Thanks for the positive comments. Here are a few more pics. 32 rails, 48 59ab, 39 trans with 48 gears, 40 ford rear, 35 truck axle with 48 frt brakes, cut down 34 plymouth dash panel, real deuce shell, lake pipes made from 36 ford drive shaft tubes, etc. All early ford Henry parts except for the repro 32 side rails. All home built, with the help of friends like ol' Grinder. But, on hold due to my work schedule and my lazy ass. Yeah I know Grinder... I know! Thanks
Damn, I wanna run the "Dragon" in a 26/27! Thats awesome. I have run the GAP a bunch in the Miata, its way too much fun.
I had more fun in the T than I did on the MC (and I had a LOT of fun on the bike). The car handled the curves really well. Kinda like a big go-kart!
IMO...there is a HUGE difference between a 'T Bucket" and a Modified Roadster. A Bucket (again, in my opinion) is your typical '60's-80's style 'Fad' (hate that word) build. A Modified Roadster is a traditional build. Recycled old Ford parts....drivetrain, rearend, body style (glass or steel, who cares?) rolling stock. Get a copy of "The Birth of Hot Rodding" and take notes. That's what I did when I built the Peter Beater. It turned out as a great Roadster....even with the AMC 6-cylinder in it! In the's what I built.
what do we have going on here? is that a triangulated quarter-elliptical 4-link on the front end? any more pics?
This is mine. i didn't build it but just improved it. Mercruiser 4cyl, 3-94's, 48 trans and rear, wide 5's. A spunky little bugger. Available to a good home.
am just gettin a very of everything possibly to do at the soon as me daily comes in am startin the rod.....