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R.I.P. My Cali H.A.M.B. bros-you got SCREWED...

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Anchorboy46, Nov 11, 2009.

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  1. Comunisim is alive and well in the United States of America!

    Only if you don't vote or raise holy hell to your representive about this terrible idea! People unite! This is your future is you stay quiet and submissive to the wackos in the office of decision!
  2. Now I am worried because our Province (Ontario) is the most densely populated, especially here in the south and the province has a huge deficit now. We were the first to face "Drive Clean" bullshit tests here in Canada, and I can see the clowns running this place seeing this as a great idea.

    Everybody buy our emissions legal chevy motor and you can be as individual as you like. Fuck that.
  3. True enough (last part of the sentence - but it IS all about the pols, and their retention and acquisition of POWER!) - and the State's over-reaction to a few out there that are criminals when it comes to falsely registering/titling cars! Don't think for a minute that this can't simply be applied to ALL rods, kits, and other homebuilt cars! You are naive if you think they won't or can't.

    You guys bitching that this is "political" had better wake up, since this DIRECTLY relates to our cars. Knowledge is power, boys and girls. When the rollbacks arrive for YOUR cars one day, your cries for help will go unheeded!
  4. you guys ever hear of "getting a foot in the door"?
  5. thepolecat
    Joined: Mar 24, 2009
    Posts: 687

    1. S.F.C.C.

    we aint havin that shat here in Georgia- We will cecceed!

    get a PO box out of state!
  6. I have no idea where this will eventually go in CA but it can't be good. For those who say this is no big deal, well the hell it ain't. TotallyCustom, your ride must be able to comply with all this crap or you have unlimited funds or you'd be raisin' hell like everybody else. I can just imagine what I'd do if this happened in Dixie but I don't think it ever will. The people here would never put up with it like those in CA do. If you haven't figured it out that you have the most whacked out politicians on the planet out there you never will. I guess if it happened here I'd just have to sell my ride or put the motor out of my daughter's wrecked Bronco in it. It sure as hell seems like a sad day to me!
  7. I would be willing to bet that every Hot Rod's emissions in the State of CA, all added up together, wouldn't make a bit of difference in the air quality of the State. Out of the millions and millions of cars in the State, what percentage are "Hot Rods"? The kicker, in all three examples is, "all back taxes and fees" :rolleyes:...what SPOONS and BIGTUMTUM said. In NY, anything over 25 years old is exempt from any emissions testing crap...
  8. MarkzRodz
    Joined: Sep 12, 2009
    Posts: 533


  9. Special Ed
    Joined: Nov 1, 2007
    Posts: 8,188

    Special Ed

    This doesn't relate to me or anyone else I know. It is aimed at the tiny fraction of those folks who BROKE THE LAW. I have nothing to comply to. Get a grip on reality! THE SKY IS NOT FALLING.
  10. bodymanmp
    Joined: Dec 2, 2004
    Posts: 1,658


    i think it would be cheaper to pay the fine,whats this country coming to,no i will run my car over a cliff,then they can have it back,this place is turning into russia
  11. 31whitey
    Joined: Jan 2, 2007
    Posts: 2,214


    School busses are the biggest fucking poluters....

    I think they should outlaw school buses....

    kids are too fat anyways....
  12. poboyross
    Joined: Apr 29, 2009
    Posts: 2,142

    from West TN

    Several points:

    1) "This relates to a small handful of folks out of over 25 million cars."
    So did the AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax) when it was target those dirty millionaires, until they found out that it actually hit millions upon millions of middle class Americans. Govt. is like an abusive spouse, you only hurt the ones you love. :rolleyes:

    2) With the current state of things and how other policies are progressing, in general, they are *not* off base in their worries. CA is broke, for a plethora of dumb reasons, they need cash, and backroom deals to enact treacherous douchbaggery of a financially confiscatory nature are not unheard of by any means.

    3) Assuming that the govt. has any good intentions was your first mistake.

    4) The govt. taxes you and keeps the extra you pay during the year, interest free, and decides whether or not to bequeath you with it at year-end IF they decide that they don't need it for something full pensions for life for one term non-elected officials. HOWEVER, if you don't pay them what they say, when they say it, you have to pay a penalty. Using the term "defraud" to describe any behavior that the average Joe is doing as it relates to the govt. is an oxymoron.

    When was the last time the govt. got a taste of cash that it couldn't resist expanding to confiscate the largest amount of money from as many people as possible? People shouldn't be losing their minds over this, but rather organizing to get to the bottom of this, and if as serious as it sounds, punish those responsible.
  13. MarkzRodz
    Joined: Sep 12, 2009
    Posts: 533


    It's all been rigged since they killed JFK (Look at his speeches before they killed him about Secret Societies).
    Someone else said that this place has been getting too political lately, remember: "You do politics now or Politics will do you later".
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2009
  14. denis4x4
    Joined: Apr 23, 2005
    Posts: 4,264

    from Colorado

    I read this twice and it's my opinion that it only relates to vehicles that were improperly registered in the first place. Jim McFarland was the editor of HRM and later headed up Edelbrock's R&D. He did countless stories on making SBC engines comply with CA smog laws.

    Quite frankly, the SEMA solution might seem harsh to a lot of HAMBer's, but consider that the state was screwed out of a lot of sales tax when guys bought Broadway Title paperwork and paid one tenth of the sales tax due on a finished hot rod.
  15. This is correct but its not just about emissions 345. What this bullshit is all about is the following :

    i. Collecting money for the Feds - another revenue stream as other revenue streams are
    being "exhausted" or as MORE are being reqd due the the GEC.
    ii. Using the cops to do it - who should be fighting crime not picking on soft targets.
    iii. Greasing GM/big business who are BROKE
    iv. Making people feel that they are "good citizens" by doin the "right thing" and admitting
    that they defrauded the State/Federal Govt of taxes, charges and lost revenue.
    v. Looking for EVERY bit of $$$ that can be fleeced from the motoring public - as all
    other "traditonal" methods of fleecing the public have been used up.
    vi. Hate to say it but it looks to me like SEMA has sold out....
    vii. It aint just Cali either - you other guys around the US better hold on tight - this shit's
    gonna be heading your way too.

    It dont matter that I live on the other side of the world - the same shit is happening here. Left a cruise nite last nite - EVERYONE behaved, yet the fucking cops were there handing out fines for EPA "misdemeanours" ...estimated were that they made about 50K last nite.

    TZhe point is, SEMA shoulda got together with the Hot Rod industry and nutted out a registration system that is fair for ALL....not GM, the Feds, and business in general.

    IMO its gonna get worse. And your vote? Pfffttt, the asholes who replace the current crop of assholes in Govt arent going to do a 180 back flip and reneg on millions of $$$ of revenue that helps them look good in the eyes of the ignorant John Citizens of the world.

  16. Special Ed
    Joined: Nov 1, 2007
    Posts: 8,188

    Special Ed

    Exactly! Thank you. It simply DOES NOT relate to anyone that followed the law. Hot rods are alive and well in California, and always will be.
  17. Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you . . .
  18. neonloverrob
    Joined: Jan 25, 2009
    Posts: 560

    from newton, ks

    Won't be long before they start fucking with the racers, dirt, drag, asphalt guys. WOW! Terminate Arnie!!!!
  19. Beef Stew
    Joined: Oct 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,253

    Beef Stew
    from So Cal

    ha this doesn't bother me at all because i don't have a scv. i have a titled and registered 1929 ford model a tudor sedan. if you play the game right and title and register your car as a production vehicle then you're fine.
  20. IMO George Carlin said it best......

  21. coupster
    Joined: May 9, 2006
    Posts: 860

    from Oscoda Mi

    So if I got this right all the So-Cal framed, Pete and jakes front ended, Brookeville bodyed 32' fill in the blank built, titled as 32' Ford's are going to be subjected to this legislation? My own car although it retains its original body and frame, and licenced as a 31' would it be subject? Where are they going to draw the line?
  22. 31whitey
    Joined: Jan 2, 2007
    Posts: 2,214


    Nobody knows....

    Nobody will ever be able to regulate this shit....
  23. pasadenahotrod
    Joined: Feb 13, 2007
    Posts: 11,775

    from Texas

    So it goes. This is the culmination of the fallout from the incident several years ago that most folks think of in terms of Boyd Coddington. Fact is the pebble that dropped in the big pond was the result of a policeman, or ex-policeman, registering a new Cobra (it is almost always the late-model guys, isn't it?) as a 66 Ford 2door with taxable value of say $450 rather than the $50-60K it really cost.

    Sooner or later, and for many never, if you get caught cheating the tax man, you will pay... and pay... and pay.

    The California authorities realized that the state had cheated out of who know how many millions of dollars in tax income began an investigation that resulted in the "raids" on many shops in California and the paperwork trail from there led to the out-of-state "title" companies from AL, NY, etc. and here you are with the SEMA agreement.
  24. Larry T
    Joined: Nov 24, 2004
    Posts: 7,886

    Larry T

    ...............................This breakthrough procedure allows owners of certain specially constructed vehicles (SCVs) to avoid the pitfalls of a previously muddy process for legally registering and titling such vehicles in California,”.................................

    This is aimed at the "Gold Chainer" fiberglass cars that everyone here loves and the kit car Cobra's, right???? I'm not saying that OEM based cars won't get caught up in the wake, but it looks like the Coddington/Cobra Kit car market/Title Company headlines are probably responsible for the legislation.
    Larry T

    Looks like pasadenahotrod posted while I was typing. Kinda spooky.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2009
  25. HotRod33
    Joined: Oct 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,570


    It bothers me because soomer or later other states will be looking for more sources of revenue and they will come looking for early cars as well...
  26. dugbred
    Joined: Jul 29, 2005
    Posts: 124


    GM sells the retro fit kit. Who owns GM?! Interesting!
  27. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
    Posts: 56,991


    I guess this is the part that is hard to understand? sheesh....
  28. zzford
    Joined: May 5, 2005
    Posts: 1,822


    Government runs on money... if you want to suck on Uncle Sams' teat, it's gonna cost ya.
  29. 31whitey
    Joined: Jan 2, 2007
    Posts: 2,214


    Alright...In all seriousness ...Pasadena is 100% correct...

    They are listening....

    School busses are our #1 polluter.....and Trucks and Fatkids....

    Warren Buffet hate them all.....

    Buy into the railroad people....

    Im restoring a locomotive as we speak....

    Last edited: Nov 11, 2009
  30. rick finch
    Joined: May 26, 2008
    Posts: 3,329

    rick finch

    The sky is falling , the sky is falling............get a fuckin' grip.:rolleyes: (shit.... excuse me I hear helicopters overhead).
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