SundayNiaga- do you remember seeing the '57 Jr. Stocker "In-Bomber"? ...or did you take any pictures? Always trying to track down photos of the car from the '68/'69 NHRA events. -Dean
Are you folks aware that Bobby Warren will be inducted into the Hall of Fame next March, in Gainesville? Mark
Please excuse me, if this issue has been covered, as I am jumping around this thread. Manarina Olds was driven by Jim Proefrock. Don Ranks also ran an Olds, but not this car. Mark
Again, please excuse me if this issue has been covered, but last I heard a few years ago, Pete Magel-aka-"The Maggot" still has his Stude. At the time I spoke with him, he was living in Clarence NY. Mark
I'll have to look and see if I have a shot of that car. You could try adding 716 to those phone numbers and see what you get. AFAK, he hasn't moved. Mark
Congrats to Bobby Warren on the induction.... He's done a lot of racing and a bunch of winning for a very long time, a very deserving man.
Mr. Bobby sold it to Bud Rowe who also had a '57 sedan delivery at the time. Bud then sold it to Mickey McLawhorn who painted it a pale green and renamed it the "Boozer". Don't know what happened to it after that. Bob Rice
Has anyone ever heard of a 57 Chevy drag car called "Bourkes Law"? It was dark blue with Cragars and I'm pretty sure it had a white top. Since I stumbled on this thread I've been looking for the one picture I have that I took of it at an indoor car show when I was a kid in the late 60's / early 70's. I think the show was at the Asbury Park building on the boardwalk in NJ but could have been at Atlantic City. All I remember is lots of white angel hair around all the cars. I always wondered what became of that car.
Just for the record. The "Jolly Green Giant" was a '57 4 dr. wagon owned by the Gunning Bros. (Jack & Ken). I drove the McMaster & Nelson red 4 dr. hardtop the last half of the '68 season after we sold our wagon and won the Div. 1 stock eliminator title in that car. In '69 that car became the McMaster & Gunning car that I repainted blue, white & orange till it was retired in "71. Ken
Entry registrations are up on the website for the 2010 show. Try emailing at next years' show should be a blast.
I really like it, but it is not the original NED logo. I will find one and we will get it posted. Thanks for the suggestion. Best to everyone.
How about this group of stellar Junior Stockers? The Gunning Brothers, Bennett & Sirianni, Jack Worrell, George Cureton, Alex Jarrell, Nate Cohen, Frank Iaconio, Joe Delorenzo, John Archambault, Joe Dougherty, Jerry Fowler, Krutz & Calderhead, Wayne Jesel, Wheatley Brothers, Lou Cuviello, Ed & Jim Franks, Terry Clark, Bill Izykowski, Larry Lombardo, George Supinski, Norm Fryer, Loyed Woodland, Ann Toews, Tony Pizzi, and we could go on. Pretty impressive group, some have left us too early. If we missed anyone, it certainly wasn't intentional, just a few off the top of the old lid!
Anyone have any info on the "Turner Bros.", Division 1. I seem to remember they hung it up when they "outlawed" 4 speeds in 57 Chevys? What year was that again????
The Patrick Bros. and Tension team stopped racing when the ban on 4spd's came. I think "Good-In-Tension" was initially tried out with a 3spd but couldn't keep up. The "In-Bomber" is coming back to our shop within the next few days, where I will start on lettering and finishing the interior. Pics to follow soon... -Dean