looking good. I have a 48 silver streak fleetline style roof I have been saving for for chopping an earlly 50 poncho. cant wait to see the finish product.
baaaack to work should have a few month of nothing but pontiac time because my girl is goin back to jersey for a few months its gonna suck but it will be better in the end....found a 51 merc bumper and guards that should be here in a few weeks. finished up the round corners lip etc..the shrinker stretcher is worth its weight in gold for this part of the job tad rough around the edges still part i screwed up and cut the wrong end off so cut out completley was the answer made a new piece much better then what was there any way im glad i cut it out nice gaps are veeeery important with the tig ...kinda makes ya step your level of work up a notch done made the lip seem more factory running it all the way around next step is to make the hood fit the rounded corners and straight portion
It's winter time, everybody needs a heater. Although, a refresher on the definition of "concealment" may be in order.
That skinny bastard needs all the help he can get in case anyone ever does! I don't need anything cept my huge pipes! Oh ya the hood corners look great!
thanks guys!! more work soon im workin on my arms bill to match your gigantic pipes!!! ill be in jersey about once a month now bill so we gotta get together this time for sure.
Ya don't blow me off for Ed Roth this time, haha! I gotta get a few more tatoos and then we could be twins, lol!
12 hours 3 cups of coffee and a big red bull and you can have uniform gaps too...thats the upside of putting a 49 caddy hood on your pontiac!!! i started in the back worked forward you can see where it start to fuck up in the front .i just run down the gap with a 3/16th body shim yeah i know its no tthe most exciting but this stuff makes a car in my book.. saw pleeeenty of big name cars out there with shitty gaps bllaaaaaah and finished up to where is starts to mess up in the front side view of the nastyness i really hate doing curves with all these relief cuts but it was the only way to do it here.the shrinker stretcher doesnt want any parts of compound curves so had to do it the only other way i could figure out 12 hours later heres where i am at
Lots and lots of hours into something that many won't even notice or care about. THATS whats gonna set this car apart from all the rest. Great stuff man.
only so much of this shit you can take it a week and i hit the wall with the gapsespically when they are fighting you every step of the way haha. onto the scooter for a couple day did this co get the sheetmetal to sit down against the bracing so it would sit flush with the fender still tons more to go as you can see but its about 40 percent there
I've always wondered why more people don't use these early 50's Poncho's for customs. Mines all original and I'm too chickenshit to cut it up, but I'm looking forward to seeing yours done!
Love this build...I had a 50 coupe about 5 years back and admire all of the time, effort and attention to detail on this one
I just spent at least 2 hours reading and skimming pictures and havn't even finished this thread. You're absolutely amazing.
Glad you are back at it. Been following project from the beginning of the thread. Stay healthy..............
well after my birthday christmas and new years nonsense then the g/f moving to jersey for a few months and customer work i finally got back into the swing of things on the car. cant work on the hood because my 47 is in the way and there is to much snow for it to go outside. so onto the door it was. so what i have mental problems haha that mess is what it looks like before its totally finished..i used a piece of tig filler rod to get a nice edge this time around mucho bettero next is some work on the bottom corner and a ton on the top.
good job so far,like the longer frontends on them old Pontiacs. i see it's a business coupe,you'll get tired of folks ask'n ya why you took out rear seat.
ohh its getting a back seat...cant have a custom with out one .. pics came out shitty today for some reason but here they are well got the whole door top done today.fixed some more dips and low spots your friend the tig rod yeah its a R.C.H. low but i can live with it well i think the combination of it being a sedan door and me being in a rush when i first did it accounts for its shitty fit against the roof line. and the huge gap at the bottom on the A pillar was not my doing haha..i was tight inbetween the red lines drawn on the door top soo i had to grind some off. heres what happens when ya rush kiddies... yah gotta do more work!!! gave me and idea on how much it needed to be built up and a completley uniform gap but ya cant tell because the picture is shitty.that gap has been bothering me forever i finally got around to it and it makes it all come together now i was on a roll but the grinder shit the bed so that ended my day at the shop