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hunnert car pileup quality of cars

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by airbag, Oct 11, 2009.

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  1. well that's up to the poeople who put on the show there, isn't it.. if they had a huge problem about it wouldn't they (ya know, the ones who made it all happen) stop it to satisfy your particular tastes.. Moral of the story, don't tell people how YOU want THEIR car show to be..
  2. uniquecoaches
    Joined: Oct 26, 2008
    Posts: 264


    lmao! That is my brother in laws car with the cheeta print interior. I tease him all the time and call his car the Pimpala and call him Huggy Bear. He is 6'5" 295lbs and one hell of a great guy with two boys that love to work in our hotrod shop and that four holer belair is all he can afford but has one hell of a good time with it. The girls all seem to like it also.

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  3. aussiesteve
    Joined: Jan 6, 2004
    Posts: 808


    I,m sure if their paint job cost more than $300 you would be the one bitching.
    He,s talking about the quality of some of the unsafe crap that is driving around.
  4. bustedlifter
    Joined: Jun 26, 2005
    Posts: 756


    Stopped at the BP station .on the south end of Morris, on the way home and heard some locals talking about those 'ratrodders' having a car show at the fair grounds. I thought to myself ,these guys obviously weren't there.
  5. luckys8ba
    Joined: Oct 16, 2005
    Posts: 484


    Thats the whole point of this post!Unsafe,shock value crap!Of course one persons idea of traditional is different from the next,but there were more junk,slapped together,hacked,bedless,fenderless,50s truck cabs than anyone could take.This was my sixth pile up and in my view the problem is not the show at all,its the people building garbage for shock value because it is a trend.
  6. nutajunka
    Joined: Jan 24, 2007
    Posts: 1,464


    To me it's alot about the car being built safe. If the car isn't safe than I will walk right on by after looking at it.
  7. touchdowntodd
    Joined: Jan 15, 2005
    Posts: 4,068


    i love the czars, GREAT guys...

    unfortunately, im givin up after this one... 50 abortions for every cool car.. a show that brings out a few new old customs or hot rods every year that i LOVE starin it, just has too many cars that are old school rodz hard on the eyes.. i get taht its a business, and i appreciate the show more than most on here. it allowed me to catch up with some old friends i havent seen in forever..

    waiting 2 hours in line to leave while watching traffic move smoothly on the streets though, thats what crossed the line for me.. i know its busy, but the volunteers werent handling the traffic well this year i didnt think..

    continued success for a great show, i know it wont hurt at all to have one less patron.. id rather go to a smaller show and see more of the stuff i personally like.. i liked it more when even a crate engine didnt get in, let alone some of the things this year.

    you guys are great, keep up the show! ill see you at the other events
  8. BMR
    Joined: Jan 3, 2009
    Posts: 28

    from ill.

    a thousand cars and you r bitchin about some of them.
  9. T Achilli
    Joined: Aug 25, 2009
    Posts: 239

    T Achilli
    from walworth

    I went Fri to the Red Cent, great bands, had fun, ate some seriously good Pizza down the block at the Chicago Pizza joint, Stayed fri night at the seedest,shittyest motel I have ever been in in my life, I slept in a sleeping bag on top of the blankets UUHHGG. (still make the whole weekend that much more interesting) went to the show in My buddys 62 safari wagon. It had a rare set of hurst mags on it, but that was it. We were turned down because it was a stocker with a set of wheels, The guys who checked our car were cool about it,almost apologetic, no big deal we kinda were expecting it. I saw other cars inside that were as stock as the wagon, whatever, It was a great show And I will be back next year, Made the tail end of the HAMB meet and greet, ate alot of different food and drank copious amounts of beer. Glad to see Max Grundy was there. Overall great show and a fun weekend. Wish I could have stayed for sat nights party, but couldnt stand another night in the fleabag motel. As far as the questionable "rat" cars were concerned and this is in geneal not just this particular show. I think there are some guys that are trying to make a Shock statement as has been said but that would, in my book be considered a "Art" car(see rules) and then there is some guys that think they can weld wood to styrofoam.
  10. Crash Fistfight
    Joined: Jun 30, 2007
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    Crash Fistfight
    from southside

    I don't consider a discussion and/or exchange of ideas about the current state of things "bitching". Isn't that what forums are for?
  11. uniquecoaches
    Joined: Oct 26, 2008
    Posts: 264


    T Achilli must have stayed at the Morris hotel. I had a buddy stay there one year and he said the sheets were so dirty they looked like they had drug it through a mud puddle before he got there and that there was a bunch of short and curly hairs everywhere.

  12. You say you had good time, but you bad-rap the thing. Poor choice of words to describe something purposely built for fun and to share with others.
    First of all...the POLICE handled traffic. We couldn't move anyone on or off the lot. And..

    It's NOT a business. It is a charity fundraiser put on by a 7 member local car club and hundreds of volunteers. It was conceived after some traditional hotrodders were being turned away from " street rod" venues with too many rules.
    I have my (volunteer) red shirt and a HOT ROD. And I had a ball being with thousands of like minded people.
  13. T Achilli
    Joined: Aug 25, 2009
    Posts: 239

    T Achilli
    from walworth

    You Guessed it, "Andy" the owner (I am sure that is his real name) greeted us in his best wife beater and boxers Fri night when we arrived and our neighbors next to us who i think are permanent residents were in full parking lot argument when we walked in. The dirty christmas tree air freshener hanging from the air return in the bathroom was a nice touch.
  14. My first time at the Pile Up and I can say I was both impressed and disappointed. Tons of "over the top cool rides" with some "WTF was that doing here" mixed in. Very cool to see some hardcore guys driving the cars, even open roadsters, on I-55 in 38 degree temps Saturday morning; hats off to ya!
    Took 45 minutes to go the last mile to enter the parking lot at 10 AM (understandable and forgivable), then the biggest downer was the two hour fiasco getting out of the parking lot (2:10 to 4:10 PM). As a veteran of hosting shows, a bit of advice guys: Get This Under Control Soon! Good reviews about an event travels fairly quickly but Bad Reviews go at light-speed. Overall, I'll be back BUT,..... if I come as a participant I'll be CERTAIN my car fits the criteria, and if I come as a spectator, I'm riding a bicycle from Morris to the parking lot! It'll be much faster getting in and out.

    Good Luck in the future. You have something Great going on here, but don't let it get out of hand.
  15. CraigKrage
    Joined: Nov 1, 2007
    Posts: 420

    from central IL

    I think our whole crew had an awsome time big thumbs up to the Czars for another year of big people fun. Hanging out with cool people, cool cars , cool beers and a porn shop next door always makes for good times. If only I could have found an Asian Midget Hooker with one T rex arm my weekend would have been complete.
  16. Steves32
    Joined: Aug 28, 2007
    Posts: 1,258

    from So Cal

    First off- I didn't go-
    I've been going to shows for 40 years. What I've learned is no matter how cool the show is- someone will bitch about it.
    I wonder how many of the complainers have actually worked a show? Work the gate, park cars, deal with people.
    7 guys put on a show w/ a field of a thousand cars? Are you kidding me?Sounds pretty fucking cool to me! I tip my hat to you.
    I've been involved working shows for a long time, it's alot of work.
    7 guys? Really? I'm just floored.
  17. Russco
    Joined: Nov 27, 2005
    Posts: 4,330

    from Central IL

    The show itself was great, the problem was there was no traffic control from the local police. Morris has a population of 12,000 people. Its a 2 lane road going by the fairgrounds and after a couple of hours traffic was backed up for miles in both directions and even on the exit lanes of I80. By the time the local police figured out they had fucked up bigtime their response was to shut it down. Nobody in nobody out until they got the traffic handled I would guess there were maybe 1300 to 1500 car inside the show and several thousand spectators that got in before the police shut it down its not the shows fault the local police should have been ready for this and simply were not
  18. We camped out friday night and had a blast all weekend. BLEED on saturday night at the bar was completely badass.I will always be at the pileup but i agree that 2/3 of what i saw could fit the ART car category. Either way i totally appreciate what the czars and volunteers did.Had a blast
  19. Revhead
    Joined: Mar 19, 2001
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    from Dallas, TX

    I didn't go, and haven't even seen the pictures, but if you haven't put on a show or worked the gate, you need to before you complain. It is a tough job. You get people in clubs that have 3 great cars and 2 rat rods... what do you do? split them up? You get cars that miss the mark by one thing, like having an LS1 in it or something, but othr wise a beautiful custom.. what do you do then? Of course you have the HAMB and other boards, where if you piss off a large group of people because you are being super strict, you will end up with tons of "hate-mail" from the other end.


    friends of friends
    radials on bad ass fenderless cars
    volunteers with different understanding of "traditional"
    the whole problem with what "traditional" actually is
    Air bags
    the rising amount of "rat rods" and their varying levels of quality

    The list goes on forever with the problems of running the gate. Our club faces this problem every year and we never have the "perfect" selection of cars that meet every rule, but we try, and I'm sure the Czars and volunteers try thier best to put on a great show too.
  20. Irish Dan
    Joined: Jan 19, 2006
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    Irish Dan

    Win, lose, or draw, the Pileup is the only annual "event" I refuse to miss. I just got my 27' RPU out & running late this season, & couldn't wait to get to the Pileup to show it to folks who could appreciate it. Earlier this summer I made the mistake of attending events deluged with trailer queens & trophy hounds;....even picked up a trophy or two along the way. Every one of you has weighed in with valid points on this post. IMO, the bottom line is the fact that the Pileup is still the best venue of it's kind in this part of the country, & is experiencing some rather significant "growing pains". With our economy in the shape it's in, all of the Nationals (NSRA, Goodguys, etc;) have had reductions in attendence across the board coast to coast. The Hunnert Car Pileup has grown expotentially over the course of the last few years! One of the Chrome Czar members at the entrance gate told me this year there were in excess of 1500 vehicles as compared to last year which was 1000+. The Pileup doesn't give a damn about trophies, big bucks, trailer queens, Rolex watches, or anything else you could loosely associate with the "Billet Syndromes" of the past, & I'm glad it's run that way by a the Chrome Czars Car Club that has managed to donate their time to an Event that generated over $25,000.00 this year to charity. I've been there every year for the last 5, & I'll be there next year as well;.....and if all goes well, many years after that! I've learned to simply accept whatever manages to "fall through the cracks", & just "enjoy the Show"! Try it, it's fun!
  21. what a bunch of whinny ass holes. if ya don't like it, don't go. if you don't like the cars don't go. if you can put on a better show do so and show the pileup up. if you can judge better, do it......

    8th year and had a blast.
    thanks to everyone that made this happen.
  22. Blacktop Graffiti
    Joined: May 2, 2002
    Posts: 964

    Blacktop Graffiti

    Well I was one of the volunteers trying get people out at a decent rate. I was cussed at, flipped off and had a friend ran into. Yes ran into. So if you think you can do it better volunteer next year.

    The Czars rock and the Hunnert forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. MarkX
    Joined: Apr 8, 2003
    Posts: 1,232

    from ...TX

    Im sure the Czars did a great job....... i know just from our lil show that its a BIG job just to put on a show and evaluate each car that didnt preregister at the gate, let alone one of the biggest and best of the year.... they have their hands full even with the volunteers that help. from the other posts and pics it looks like they did great. you cant please everyone... I sure wish i could have made it...
  24. hombres ruin
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    hombres ruin

    Its not about whining as such its about quality of the rides that are present.See if in the future shitty rides are continually allowed in over and over again,thats all you will see when we go to shows,because no one has done anything about it,we create a precedent that says,if its a wierd ass spider webbed behemoth you can show it ,because we have for the previous years.I would like to see real quality control in order to retain the shows dignity but to keep our culture alive with what we have grown to love,thats well put together and thought out customs and rods
  25. Very well put and after reading RUSSCO's explanation of the traffic situation I feel the need to apologize to the Chrome Czars for my earlier statement. I HAVE been involved in hosting shows in the past and I HAVE dealt with the 'trophy hunter' types. After way too many years in this car hobby I have realized it ain't really about the cars, it's the people that keep me coming back to any of the events I visit annually. The Czars obviously DO IT RIGHT or they wouldn't have the envious problem of over-attendance. God willing I'll be back Gentlemen.
  26. oldblue53
    Joined: Dec 10, 2006
    Posts: 172


    This was my third year in a row and it was no different than any other year. Minus the swap meet...It's the Hunnert Car. Good freinds, good times, cool cars n bikes.
    Joined: Dec 26, 2005
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    Don't do that. Nothing good will come from it. I'd say: Glad you brought your Car! and thanks for supporting our show and charity. Lets not forget what its REALLY all about.
  28. breeder
    Joined: Jul 13, 2005
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    Member Emeritus

    you got it bud!!!!!:cool:
    our show went from 89 cars then 200ish, to 330 this yr! needless to say, we were a lil overwhelmed! i got 2 emails after the show with wtf in them! im tellin ya, if they would have lived close, idda drove to there houses and smacked them in the nuts with a wooden spoon! its one of the hardest jobs in the world, puttin onna trad car show! shit happens, if you dont like it, dont ever come back! EVER! i wouldnt want anyone at our show who wants to bitch all day! we take care of that shit asap! if you cant go to a cool show with hotrods, killer tunes,and cold beer without bitchin, then buy a vette and shut the fuck up! i hate haters!:rolleyes::)
  29. Choptop
    Joined: Jun 19, 2001
    Posts: 3,303


    To those that get hung up on cars that dont fit the rules of the show....

    dont take yourself so seriously, dont take hot rod shows that seriously.


    If your enjoyment of a car show comes from whether or not every car at the show fits the rules as YOU interpret them... stop going to car shows. You are missing the point and setting yourself to be disappointed at every car show on earth.

    OR start your own car show and YOU work the gate as the sole arbiter of what gets in and what does not. Its the only way you will ever be happy. Even then I garuentee you that you will let a car in your show that others dont think should be there. Enjoy the emails and the threads like this one when its all over.

    Besides, you are missing the point of hot rod shows. Here is a tip, its not so much about the cars, as it is the people. If all you are doing is looking at cars and trying to find ones that you dont think fit the rules... you really dont get what the whole exercise is about.

    Probably shouldnt have said anything... but its just silly that this kind of stuff comes up after EVERY friggin show.
  30. BrandonSilva
    Joined: Aug 5, 2008
    Posts: 170


    what is a "hunnert"?
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