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old timer pranks

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 57 shaker, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
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    no one mentioned zip tying a catfish to someones exhaust pipe up on top where they can't see it.
  2. Lunatic
    Joined: Sep 28, 2004
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    from Carson,Ca.

    when I used to work at a 10 minute oil change in vegas my boss would show up every once in a while and drop a oil plug and some oil on the ground right under a customers car ,wait for them to leave then ask us where did that come from?some of the guys that I worked with would freak out
  3. Xdrag48
    Joined: Mar 1, 2009
    Posts: 476


    My dad work with a guy that bought a new VW in the 70s he said he wanted something easy on gas.So every day when he walked across the street for lunch my dad put gas in his car.The guy was telling everyone he was getting over 80 mpg's on his new VW.My dad did it for about a month before stopping,the guy was really upset that he didn't really get 8o mpg's...

  4. Unibodyguy
    Joined: Dec 23, 2007
    Posts: 403


    Oh lets see............switching the plug wires around on a half pissed up idiot at the bar trying to start a fight with us one time on a kick start only Harley, was fun to watch from accross the parking lot;) and then helping diagnose the "timing issue". Just like a buckin horse!! Another was "accidently" spraying the pressure washer near the welding booths in shop class :eek: and watch for any slight foot movement! I can think of some others too but I might get prosicuted.

  5. LZ_69
    Joined: Sep 24, 2005
    Posts: 4


    Here's one my dad told me... way back when he was going to trade school a lot of the guys were working on there own or the other students cars between lessons. So there was a guy who put together a tuned up 427 ford for his drag car and after he had it built he was going to put it on the dyno... So bunch other guys were going to pull a joke on him so set things up so that it was ready to run on dyno right before lunch and said they would test it soon as everyone got back.

    So the guy goes to lunch and the other guy stay behind take his motor off the dyno and bring in another one they built that looks identical. Finally the other guy come back from lunch and they fire it up right as he walks in the door only to watch it grenade itself on the dyno a minute or two later. Needless the guy on an emotional roller coaster ride till they told him that not your motor.
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    awesome :D
  7. Promotive
    Joined: Nov 5, 2009
    Posts: 25


    I did this to an 1LT in the Army.... I hooked a wire from the solenoid to the horn. When he would turn the key to crank the engine the horn would blow. When the car started the horn would stop blowing. We had a baal with that one!
  8. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
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    Wiring the tail light to the horn was GREAT -- and harmless! LOL

    My dad said in the '40s they'd electrify the body, so when your friends would come over and lean on the window sill to gab, they'd get knocked down. And because it happened so fast, a lot of people would get right back up and do it again!

    Probably get tossed in jail nowadays!
  9. Cruiser
    Joined: May 29, 2006
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    Lots of these posts are funny and harmless, others are stupid and some are plan dangerous. A good joke is funny and harmless, the latter two are for retards.

    Having said that, take out the coil wire to the dist. cap and replace it with a hollow rubber tube, it's hard to find and the car won't start. Harmless :D

    CRUISER :cool:
  10. powdercoater46
    Joined: Oct 27, 2009
    Posts: 246


    One of my favorites is to attach a very long cable tie to some old farmer's driveshaft...
  11. onlychevrolets
    Joined: Jan 23, 2006
    Posts: 2,307


    I posted that one earlier ...something else you can do that'll stump most guys is move a plug wire into the coil wire spot and put the coil wire in that plug wire's spot on the cap...everything looks right, just won't start.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2009
  12. draginsteel
    Joined: Oct 21, 2007
    Posts: 463


    My dad told me a story about how they put a "car bomb" on a guys car on his wedding day. It blew up after the ceremony and must have melted through a gas line as it started and engine fire. They couldn't find a fire extinguisher and the whole engine compartment and hood of something like a 40 Ford burned up right in front of the church. Too bad they didn't have video back in the day. I would of loved to see the bride kick everybody's ass.
  13. drfreeze
    Joined: Sep 18, 2008
    Posts: 293


    #1 long black zip ty on drive shaft or front axle leave a long tail so it slaps the floor as they drive !
    #2 run a wire from the front turn sig light to the horn
  14. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
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    :confused: not cool!! pranks not arson!!
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    Fill a purse with bees and thow it in the road.
    Someone will drive by, pick up the purse and drive away. :D

  16. VintageOriginal
    Joined: Oct 1, 2009
    Posts: 95


    I can't stop laughing. You guys are great. I wish I was this creative in high school. But thanks to you, my current friends are gonna get it.
  17. roughneck424
    Joined: Jan 10, 2009
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  18. VintageOriginal
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  19. dkiser72
    Joined: Sep 25, 2009
    Posts: 40

    from ny

    ok...heres one..kinda my brother inherited my 1st car (grandpas 65 pont. catalina) hes now an electrical engineer..but at 16 he put a "anti-theft" device in it..a cut out switch to the he hid it under the seat, so unless you KNEW it was there you'd never know..long story short, brother sells car and 5 years later sees it for sale again about 75 miles away..calls the guy, confirms its his old car, goes to see it and asks how much? guy says $2000 worth every penny runs super (it did) my brother hops in the drvers seat and asks if he can hear it run..guy says sure..tosses him the keys and...guess what what??? doesn't start, just turns over...hmmmmm wondeer why? guy says he cant believe it it ALWAYS starts... proceeds to dink under the hood and my brother, being short on time says well if i cant hear it run i can only give ya $1000 ..guy cant figure it but sells it to him for $ the "anti-theft" device?? wonder why it wouldn't start? my brother hands him the cash,gets the title,jumps in and...fires it up,waves "bye bye" and the rest is his (and mine) best gearhead story to date....hope that guy ain't a hamber though!!
  20. RichFox
    Joined: Dec 3, 2006
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    If you are in a shop with a band saw and make your own blades you can weld one with the tooth side and the back side togeather on the weld seam. Then you put it on the saw so that the teeth are showing. Next guy who comes along will get one revolution of new teeth aa followed by one of nothing and so on. Trust me it's funny to watch while they are trying to find what is going on. Or you can cut off a short piece of rubber hose with a quick disconect on it and make a whistle out of it. Freeze it in liquid nitrogen and plug it in. We used to do this around contract time. Gives the formen something to do looking for the screech.
  21. Choptop
    Joined: Jun 19, 2001
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    it sounds like a U-joint going bad... and if the victim stops and the zip tie is just right, with the long end up in the driveline tunnel and not pointed down, they likely wont see it on the first time.

  22. Manson
    Joined: Nov 7, 2007
    Posts: 163

    from Baden, MD
    1. Maryland HAMBers

    My father got me with the ol' hold your finger on the spark plug trick when I was a kid, trying to get my go-cart started. I turned right around and used it on a bunch of the neighborhood kids.

    Back in high school, we took some of the frogs that were slated to be dissected and put 'em in the drawer at the bottom of the snack vending machines. Superglued soda cans to a lunch tray, then the tray to the table, then glued all the chairs around the table to the floor.

    When I was doing field install work (commercial HVAC), we'd get people during break by taking band straps and strapping their tool belts to their chairs so they couldn't get up, putting duct sealer on their drill or hammer handles while they were up on ladders... little stuff like that. I had a foreman who was a real character, played jokes on the other foremen all the time, especially the plumbers.

    One of the funniest, and maybe cruelest ones I'd seen was when we were working on the 9th floor of a 12 story office building in Washington, DC. Mike got down off the ladder in a panic, had to make a BM but the porta-john was all the way on the ground floor outside of the building. There was no way he was gonna make it, so he grabbed a shop rag he had in the tool box and took off for the back stairway, which was seldom used. He did his business, wiped with the shop rag, placed the rag over the pile and returned to work. About an hour or so later this plumber (who was a real prick) comes down the stairs with pipe flux all over his hands and asked "does anybody have a rag??" Mike just smiled and said "yeah, I think I saw one over in the back of that stairwell." Off the plumber went and needless to say, he was not a happy camper when he picked up that rag...
  23. Grinderspark
    Joined: Aug 12, 2006
    Posts: 213


    About 20 years ago when I lived in South Jersey, a buddy of mine opened up a body and paint shop. I helped him on the weekends in exchange for lift time.

    He hired a kid out of Pennco Tech to help him in the body shop. The kid worked there 3 days a week his senior year for credits towards graduation.

    Anyhow, the kid was a practical joker. At times it was fun, but sometimes he went overboard.

    One of those overboard days he got a payback. He was redoing a `71 Monte Carlo that his dad had given him, and he kept it at the shop so he could work on it during down time.

    The day he pissed me off was during the time he was tearing apart the dash in his Monte. He had left for the day, and I went to the dollar store and bought one of those plastic kids harmonicas. I got back to the shop, cut it down, pulled one of his defroster hoses off the vent and shoved it down the hose with long needle nose pliers and put it back on the vent.

    It took about a month before the kid got to reassemble the dash, and when he got everything back together, he tried it all out to make sure everything worked. When he turned on the defrosters, it blew a loud note out of the vent. He shut it off, turned it back on, and got a different note. This happened every time he turned it on.

    He ended up pulling that dash apart and reinstalling it 5 times before he bothered to check the hoses. My buddy and I pissed ourselves laughing every time he tore that thing apart. It took awhile to see the results, but it taught the kid the lesson. He cut down on the pranks to a more tolerable level.
  24. dkiser72
    Joined: Sep 25, 2009
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    from ny

    WARNING..DONT TRY THIS..EVER!!!! i went to an auto tech college in upstate ny in the early 90's. this guy in my class was a first class a..ho.. (fill in da blanks) amd we HATED each other.. well oneday i was painting the roof of a car that we removed the vinyl top from and fixed the rust and prepped for paint (no more vinyl). just before i got ready to paint it i wiped the entire roof with dx-330 (a brand of wax and grease remover).now each student had his own refillable plastic spray bottle of the stuff i grabbed mine,used it and got ready to paint it i started to lay down the paint i noticed fisheyes EVERYWHERE..and i mean EVERYWHERE I finished yhe first coat anyway and couldnt figure it out..i DID degrease it and i knew it. well the professor (hated him too) comes in the booth to check on my "progress" and just smirks and says "didnt we talk about using degreaser before you paint ANYTHING? of course i said i already did that (twice even!) but him being the professor assumed i was full of it and called me a liar,lazy and a few other things in front of everybody in shop that day..well me having a short fuse..told him i did it right and whatever the reason for the fisheyes was, it wasn't something that i did or did not do to cause it..of course i got nowhere and had to start day, sand paint and ..degrease it again! (3 times) i thought..ok now i'm gonna show him a paint job he'd be able to see his aging ugly face in.. start spraying it ..AGAIN..and...FISHEYES freakin everywhere again!! WTF comes in shakes his head and FAILS me for the ENTIRE say i was pissed and confused and pissed and confused would be redundant.. later in the week ..remember the guy i HATE (not the prof) the other guy...well he makes a smartass comment in classs and i say something to him about his mothers questionable character...and...he calls me fisheyes...great im gonna get a felony...well he cant stop laughinn....and says "WOULDN'T IT BE FUNNY IF SOMEONE PUT WD-40 IN YOUR BOTTLE OF DEGREASER...THAT'D ALMOST PIS YA OFF HUH??...(me)..what did you just say???..(HIM)..UHH..NEVERMIND!....YEP, HE DID IT...SPIKED MY DX-330 WITH...WD-40...AND HE THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUNNY! TOO BAD HE OPENED HIS MOUTH IN CLASS...PROF SAYS I GET MY GRADE BACK AS A PASS AND OH..YEAH PAYBACKS ARE A BITCH AND HE DONT KNOW NUTTIN!! (LOVIN HIM THEN!).. I WAIT A WEEK OR SO AND "MODFIFY" A..HO..'S ENGINE ASSEMBLY LUBE (RED AND STICKY IN COLOR AND FEEL) WITH ......LOCTITE!!!!!!... SO A..HO.. GOES TO START HIS ENGINE 1ST TIME IN THE CAR AND AFTER ABOUT 30 SECONDS ..IT..JUST ...QUITS...WONT...START..OR..CRANK..OVER (WANNA GUESS WHY???) PROF TELLS HIM HE MUST NOT OF DONE SOMETHING RIGHT CAUSE AFTER CHECKING THE ENGINE OUT TELLS HIM ITS SEIZED SOLID....NO! NO!(HIM) i DID EVERYTRHING RIGHT..REALLY I DID!..WELL (ME) I SAY..DID YOU USE ASSEMBLY LUBE, A..HO..? (HIM) DUH, OF COURSE! (ME) WELL, ARE YOU SURE? CAUSE YA KNOW..ASSEMBLY LUBE AND LOCTITE LOOK AN AWFULLY LOT ALIKE..I NOD TO THE PROF SMIRK AND WALK AWAY......FISHEYES..HATE EM TO THIS DAY, BUT THEN AGAIN I LEARNED..NEVER NEVER EVER F..K WITH ANOTHER GUYS HARDWORK..IT'LL ONLY GET YA IN THE END.. A..HO.. NEVER..NEVER SAID ANOTHER WORD TO ME FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR..WONDER WHY? TONGUE SEIZE UP???
  25. weathrmn
    Joined: Apr 15, 2008
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    This didn't start off as a prank, but here goes. Working on a dirt car one night, a sweety that hung around is there and her and me go outside for a little while. About 10 minutes after we are back in the garage, another friend comes in, she says it's time for her to go home. Friend says, I'll walk you home. Friend comes back in and says, man, there I am kissin her with one hand on boob and the other on her ass, rubbing and grinding and her father is standing there watching. George and I are laughing and can't catch our breath. Friend says, whats so funny. George says, hows his dick taste, 10 minutes before you got here he got his tubes cleaned. I was called everything but white for not warning friend.
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    Alliance Vendor

    C' applause for this great idea?

    Where is the love?
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    Alliance Vendor

    Thats bad ass
  28. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
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    we have very large non poisonous snakes around here, thrift store purse, snake inside and drop in in the street in the hood here: watch the fun. ever see a wannabe "gansta" reach inside, pull out a snake and piss himself? :D
  29. fordfan289
    Joined: Apr 19, 2009
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    from indiana

    Line chalk in work gloves on a hot day you dont realy feel it and they will be blue at the end of the day. Another good one is to send someone to the harware looking for new level bubbles. My tool box got the sprayfoam trick I was mad out comes drill and grease zerts the next day he missed hooked up grease gun and filled entire toolbox.
  30. plym49
    Joined: Aug 9, 2008
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    from Earth

    My old man told me about this one: when he was a kid in Brooklyn there was a wise guy that would park in the same spot every day while he ran into the store for something. Then he would jump in his car and burn rubber out of there. One day my dad and his friend jack up a rear wheel just off the ground. Guy comes out, jumps in, revs motor and dumps clutch. Car won't move (no posi in those days - this was like in the 20s) and the guy is reving the shit out of the car, clashing gears, and the car wouldn't move. He was plenty pissed when he found out what it was but he never found out who did it.

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