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old timer pranks

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 57 shaker, Nov 1, 2008.

    Joined: Jul 16, 2006
    Posts: 2,570


    Cut a watermelon in two halves long ways, jack up targets car, the rear for rwd the front for front wd. Place the two melon halves under the tires, lower the car.

    Sit back and watch as the target tries to get out of the melon, it takes a while.

    Its funny...
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2009
  2. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    If I knew you or anyone that did this I would kick there ass so bad they would be hospitalized for weeks. One thing you NEVER do is fuck with a veteran and his mates. These guys went through shit you could not imagine together, you form a bond that is stronger than all hell and to believe that one of your mates is coming to town and then not see him would be close to devastating.
    You are an ass hole.
  3. weathrmn
    Joined: Apr 15, 2008
    Posts: 322


    I didn't do this and it wasn't meant to be a prank, but my friend Wayne wanted to know who was using his welding helmet because the adjustable head band wasn't to his head size.
    So, he gets graphite powder and packs it in the forehead cushion. In a couple days, he found out it was his boss. Wayne asked him, since when did you start wearing hats.
    boss gave Wayne a dirty look and walked away
  4. 69fury
    Joined: Feb 24, 2009
    Posts: 1,643


    I used to work in a steelmill, and the Foreman had a little shack office in the middle of the plant that had one of those big old black handset style phones with about 5 lines and a "hold" under the keypad. you know the style.

    We'd take that black handset, give the earpiece a good coating of grease, then use a breakroom phone to call the front office, and have the boss paged.

    There was coke, and sparks, and heat and steam flying everywhere so you were used to having funk on you but Ol' Virgil, (pronounced Vaaaaaaaaagil, if you're a yellowhat) never did figure out where he was getting into that stuff!
  5. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
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    those little electric hand buzzers work well too,the ones you put in your hand and make someone think they got shocked. when someone is showing a little bit too much "plumbers crack" wind it up and drop it down the back of their pants and watch the fun.
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    Alliance Vendor

    Will try this
  7. 50stude p/u
    Joined: Jul 14, 2009
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    50stude p/u

    there is some great stuff here! I know a couple people at school whos cars are old enough to open the hood without being inside.....
  8. Fortress
    Joined: Sep 8, 2009
    Posts: 243


    My Grandfather told me stories of a guy who worked for Hormel in engineering, I can't remember how the guy was related to me. He loved pranks and was very creative with them.

    One thing I remember...he would carefully drill a small hole in a light bulb and fill it with gasoline then when someone turned the lights on in the shop BOOM.
  9. Dave B.
    Joined: Oct 1, 2009
    Posts: 225

    Dave B.

    Back in the early ‘70s, I was selling cars at the local Chevy dealership. While we all had ‘demos’, the sales manager encouraged us to drive the used cars and make sure that there wasn’t anything on them that needed to be fixed before a potential customer drove them. One day, we took in a loaded ’69 or ’70 Cougar. I drove it home that night and discovered that it had a ‘rim-blow’ steering wheel. If you’ve never seen one of these, to blow the horn you squeeze a little ridge on the inner side of the wheel rim instead of hitting a button or ring.
    I took my then-girlfriend (now wife…) out on a date in the Cougar that weekend. She was pretty gullible and I decided to have a little fun. I told her that the car had a voice-activated horn. She said “No way”, so I said “HONK” and squeezed the rim. The horn blew. Then she said “You’ve got to be kidding me!” So, I said “HONK, HONK” and the horn blew twice. Then she wanted to try, so I told her to say the magic word (I couldn’t say it, of course, because the horn would blow…). She said “HONK” and the horn blew.
    This went on for several days, then one evening she saw one of her girlfriends at the drive-in restaurant. She asked me if she could take Pam for a ride in the Cougar and I was only too happy to let her do it. Of course, she had to show off the voice activated horn, which wouldn’t work…
    She was really upset when she brought back the car, telling me that the horn was broken. I sat down in the Cougar, said “HONK” and the horn blew. Right on cue, she said “HONK” and the horn blew again. I told her that she must not have said it loud enough…
    I let this go on much too long… When I finally broke down and showed her how the horn worked, I thought she was going to kill me!
  10. 39cent
    Joined: Apr 4, 2006
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    from socal

    Dam man! thats a killer!! thats like a molotov coctail! they used that prank to kill a guy in the movie "The Longest yard" with Burt Reynolds!
  11. 39cent
    Joined: Apr 4, 2006
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    from socal

    You should have asked 'is my 'Honey HORNY'!
  12. Fortress
    Joined: Sep 8, 2009
    Posts: 243


    You don't need to competely fill it...and not a bulb directly over the switch.
  13. Gloop
    Joined: Aug 21, 2007
    Posts: 102

    from NJ

    Auto foolers is what they were called. I still have two of them. One side went to spark plug wire, and the other to a ground.
  14. 39cent
    Joined: Apr 4, 2006
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    from socal

    workin in a steel mill there was a bunch of real pranksters. toilet pranks were always going on. Call a guys name while he,s on the john, was one, then turn out the lites. also do that and then roll in a big firecracker, or pour a cup of water over the wall. Once a guy lit off the the toilet paper dispenser! that kind cooled the pranks for awhile almost burnt the rest room ! pour water in an up turned hard hat.
  15. May Pop
    Joined: Jun 16, 2005
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    May Pop

    The foreman would leave his car at the warehouse and take a pickup to the job sit every day. We would move it around the parking lot . He starts getting mad at us so we stop it. Next day he comes back his car is where he left it and hes happy. While hes gone I put white tape on the insert of the rear bumper and wrote
    It stayed on there for 3-4 days. He said women would wave or give him the finger.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2009
  16. May Pop
    Joined: Jun 16, 2005
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    May Pop

    A different foreman I worked for was a little goofy. He had the engine and trans rebuilt in a shitbox Ford van. A couple days later he was bragging about what a great job they did. So while he was inside I dumped about a quart of antifreeze under it. I went inside and told him about the "leak". He says watch the place and takes it back to the shop. Two days later it was trans fluid,then motor oil,then antifreeze again.They must have hated him at that shop. It sure was funny to watch him get all worked up and yell watch the place Ill be right back.
  17. Bears38
    Joined: Nov 7, 2009
    Posts: 64


    A buddy of mine came over to my house with his goofy brothers car , I got a cheapy universal horn button and some wire and proceeded to mount the new horn button under the carpet on the passinger side floor . While cruising the park and around town I could honk the horn with just a little preasure at the right spot on the floor , I would honk at every fat chick in town just to embarace and terrorize my buddy's goofy brother who thought that his car was haunted or something ! I would play the horn along to a song on the radio , etc. He about went crazy - he even un-hooked the factory horn wire leaving the wire I installed hooked up ! Everyone in town knew about it except Ol' Goofy Brother - no one told him the truth ! Once , he told me "the horn had'nt honked for over a week, but then it honked when he took his mom to the store !" This went on for almost a year until he took the car to the local high school auto mechanics class to see if they could fix it for him . One of the students had to let the teacher in on the gag and he finally let the cat outta the bag . Ol' Goofy still gets mad when someone ask's him about it !
  18. This one i heard about . When they where building the Bethlem steel mill near Gary Indiana in the sixties. Some electricians would pull pranks on the iron workers and lay the blame on the carpenters and vise versa. One hot summer day the electricians water Jug ran out and when they took off the lid(It was in one of the large yellow containers) some prankster had cut a two by six like a boat and it had a large turd on it. :eek:Of course the electricians blamed the carpenters but it was actually a ironworker that did it. If the idenity of the culprit was known he probably would have been very very severly dealt with. The bosses fired a large number of workers that week. One of the bosses had been drinking from that Jug that day.:cool: OldWolf
  19. low-n-slo54
    Joined: Jul 25, 2009
    Posts: 1,920


    long zip ties around the drive shaft. car goes in to gear and it creates a pretty loud tapping.
  20. PAUCHO
    Joined: Nov 19, 2006
    Posts: 721


    The haunted car !!!......HHAAAAaaaaaaaaa!.....I love it !
  21. About twenty years ago i worked for a small company that rented backhoes and such to the railroad. We used dumptrucks and pintle hitch trailers to move equipt. One nightwhen Me and another guy named Ralph where taking a couple of backhoes to Murphysboro Ill. We would have to take back roads to avoid the scales because we didnt have apportioned licence or fuel permits. We would take I55 to CapeGiradeau Mo. then cross the Misssissippi River into Ill. Then take hwy 3 north. There is a scale house at Ware Ill. It is never open. This night about three in the morning I was ahead of Ralph so when i came by the sighn about a mile from the scales i got out and changed it from scales closed to scales open. :) No place to turn around anywhere near there no turn off before the scales nearest road back two miles. So Ralph Unloads the backhoe Unhooks the trailer and uses the backhoe to turn around the trailer and has to wiggle the truck back and forth. Hook back up and take a long round about way to Murphy. He arrives late and aks me what did they do to you at the scales. As soon as i started laughing he knew i had switched the sighn.:D He was a prankster from way back so it was Ok. OldWolf
  22. Michael Murder
    Joined: Jan 10, 2006
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    Michael Murder
    from Wyoming

    I'm not sure if this is a prank or neglecting to tell someone something. One of the newer firefighters was changing the oil in one of our old deuce-and-a halfs. It had been sitting in the shop all day and the oil was cold, he was draining it into one of those enclosed oil containers with the little hole you uncap. I knew that with the viscosity of the oil it would never go into that little hole fast enough and sure enough it flowed out over the top and all over the shop floor. The boss was mad as hell but everyone got a good laugh.
  23. Drop a plastic sandwich baggie or piece of saran wrap in your buddies(?) gas tank. Every time it passes near the pickup it will get sucked on and make the car die like its out of gas. As soon as it dies and there's no suction it floats away and the car starts and runs fine, until it passes by the pickup again. Very cruel.
  24. 63Compact
    Joined: Feb 14, 2007
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    We used connect a reverse beeper to the right indicator of the office girls car, it was mainly lefts home. Or connect the washers to reverse, every night she would reverse out of her spot stop and put the wipers on then drive off. Took about a week before she asked someone to look at it.
  25. sixdogs
    Joined: Oct 11, 2007
    Posts: 635

    from C

    After reading 20 pages and being a prankster for decades, the hot wire from the horn to the brake pedal is my favorite and one I never thought of. No one gets hurt and the experience seems memorable. My hat is off to the guys that did this.
  26. onlychevrolets
    Joined: Jan 23, 2006
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    masking tape the whole windshield, then take a razor knife and slice it in little pieces...takes an hour to pick it all off.
  27. htweelz
    Joined: Aug 21, 2007
    Posts: 126

    from Maryland

    We had a fellow that fell asleep at lunch time. So we all quietly turned off the lights in the shop turned the clocks to 5:30 and went outside and waited. He came outside to find all of us waiting there to laugh at him. He was more pissed to find that he had 4 more hours to work than the actual prank.

    One fellow stuck a playboy centerfold on the front of another's truck. He pulled in to the parking spot so he didn't see it when we sent him to get sandwiches for lunch. He said he was wondering why people were yelling at him going down the road or getting thumbs up. He came out of the store and then saw the front of his truck just as some mom was hiding the eyes of her boy telling him how disgusting he was.:D
  28. Soreback
    Joined: Nov 25, 2007
    Posts: 223


    We call this " the ol' purse trick". We used to take one of moms old purses. Living a mile or so from a country store, we would crap in the purse, set it in the road, hide and wait in the ditch for someone to come by and pick it up. Jeeeze it was great fun when your 10 or so and see that purse come flyin' back out of some guys ride. Still makes me laugh.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2010
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    Alliance Vendor

    Tailpipe whistle was always a good one!
  30. mac762
    Joined: Jun 28, 2007
    Posts: 676


    I don't know if anyone already told about putting a piece of carbon paper inbetween your buddies welding lenses. :) That never gets old. Or putting a couple of pieces of clear welding lenses between the ground clamp on his welder. Funny stuff and nobody gets too pissed.

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