Back in 1979 I saw in AutoBody class a Senior was prepping bare sheet metal,,using an Oxy/acetylene torch to shrink a few oil can spots on a stripped 50 Chevy. He'd weld a red spot and quickly lean over to a bowl of water and a rag,,pick up the rag & slap and press that red spot. This went on a few times. Then another Senior replaced the bowl with lacquer thinner. When he slapped that red hot metal,, FAWOOoosh!!! In a tenth of a second he half darted and half flipped backwards to get away from the flames.Threw the torch and panic'd!! The guys were all in on it and put it out immediately but dam that was dramatic.
In the small town I grew up in was a welding shop. On the wall was a calender with scantily clad well endowed young ladies. We would ride our bikes down to the shop and hang around trying to get a peek about the 1st of the month. The calender was around the corner from the the big door so we had to enter the shop to see it. When the old welder was working we would slip in, but you didn't want to stay to long because he would grab the back of your calf and growl like a dog. Got me more than once I have to admit!
in auto tech to the kids we dont like we take zip tie and wrap them around the driveshaft and then attach a nut to it so it hits the bottom of the car. as they drive out of the lift they have no clue what they messed up. switching spark plug wires on the cap is fun too. u can put shrimp behind the hubcaps of someones car for a great scent. one time i double sided taped a ford logo on top of my teachers chevy pickup bowtie because he is a major chevy fan and hates ford. cant think of anything else car related but i definitely have a bunch thats not car related but still really fun
One of my old buddys in high school used to have a old ford that you could turn the windshield squirters in the hole on the cowl, we used to turn them sideways and squirt people walking on the side walk.
One of my froemds as a teen was waiting on his girlfriend at a party. She showed up in her new Mustang GT with her brand new boyfriend and let my buddy know about it there. On his way out of the party he stopped and took a crap on her windshield, wiped her wiper blades with vaseline and went about his merry way. She comes out, sees the crap and attempts to use the windshield washer system to clean it what a mess that turned into! lol
When you are all done pranking and it is time for a truths, send the other guys a nice box of doughnuts...a few days later, send them some pictures with your dongs in the doughnuts...
Mr. Starr, my auto shop teacher at highford high, 1973/1975, at cleanup bell used to load up condenser and leave tham around the shop and @ buzzer tell you to clean up, i always picked them up by the wires, Richard Aigner in Lemoore ca, told me this one years ago , fellow wasen't going to pay for work done, he shows up to take car, car won't move, tries many time to move it in gear, won't go , Richard had tack welded the drums to the backing plates, tooo cool, RD
I cant take credit for that one...that happened in a tattoo shop war a few years back...come to think of it I think one of the shop owners is here on the HAMB...
This is one my dad and his buddy did. Well, in the winter time my dad and his buddy would build some pretty nice snowmen. Well, this crazy neighbor didn't like them. So after they got it built, the next day it was gone, with tire tracks leading away. So they built another one. Same thing happened that night. Well, they get smart and build the snowman around a concrete post in the corner of the yard. Needless to say, all that was left the next day was a green stain of antifreeze in the snow leading away down the road from the concrete post and some grill parts.
Buddies in a tire shop. Every morning someone was sent out to get coffee n donuts, but the jokester of the shop never would go. They started putting a little ex-Lax in his coffee, in slightly ever increasing amounts. He started spending more n more time in the rest room and complained of being raw. To his credit, he took it well, once told. Buddy had a dirt track stock car and his garage was quite the social spot for gearheads for a while. He pulled that, "here, hold this magneto" trick (followed by a quick spin of the shaft) on all of the new guys. People not parking correctly has always been a pet peeve of mine, but only when no spaces are left, or close to it. At one work place, where parking was inadequate, I used to carry a floor jack in my truck and a couple of times I rolled an "offenders" vehicle to the side, and if possible, so much they couldn't get the drivers door open. Some friends ran a boat dock on one of our major lakes. Assholes parking incorrectly was a consistent problem. A number of times, I recall him bringing out his tractor and dragging say, a Suburban, in park, boat trailer and all, across the parking lot and down over a big hill down by waters edge. Was fun to see these inconsiderates come back in at the days end of fishing and walking all over the place looking for their rig. Fish heads, fish guts, dog poop, on exhaust manifolds was a prank I remember being done a number of times amongst friends and family. And my late uncle had one of them exhaust whistles that he ordered out a magazine, I think, in the late 50s. If you've never seen Elvis Pretzel's 48 Ford pickup at some shows, his act is a hoot.
I remember when I was in autobody class one of the guys was always lightin bondo dust with the torch, it would be like flash powder, well one thing led to another and he decieded to fill his tool box ( small 2 drawer ) with acetelyne and light it. Well of coarse it went like a bomb, blew him back against the car behind him and all you heard was the boom followed by dead silence as we all looked to see if he was dead or not then ting, ting, ting, as it rained wrenches all over the shop I LMFAO....we had a hard time explaining that one.
for the people parking like assholes, i always keep a valve stem wrench in my pocket, take out the stem,they will have fun putting air back in i usually reserve that for the jackass who parks his mercedes in handicapped even though he's not.
Back in the early 70's I went to a technical school in Baltimore. We had one guy in our class who was a Mr. Goody Goody snitch and was viewed by the teachers as a PITA. He drove a brand new robin egg blue VW Bug and always parked it between 2 parts trailers in the school's lot. After all, he didn't want anyone to scratch his car. One day he snitched on one of the guys for having beer in his car's trunk. So several of us found reasons to leave our classes and we all met on the parking lot. We then proceeded to pick up his VW and spin it around so that the front and back bumpers were touching the sides of the 2 parts trailers. This left no way for him to drive out of the spot. We then all slowly one by one went back into our classes and never said a word. Boy was he upset. He was late for his job and when he called in a tow truck to get him loose, the driver almost s**t himself laughing at the guy. Noboby offered to help the guy out either. He actually had tears in his eyes.
I had one pulled on me when I was a young medic, not long in the Army. I was sent to an Artillery unit as medical support for an exercise of a few weeks. It was my first 'Bush' trip with an Arms corps unit, being new its a challenge to be accepted buy the guys as one of them. So they pull pranks on you to see how you handle it. One day one of the 'Gun bunnies' comes up to me and says, 'Doc, I need to see you' 'OK, what for' I ask. 'Its my dick, there is something wrong with it, it hurts to piss and theres stuff dripping out of it' he explained. 'Errr, Ok, I better have a look' I replied without any enthusiasm, last thing I wanted to do is deal with an STD out bush. So I take him in front of the gun tractor where the cam net is pulled down low and offered a bit of privacy. I put on my gloves and tell him to drop his pants. Its immediately obvious that there is nothing wrong with it at all. So I tell him, 'Mate, there is nothing wrong with it'. He replied, 'Yeah but isn't it a beauty!' I didn't know what to say to that so I left him to button up and head back to the gun. As I pop out from under the cam net the entire battery is there pointing and laughing. I must have taken it well as I was accepted after that. He got his own back later in the exercise, he got a tick burrow into the base of his dick!! Doc.
Remind me to NEVER piss any of you guys off-I'd hate to think of what you'd do when irritated. When I was an apprentice,I had many a prank pulled on me(as did the other newbies);how you took it determined the amount of respect you received. Of course,when you turned Journeyman,you were expected to do the same to the other FNGs. More often than not,you went looking to pay back the rotten mofo's who tormented you in your past. Ahhh, what fun... I truly miss those days.
the restroom in a buddy's shop had a small hole where a wire ran through. He would fill a piece of 5 / 16 steel line with talcum power and if anyone went in there he would slide that pipe in beside that wire and using an air gun blow all the power out. It worked every time and you would come out covered and white.
I haven't tried these: Put water in a portable air tank, roughly 1/3, then fill the tank with air, keep the tank from freezing). In winter (below frezing) partially deflate a tire on your chosen mark's ride and while refilling it turn the air tank upside down for a few seconds. Pretty nasty vibration at speed, if they are parked more than a mile or so from a shop the water will supposedly melt (if you put the right ammount in) and when the wrench on duty tries to find it, there won't be anything wrong. Watched a guy that tried to open his locker at work for a while. Couldn't get it open. Turns out someone had put one of the oil bags (we get our oil in a 330 gallon cardboard box with a double wall plastic bag inside) in the locker and found a way to inflate it through the back of the locker after they closed the door. Took the mark a while to get it open. The person that did the oil bag trick was previosuly pranked by the mark in the previous trick. Said mark had tack welded the lock on the locker, in between the posts of the lock (had to cut it off with a whiz wheel) then, come to find out, the lock had been tacked to the hasp on the locker (cut off the hasp) then when the locker still wouldn't open he found a tack weld at the lower corner of the locker door, to the locker door frame. Yes, zip ties a- plenty on drive shafts (even some on CV shafts on FWD cars). One of the mechanics here mentioned that if you really wanted to screw with someone take a small piece of flat strap, 1" or 1 1/2" and bend it in a U. Slip that into one of the U jounts on the marks ride so that gravity will hold it in place (open end down). The vehicle will move just a bit before the joint comes up solid on the strap. Supposedly no damage will occur if the driver stops to investigate, however if they put the power to it it will break the U joint and maybe F up one of the yokes. Not that I reccomend any of these, but especially not the last one.
Knew a guy that would put battery acid in those plastic eye drop bottles, then go around the shop squirting the other guy's in there caboos. I thought to myself, that's going to burn and someone's going to get mad, but they never did. So one day after work I go home and change out of my uniform and to my surprize, my underware looked like swiss cheese! It didn't bother the uniform pant's, but sure ate the a$$ outa my underware! Yep he got me to....... To get him back, about 8 of us drank a couple cases of beer and then used his car's gas tank, that he left up town as a urinal. It was so funny hearing his car bang and pop!
I remember one my dad telling from when he owned his service station. One day the guy that delivered bulk fuel in town pulls up and went to the bathroom, while he was in there my dad and one other guy wired a smoke bomb between two of the plug wires of the guys bulk truck. The guy gets back in his truck, starts it up, runs like crap, and smoke starts pouring out from under the hood. Now imagine this guy jumping out of a bulk truck with smoke pouring out of the hood trying to get it open to see what's going wrong and getting pissed because nobody is trying to help him push the truck away from the gas pumps while everybody else was standing inside the office laughing their asses off. My dad brings that up to the guy every now and then and still gets called a son of a bitch 25+ years later.
When we were real littie, we used to pretend to pick up the tar cracks on a concrete road to see the goobers slam on their brakes. Just recently discovered how much fun you can have with an empty car trailer with electric brakes. My neighbor jumped off his lawn tractor when I locked up the wheels going past his house.
I fell for the charged condenser, it was tossed to me and I caught it......shocking, also was on the wrong end of a magnito...........another shocking experience.
As a real young kid, I put some gravel in one of my parents hub caps early in the day, so early, I forgot all about it until we were ready to head home and there was this noise driving all of us nuts. When my dad located the problem, my memory kicked in about the same parents were not amused
When I was in School for Paint & Body repair we used to send the newbies to get some laquer thinner with a Styrofoam coffee cup. They would stand there with their mouths open when the bottom would fall out!
Not car related.. A decade or so I was a cook in a restaurant, and I liked enough when I was in school. This girl started in the kitchen and acted like she knew everything, crazy amounts of attitude. I can't stand that attitude in people. So halfway through the dinner rush (not that she was any help) I acted and freaked that we had run clean out of fellatio. I made it out to be a diaster and she freaked asking what that meant. My line coach saw my commotion and asked what was up. I relayed we were out of fellatio and without missing a beat he looked at Jill and then at me and said "where should we get some"... there was a pub across the street with a kitchen so I suggested there. He asked Jill to run over to the pub. She came back 3 hours later hammered and pissed off. Apparently when she walked up to the bar and said "I am from Joey Tomatoes across the street and they sent me here to see you for some fellatio" the bartender told her to grab a seat and have a beer.
My buddy had a big Mopar (I think it was a Plymouth Satellite) like the cops and hiway patrol used. He had a spot light you could plug into the cigarette lighter so we liked to pull up behind cars and hit the light. They would think we were cops and pull over, then we would pass them laughing our *sses off. One driver got mad and started chasing us, until a real cop pulled him over. We really thought that was cool, until the driver told the cops what we did, then he cuaght up to us and pulled us over. My buddy had some unpaid tickets, so they through him in jail, and we had to bail him out at 3am.
I stil laugh about one evening going into a bowling alley with my ex, we saw a car stop out front and back up. We then noticed a purse laying in the road, the car stopped and opened the door, just as the driver was reaching for the purse it went sliding under his car, zip, towards the curb, accompanied by a bunch of kids laughing in the bushes, we fell out too.
pour unpopped pop corn in a muffler..takes a little while to get hot enough..but when it does the fun begins.