Thanks Rod! I've adjusted the height of the rear giving the frame a 2 degree rake,just about what I was aiming for. I fabricated a pair of brackets so I could move the wishbone rod ends inboard of the frame rails.This has given me clearance for the F100 drop arm and also gives the impression that the 'bones are un-split. Unfortunately this means I've got even less room for the pedals and linkage! Mark
Mark, Really NICE lookin' Bone brackets!Any chance you could show a picture of the area your pedals are gonna inhabit?I'd like to get my head round your predicament. Nick.
Mark- Glad to see you found some time to get at it. If memory serves you've had this thing set aside for quite a bit. Let me know if you need anything. My cousin in Edinburgh has some left-overs that may come in handy. -Chris
Thanks mate.I'll try to post a better pic of the area tomorrow.If you look at the second pic,it's roughly where the first hole is in the x-member.
Hi Chris,nice to hear from you.Yes,it has been sitting around for a while,waiting for some motivation! Do tell about the left-overs!There's a whole bunch of mainly small parts needed.Too much to list here!LOL Is your cousin on here? If so,I could PM him. Thanks for the kind offer of help,much appreciated. If you get that vacation arranged,we'll have to meet up. Regards, Mark
I really love the mounts you made for your car. I wish I had seen this thread before I decided to buy mounts for mine. I've got a 351 W in my build and used these aluminum mounts from so-cal. They're (C) on the chart. I know alot of guys wouldn't be diggin the non-traditional chunky look, but I got a decent deal on them because I spent quite a few bucks down there.... There is a fundamental design there that could easily be made from plate steel and tubing to look similar to the racy looking chevy mounts made by the guys at circle city. Anyway, keep up the good work!
William isn't on here other than lurking. You're not far from him and he's easy to spot on one of my Harleys. I know he still has an "a" bed that was in great shape and a host of other parts(several rears too). He had a basket case shipped over and then sold it right away. These are whats left. I'll get you his contact info and prod his brother to make him get on here.
I also want to mention the deal on your clearance issues. I mounted my motor way inside my firewall and had alot of figuring out to do with my exhaust and steering mounting clearance then the problem pushed its way into my brake peddle assembly area. I'm running an automatic so I don't know if this will help you or not, but I used a frame mount/under the floor assembly and a straight up and down a t-bucket or drag car style.
Dubbzilla,thanks for the compliment.The mounts were simple to make.Basically just off-cuts of steel which I had laying about. Those So-Cal mounts wouldn't suit my build but,they are really nice looking.I know what you mean about the basic design though.Same shape in 1/2 inch round bar,infilled with drilled 1/4 inch plate.Shit,I'll end up re-doing mine,Please keep your ideas to yourself!LOL As far as clearance issues go,I'm o.k. with header and steering clearance,it's just trhe pedals and linkage.Straight up pedals may be an option,I'll look at that,thanks. Chris,many thanks.That would be great.Sounds like he may some usefull parts. Thanks kiwi,glad you like it! Cheers all, Mark
This thread started a month ago and this is the first I've seen it Mark. That RPU is friggin' awesome my friend. Your attention to detail is spot on, I love those motor mounts and that gear box idea is pretty clever too. You're doing a "BLOODY" good job there mate. I'm watching this one close. Grits
Thanks Grits,glad you like it! Hoping to be done for next July for the 'Hot Rod Hayride'.Nick('60's hotrod) is aiming for the same date.It'll be great if both cars are finished for then.Maybe a little blast around the dirt track ! Cheers, Mark
Shit,shouldn't have commited myself.All that's going through my mind now is Clark on two wheels in that A!
AH nice work, nice to see a Ford In a Ford to. Keeping and eye on this build. But then again i'm partial.
Thanks tedley.The Ford in a Ford thing wasn't a concious choice really.The 289 was destined for annother project,then along came the 'A'.Just used it 'cause it was there.Great little engine though!
Don't know if I could compete with that stunt! If I put it on the track ,I'll probably drive like a pussy as I'll have to drive it back to Scotland after!
That'll change as you line up and Nicks chasing your round the track, knuckles tighten on the wheel , right foot down.....
There's always AA relay I suppose.....LOL! Will yours be there?Looking forward to get a close up look. Mark
If we go yes. But might be heading up to the Highlands and Islands for a tour late July / August (all those Midges great). Planning on doin' quite a few miles next year all being well.
I just started to buy parts for my project also its a Ford a 1930 sedan engine will be a 305" chevy still looking up rest of the parts