I really needed that! Wow, fantastic photos, I'm drooling... The pic of the Khougaz roadster pulled over with a pack of other cars really grabbed me, because it was in a run I was on a few years back and I was driving with it off and on that day, so seeing the pic of it back then in the same situation kinda gave me an eerie feeling! (That make any sense?) Anyway really exciting photos!
There's a whole history book right here. Although the photos that I had taken were all from the 60's, it still is amazing that these photos now have place to be shared. Otherwise they would still be sitting in some box somewhere, unseen and unappreciated for the most part. If it wasn't for this place, my photos from 1960-1970 would be slowly losing their color in a paper bag placed in a box. I doubt that anyone who has posted photos from their youth would have ever thought that those photos would be enjoyed by so many people...
Hey Dan Glover--------------I think my Pop,Harry Goldsmith knew Tommy. My Dad ran a model T on A rails with a Crager
This is my favorite thread in a long time. Thanks to everyone who contributed. Another reason why I love the HAMB!
This thread has literally brought a tear to my eye. I want to be there soooo bad that I'm building a narrowed '29 Chevy Roadster w/a banger. Makes me happy to see these pics. I lost slot of 'em in a recent compu-crash.
Without a doubt, the best thread EVER! Thanks to everyone who has posted so far and JimmyB, where the hell do you keep your time machine?
I am not sure of the year of this photo, but my dad took this photo when he was on the Arcadia Police Dept. Dad started in 1947 and this was early in his career, so it probably is in the late 40's. For any of you San Gabriel Valley guys in SoCal, on the back it says that this was at Colorado Blvd. (Route 66) and Baldwin Ave.
Another great post. I really like fenderless A's with the splash aprons left on, gives them a unique look. Definately a 40's thing that fell out of style in the 50's.
Awesome thread guys - really enjoying some of those old pics. I am trying to keep my '29 early 40s so I will definately look back on this one regularly.
Wow. This thread is taking us back, back, baaaaaaack in time. So cool. Here's one I like. One of my favorites. It's a modern photo of a present-day car. Just one of many pics I've snagged from the hamb. I imagine it was built in recent years, but it might as well have been from the '40s. Sure looks the part.