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hunnert car pileup quality of cars

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by airbag, Oct 11, 2009.

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  1. Nick32vic
    Joined: Jul 17, 2003
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    The quality of cars was way down. The ignorance of rat rod builders was way up. That disapointed me. I still had fun though. Everyone who was involved with putting on the show did a great job, and that Dumb Whore did a great job.

    I did happen to see some cars that I LOVED and that were very nice and well built and I really hope more people start bringing those kinds of cars.
  2. dabirdguy
    Joined: Jun 23, 2005
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    There was a rat-rodded 60's Lincoln there. INSIDE.
    It was an over-the-top-in-your-face Joke done up to parody race cars. JB weld and papermache intake, rusty metal everywhere... you get the picture.
    The owner did have a sense of humor (L/G class label on it - Leisure Gasser).
    BUT, There was NOTHING traditional about it. ZERO.
    How it got in I don't have a clue.
    Fortunately I hadn't had my lunch yet so I just walked on by.

    There were others.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2009
  3. coolbreeze1340
    Joined: Aug 18, 2009
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    from Indiana

    I got in, but there was a slight pause. The young gun at the gate said it was stock, luckily the ol' timer next to him found the difference. Yeah, it's stock body lines and the steelies I threw on for show don't help. It's lower, runs a hopped up motor, and the interior is 100% home finished. Had a great time and heard alot of great comments about my car. The show was really cool. As far as people thinking the car scene is all junk, they need to get over it. I have been attending the "street rod" shows since I was 3 years old. Over the last 35 years the cars have become too much for most people. $55,000 cars are cookie cutters and if it wasn't for these home-built rods, the scene might die offin a few years. How many young bloods do you know that could afford a $50,000 street rod. The rat rodders of today will be the radical customs 10 years from now.
  4. krag4201
    Joined: Jul 9, 2007
    Posts: 27


    I guess I'm screwed, I'm building a 65 Comet four door?? As a B/FX drag car (WTF!) its traditional but I still get a lot of snobbery its not just a sedan without hubcaps (9inch, 5 spd, 500 horse small block cobra dual quad, cheater slicked, glass nosed, Hot Rod) I used to get pissed off but I realized thats what these mooks want; drama. I would like to show my car at these shows but its a 65 not a 64 and somebody would probably take offense to the extra pair of doors I believe that the only requirement's for a "traditional" show should be a safety inspection the guy with the Fox mustang and the guy with the teched out street rod probably wouldn't even show up. I've been into sleds, super stocks, jalopie's, gasser's, and just old cars my whole life I'm only 30 and I'm tired of all this.
  5. bobw
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
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    I trust most everyone that attended saw enough cars they liked, visited with friends and acquaintences, ate, drank, listened to music, and perused the vendors. Was that worth the price of the trip and the entrance fee?
    What is this obsession to be a keyboard critic???
  6. Appleseed
    Joined: Feb 21, 2005
    Posts: 1,053


    I'm glad you switched the wheels. That car is neat and deserved to be on the inside.
  7. chopz56
    Joined: Aug 24, 2006
    Posts: 267


    For myself and my buddies this show has become a tradition for us to get together once a year as a whole group and talk shit,drink beer,hang out at the bar help out the Czars look at the good,the bad,and the ugly,we ignore the bullshit cars and freak out on the good ones!If you can't do the same then don't come and get some new friends!!!!
    Joined: Jun 2, 2002
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    I volunteered to inspect at the North gate and I was totally unprepared, not that the Czars didn't do a good job preparing us, just that I saw things roll up on me that I would never fathom building, let alone driving to a show.

    Sadly, the rules didn't quite cover some of the shit people brought out there. No way anyone could have foreseen some of those things showing up. So picture yourself, standing in a water puddle, with a line of hecklers standing there, trying to decide if a car gets in or not as you try to not get run over and listen to people complain about how long the line takes, which just makes it take longer. Crazy.

    Anyone who wants to gripe about what gets in or how long the line takes ought to sign up to volunteer and see the other end of it. It's quite an education.

    All in all, I'm glad I did it. I really appreciate what the Czar's are doing and they are all stand-up guys as far as I'm concerned.

    It's impossible to account for or predict everyone else's thought processes, especially when they do not appear to be having any....
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2009
  9. hemifarris
    Joined: Sep 30, 2005
    Posts: 2,321


    Boy, you're old! .......Oh,by the way,I agree with you...:D
  10. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
    Posts: 20,765


    What a bunch of fuckin whiners. Instead of bitching about the shitty rat rods there how about celebrating the great cars there? There are alot of guys that have posted photos of the decent on topic cars there yet you whiners are here posting instead of checking out the other photos and THANKING the guys that are posting the show photos that really represent the show.

    If you want to whine and bitch about the rat rods why don't you head to the Czars message board and do so. The HAMB is about tradtional hot rods and customs.
  11. I personally thought that the amount of over the top rat rod art car junk was down this year....with exception of the Lincoln convert abortion on wheels.

    I saw a TON of excellent rides. Just as much as in the past. Great show. Will be back again to volunteer. Hope the cops and the town get their head out of their ass for next year.
  12. Da Tinman
    Joined: Dec 29, 2005
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    Da Tinman

    I agree, cept for the last part, DON'T GO PISSING AND MOANING ON THE CZARS BOARD!!!! They got enough to deal with right now.

    GO BITCH TO YOUR DOG/CAT/TREE, WHATEVER. It cares as much about your whining as we do.
  13. Deadbird
    Joined: Jul 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,189


    We had a great time as usual. Just wish we could have made it there earlier in the day and seen more of the cars. The pictures that are being posted show my just how much we missed. Still a cool show no matter what anybody says.

    Chrome Czars rule! Keep it up guys.
  14. ChetHill
    Joined: Mar 9, 2009
    Posts: 8

    from Milan Mi.

    some people will always complain , this is the coolest show in the world , the only thing that could have been better was the weather and when did having a cool car give someone the right to be such an elitist snob ?
  15. solid
    Joined: May 20, 2007
    Posts: 1,459


    i like the car, and the chick...
  16. solid
    Joined: May 20, 2007
    Posts: 1,459


    Mig, tig, and plasma cutting have been around for a long time,i'd say there traditional. I didnt go, but i seen the posted pics. Looked like a lot of super cool cars there..seen some crap too, but you dont have to look at them if you dont want. Nowadays keeping out all the rat, and shock rods would be impossible. If you go to a show anywhere there are always a going next year for sure...
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2009
  17. halfcockedcustoms
    Joined: Jun 5, 2007
    Posts: 640


    and this is why I love Breeder:D

  18. And your car was totally TRADITIONAL?

    What did you do to make this show better? Post on the hamb whining about the show. Great idea. That helps.

    Yeah, bring back the swap meet. LOL. Great idea. That would have been a disaster this year.

    I scored a WWII bomber air tank, two vintage 50's lawnmowers and a sweet SBC cross ram all for cheap at the Lions club swap today. Pileup is about friends and fun, not about cars and the swap meet. Your coming to the show for the wrong reasons.
  19. Yeah, I was one of the guys, who drove a fourdoor, I chose to drive a car with heat as opposed to my windowless Caddy as I'm trying to avoid the flu thru this next week. Let me tell you, There are plenty of fourdoors that I enjoy'd checking out, and I saw plenty of people enjoy seeing mine. Is'nt that whats it's all about? I drank some beer and took in alot of great rides. If I saw one I didn't care for, I let my eyes wander to the next car and presto! No problemo!!!. Now I enjoyed That crazy ass frankin lincoln, and really got off on the seagrave power'd rod, I think thats what I enjoy most about this show. It's not a sea of perfectly painted cars!!! Now there was more than a days worth of sights to see, and more than a few people leaning against my car, enjoying the day, But hey, In drove it in and added it to the pileup, glad that I could bring it for others to enjoy in any capacity.
    I'd rather drive any old foordoor than drive my toyota, and I'd rather see any old vintage tin as opposed to new shit. I went to the lions club show and got parked with, and surrounded by new cars, bad music and bass from such that I couldn't get away from until I literally drove away. And people have the nerve to complain about the cars at the pileup, COME ON now!!! Get real!!! and go suck a scion!!!

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  20. We had a little after-pre-party party in my hotel room. Todd used my second room, which was adjoining to mine.

    About 3am Sat morning Breeder's son came over to our room with his Kropduster jacket on. He is about 10 or something years old. That is pretty cool that he has his own jacket! So I was talking with him about it. His reply to me about it was...."It's not a big deal, they give these out to anyone" Now that is funny shit!!!
  21. ToddJ
    Joined: Jul 11, 2008
    Posts: 1,408

    from Marion, IA

    It was a great fucking show, as usual! The Czars, as always, did a killer job. The guys rock! Shit heap rat rods? Stockers? Who cares!? It's a great show and continues to get better. Great job, Czars! Great job to the volunteers! 'Nuff said! If you don't like the quality or variety of the cars, stay home, save your money and go to a Goodguys event.
  22. Man, I can see all sides of this. I'd hate to be a volunteer turning back someone that drove for hours, then waited in a long line, only to be turned away. On the other hand, I don't personally care for ratty cobbled together cars either.
    Here's a suggestion that might make everyone happier, including the local police, because it would help with crowd control also. Make it invite only. People must submit pics x days or months before the event with an e-mail address and they can only get in with a show pass with assigned numbers (maybe a dash plaque?). That way you avoid telling Johnny Ratster his car doesn't fit at the gate and you completely control the show's content. The police will like it because it should cut down on the cars and it would make life easier on the volunteers. The more whining I see about car shows, the more I think invite only is the way to go. Best shows I've been to are invite only because not only do the car owners know what to expect, so does the crowd. People will stay away if it doesn't interest them.
  23. You obviously haven't been to the Shakedown.

    This thread sucks anyway, so why not hijack it. he he he

    If that is your gasser ford...that is BAD ASS!!! we looked it over pretty good on Sat. Very cool ride! I had the crusty old '63 F100 gasser pickup with the dual quad FE ford. We tossed it together in a couple weeks for the show. Was a lot of fun.
  24. truckdude1
    Joined: Jan 26, 2009
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    One more than 99

    Thank you to the Czars for putting on the best car show/party in the Midwest. Those guys do an incredible amount of work and I'm sure they have very little fun at the party they are hosting. It was an honor to work as a Red Shirt volunteer.

    Like any big party, a few strange people show up. At the Pileup they bring their strange cars with them. But you old farts (like me), might just stop complaining and talk to the drivers of these cars. Maybe they are young rodders and will learn from your greybeard ways.

    But I do have a rules suggestion: any car with a big rubber rat on it will be turned away at the gate.

    Who was that crazy guy in the Ferrari red pants?
  25. ratster
    Joined: Sep 23, 2001
    Posts: 3,596


    hey, don't drag me into it lol

  26. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
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    from Bettendorf

    man - after reading these comments - I am wondering about the people that are posting.....are they all just miserable and want to pass on their negative attitudes to the rest of us?
    I meet SOOOO many people in this business from show to show to show.
    And guess where I meet the most people in 1 central location?

    The Hunnert....



    I met people at this show from NYC this weekend that were at the Rumblers show we were at in Aug. I met some people from CA that I had seen out in Santa Maria -

    for me - it is all about people. Sure some cars are better that others - but it seems like there are some people that are better than others as well.

    The people with the negative attitudes can either stay home, volunteer, or put on their own show.

    And if you come to Torque Fest expecting everything to be perfect and up to "your" standards (whatever THAT is)

    do yourself a favor and stay home.....cause I thought the whole idea of doing events like this are to have FUN.

    Not stand around and bitch about the things that are wrong.

    All these people complaining - lighten up - like Alan said - it's just a car show.

    Chrome Czars were ALL amazing to me this year - even though I bitched at the beginning of the show - about my location.......

    their response " Tough"

    this is THEIR show - we are all along for THEIR ride.........
    it's no different with the Cheaters, Rumblers, Los Punk Rods etc

    WE are receiving the benefit from THEIR hard work. If you dont wanna get on board with what they have in mind - I am sure the Good Guys or the NSRA will love to have you come to their shows.

    For me - I am staying where the people appreciate the things I have to sell and the positive mental attitude that is needed in this life. There are SO many things to get you down these days....economy, health issues, government (no matter which side of the aisle you are on) Lets all set aside our division and derision of each other for just one day and appreciate that 8 people put in a helluva lotta time for US to come out and have fun.

    as Rodney King said

    "Chrome Czars rule, Cant we all just get along?"


    did he say that about the Czars.............?
  27. thepoz57
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 194


    All I got to post about this is, suck it up Sallys. I got in the last two years in the pileup and this year I was not allowed to enter. I appreciate what the Car Clubs, vendors, and volunteeers did this year and realized I would NOT want their job. I think the selection of cars was great, and done with taste. Sure, there were a couple of cars that got in that were questionable, but overall, the taste of all the "judges" was in the best interest of the pursuit of the Hunnert Car Pileup. They had to "pick and choose" from alot of TRADITONAL HOT ROD AND CUSTOMS. Only the ones THEY thought depicted the spirit of the Hunnert got in. Everyone has an opinion, next year you can stand at the gate all day and give up what these guys did, which was a Saturday kicking back sodas bitching about why "my car didnt get in".

    Oh, btw, I had a great time. Thank you to all that made it possible.
  28. HellRaiser
    Joined: Jun 14, 2006
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    from Podunk, NE


  29. Stick Shift
    Joined: Oct 2, 2005
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    Stick Shift
    from LENA IL

    It was a great show. The weather did not even bother me. It was not the first year for being cold. I think it was colder a couple of years ago (when we left our house for the drive there). The wet ground conditions were not a problem either. (At least it did not rain on me). Yea some of the cars I did not care for, but there was another 1300+++++ to look at. I would hate to miss this show or miss the friends that make the trek there. Great job to everyone that had a part in it.
  30. F-6Garagerat
    Joined: Apr 12, 2008
    Posts: 2,652


    I agree. Our truck, 48 and fenderless (gasp) was inside. It's not finished. Should stop posting here and attending the Pileup untill I either:

    A) Find a 32 in a barn somewhere

    B) Win the lottery

    It was my second year, I volunteered, and it was cool. If you dont like a car, truck whatever, keep walkin. I probably don't want to talk to you anyway.

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