that we own and her hoarding of stuff(she is a school teacher) lead to her filling up a downtairs apartment as well..So, I am having to build a $1500 storage building just for her stuff so I can rent out the downstairs, Whew!..I think we all have a bit of hoarder in us..something will catch your eye, gotta have it, what are you gonna do with it? I dunno, just gotta have it....
  13. calpyro
    Joined: Sep 28, 2008
    Posts: 30

    from napa

    Too much stuff is a burden.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2009
  14. Sure glad I'm not a hoarder:eek:
  15. havi
    Joined: Dec 30, 2008
    Posts: 1,876


    LMAO! I feel much better.
  16. Is Ryan a hoarder... he keeps all of these posts and never throws them away?

    (Except for those "R-R" word threads that is... a man has to have limitations)

    I'd guess there's a bit of a hoarder in each of us to a certain point...
  17. CJ Steak
    Joined: Sep 23, 2008
    Posts: 1,377

    CJ Steak
    from Texas

    Shit... I look to that Hoarders show for tips...

    Those peeps can really cram alot of crap in to a small place!

    The people that can't throw away rotting food and moldy fast food containers... c'mon... lol... you need a hobby. Like smoking crack or something.
  18. 1arock
    Joined: Sep 24, 2009
    Posts: 124


    There was a man about 50 miles from me who had about 3 or 4 acres covered in cars and trucks pre 1950. The town grew around him and tried to make him clean up his property, he never did. I talked to him several times and he would not part with anything. Eventually he died and his family had to pay someone to clean it up. All that was left was the stainless trim. It was a sad waste.
    "If you're gonna err, err on the stout side" my Grand Dad
  19. donut29
    Joined: Mar 6, 2006
    Posts: 1,518

    from canton MI

    How about you do that tread about your gas pedal collection you talked about I would love to see them:D:D:D

    I hoard nailhead parts I say I'm going to sell some but never do:D I just cant let them go they are just to pretty
  20. Fordguy78
    Joined: Apr 2, 2009
    Posts: 557


    Screw those freakin' yuppies who make someone get rid of their stuff. This is what some people do. Leave them alone and let them collect what ever they want. It is no different than people who collect antiques and never sell. EDIT If it is just stuff like garbage bags etc. It's clean up time. If it is just old junk, leave them alone.
  21. Cyclone Kevin
    Joined: Apr 15, 2002
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    Cyclone Kevin
    Alliance Vendor

    Guilty as charged!;)

    I have a lot of (Junk to those unaware and History to those who are).
    Here is what the skinny is. The trash company that I pay a small fortune to doesn't take tires,paint cans or certain types of synthectic plastics.
    They do come twice a week to take my trash that they then go through and separate and sell to a recycler which to me is making money both ways. It's time that they buy our trash because to them it is "Their Gold"

    There is a new code enforcement manual that my neighbor gave me a copy of,(I thought it was a hint :D), but he was pretty p'd about what he read and wanted me to be aware of it. Everything that I have is worth something to everyone that walks in the yard.

    They're mostly covered and hope one day, I'll be able to get a warehouse where I can spread them in their own little areas and build the ones that require it in that area out of sight from any neighbors or elements.
    Heck in 7yrs, C'Dueced says that I have sold 2 and bought 6;), Not bad.

    It's that Broiler signage that I have to store that is making the mess:D.
  22. llonning
    Joined: Nov 17, 2007
    Posts: 681


    I sort of understand the "hoarder" mentality. My grandparents were like that. A good part of it for them was the Depression. You didn't get rid of anything that you might need for a repair of any type.

    When I inherited the house and property, I started cleaning. I don't know how much scrap I had hauled away, but I quit counting at 2 tons of garbage to the landfill. I found a lot of neat stuff, but I had to throw away a lot of useless stuff.
  23. Landmule
    Joined: Apr 14, 2003
    Posts: 462


    I can stop whenever I want to. I'm just not ready to stop.
  24. Squablow
    Joined: Apr 26, 2005
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    I've been fascinated with the show, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I've actually been actively cleaning and re-organizing my house and my shop after watching it.

    As for the guy with the scrap metal, I don't understand why he was saving it as scrap but didn't cash out when the price was high, like it seems everyone else did. He had the chance to cash in big, I think he should have taken it.

    I have a big bin for scrap metal and I have some cars in the parking lot at my shop that are just for parts, but when you have 300 old refrigerators in front of your house, then it's time for someone to step in.
  25. Shifty Shifterton
    Joined: Oct 1, 2006
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    Shifty Shifterton

    Because he wasn't actually saving it for scrap, he was hoarding. The scrap value is his justification to make himself appear sane to the world (and to himself). All the same behaviours we know from substance abuse apply here, it's just that the substance of choice is old rusty junk.

    Hoarding is a truly sad thing to witness in person :( It really is self-imposed prison
  26. CoolHand
    Joined: Aug 31, 2007
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    Alliance Vendor

    Here Here!

    It's his land, his junk, his money and time spent. Everyone needs to STFU and leave the old guy alone.

    I am sick to death of people with nothing better to do than butt into other folks lives "for their own good".


    It's about control and power, plain and simple. For the government, for the "do gooders", for the "doctors", etc.

    Anyone who thinks it's commendable to step all over some guy's property rights because you don't understand his way of life (which is not hurting a soul), be prepared for a great many of your backers to turn and cheer your demise when they decide all old cars need to be destroyed for the good of Gia, or baby ducks, or whatever.

    Remember that old saw:

    First they came for the communists,
    But I wasn't a communist, so I said nothing,
    Then they came for the Jews,
    But I wasn't a Jew, so I said nothing,
    Then they came for the gypsies and the infirmed,
    But I wasn't a gypsy, nor was I ill or crippled, so I said nothing,
    Then they came for me,
    But because I hadn't spoken for them, no one was left to speak for me.

    Replace communist with hoarder, and you ought to see where I'm going with this.

    Private property is under the direction of the owner, AND ONLY THE OWNER, period, full stop, no wiggle room. If the property or action is not causing any actual physical harm to anyone, what's happening is nobody's business but the owner's.

    If we do not stop the slide of property rights in this country, we will soon find ourselves without property OR rights.

    There must be a line in the sand. This far, no farther! Then we need to roll them back on their heels and keep the line moving back toward real property rights again.

    That means we all must stand together. So what if you don't like the old man with a lot full of junk, you need to stand behind the man and defend his right to do what he likes with his property and his money.

    If we don't band together, we will very soon find there isn't anyone left to help us when we need it.
  27. I think one of the drug companies is coming out with a patch.
  28. ohiotj
    Joined: Mar 19, 2005
    Posts: 115

    from SW Ohio

    Look up the name Karl Kleve. The guy would buy nice cars, then drive them onto one of the various lots he owned in the Cincinnati area. Was a genius, living off patent royalties, if I remember correctly. Had some Roll Royces, lots of caddies, even designed and built a car himself. Never drove em after he parked them. Let them sit and rot.
    As a general rule, thats your prerogative if you want to do that, but this guys properties butted up against residential areas. Rats, snakes, etc, were drawn to his lots. Had a friend in school who lived near a lot had a rat come up their toilet one day. So, yeah, hoarders do affect other people. If you're going to do it, do it in the middle of nowhere.
  29. spiderdeville
    Joined: Jun 30, 2007
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    from BOGOTA,NJ

    some of the people on the show own beautiful homes
    wacky pack rat does not mean you are broke
  30. Diana The Doc
    Joined: Aug 21, 2009
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    Diana The Doc
    from New York

    I have managed to view a few episodes of the A&E "HOARDERS" television program.. I was not aware that there really are some folks who go way too far with their accumulation of stuff... I did not realize that according to respected mental health professionals, hoarding has actually become a full-blown "epidemic" and a "disease" spreading across this great nation like wildfire... Evidently a large number of the population have this unhealthy (and often dangerous) affliction... I can understand collecting some things, stuff like hot rodding parts, Barbie dolls, or pez dispensers, however, the people featured on the A&E program are off the proverbial hook-- These folks on the show collect so much junk and useless stuff that I can hardly believe they're for real-- But, I guess it IS for real-- I feel genuine sympathy for those afflicted with this horrible "hoarding disease"... Hopefully the A&E TV program will bring this problem "out of the closet" and make those who are suffering from the disease seek the professional help they so desperately need... They are most certainly in my prayers at night... What a shame... What a crying shame... "The Doc" (Celebrity Drag Racing Authority & Visionary)...

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