BUT!! They should be honest and not just pretend so that they can fit in or shoot the sh!t. If someone is genuinely interested then I'll help them all I can. The BS' rs can go back to video games. We're a dying breed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I really wish there was a young kid around my town that would like to learn how to do some of the things I am doing . i would teach them anything they wanted to know about a hot rod ! Most all the ones around my house are grown up or have their face stuck on a video game . We all should teach anyone that really wants to know how to do something ! RetroJim
This might be a stupid question, but........ Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but people don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?
Well I hate to say there are stupid questions. I had a guy ask me if he should wear his jacket when he went to the other building. It was 2 dgrees out and 20MPH winds. And while not very common these days, there are BBC head with round ex ports.
I'm a computer tech. and I get a lot of questions from people on how to do something and never have a problem telling them 2 or 3 times as long as they listen and try to learn. The one's I hate are the guys who in the middle of explaining they interject with their interpretation of how it should be done. If you know so much then why the F... are you asking me?
"There are no stupid questions, But there are a LOT of Inquisitive Idiots." I know, because quite often, I is one.
What never fails to piss me off is when a customer brings a car in for repair and they tell you that "the next door neighbor" has already told them whats wrong and how much I should charge to fix it. yeah right....
You made me spit coffee! I had a gentlemen teach me how to operate suspension cranes. His tried and trued method of correcting an improper move? Yep, a slap on the back of the head! Try that today and they'd probably cry or go tell mommy (the boss)... I trained as an electrician after being laid off from my job at a smelter. What really bothers me about people when they ask electrical questions isn't the questions, it's the people who feel compelled to answer when they don't fully understand what they're talking about. If I don't know something I'll either say so or I'll keep my mouth shut and learn. So, in short, it's not the stupid questions that piss me off, it's the stupid answers (although I do so love a smart ass answer).
I don't think you used a very good example of a stupid question. If these headers are posted in an ad without a pic and only that they are BBC, I'm first gonna want to know what chassis they fit and then what is the flange port configuration and size. Dave
I really appreciate the way you think, I'm sticking my nose in to anything I can, trying to make it on my own by shutting my mouth and listening to friends and veterans, trying to get my hands on whatever I can. There are some places and people that are intimidating to ask questions that seem so trivial, but people like you are the ones that are going to help us younger ones get on our feet
I have found that over many years doing what I do with classic Jaguars that what seems on the surface a "stupid" question is not as I get into the answer. I aways try to answer as completly as I can and try to explain the why's to the answer. We all have questions. what does bother me at times are the wquestions that I have to refer to a book the a person asking could have looked up as well - questions having to with basic tunning settings etc. I try to not remember all of that, just remember what book it is in. How to, what fits and why questions are never "stupid".
I too wish SOMEONE would show an interest. I have the tools, raw material,space,knowledge, books for lack-o-knowledge. Heck I even have a keg. Nobody comes over,the kids only want to "turn the key". I want a Viking funeral in my garage so nofreekinbody gets it when I go. Ask me a question. I might be eternally grateful and set you up upon my passing. dammm
no I still have a small ego and humility so there are no stupid questions , once I know everything that should be anytime "now" well then maybe there will be stupid questions but then maybe not. cause I will think back to my begginings and bingo .
If car guys didn't share their knowledge, I wouldn't know shit about cars except what I learned by trial and error and what I read in books. I'm not above looking for an answer on my own either. Maybe it's a pride thing or maybe it's my upbringing to "look it up" when I have a question. It is a pet peeve when other people ask me a question without lifting a finger to try to figure it out for themselves. But if I have tried to find the answer and just don't know and think someone else does, the last thing I want to hear is some smart ass answer that is no help. The folks who've freely shared their knowledge (Squirrel and RustyNewYorker come to mind right away) when I've had a question have my utmost respect.
Being that I am not a old gray-haired with half a century of knowledge...I love the "stupid" questions you refer to. Usually, they're the only ones I can answer. It feels pretty good to be able to help someone out that's new to building hot rods.
When I,m asked a question by someone who is obviously interested and wants to know the answer I,ll do my damndest to explain it. When someone comes up to me and starts spouting off about the Plymouth 442 they used to own or the 350 big block Chevy I have little patience. I actually had to hold my hand up and stop the guy cold.I told him that he had better come back when he knew what the fuck he was talking about.Never heard from him again....
A question is just that.Guess some just absorb knowladge with out being thought.Most times being knowledgeable just means you have been educated by some one that took the time to answer your stupid questions.When kids ask questions,are they entitled to an answer or do we just brush them off as being stupid.
All I know is, if I hadn't asked questions (some were probably dumb) I'd still be READING about hot rods instead of owning one.
Why does Goofy walk erect, talk, and wear clothes, while Pluto remains on all fours, naked, and can only say, "Grrr ..." "Snort!" "Sniff, sniff, sniff ..." "Bark! Bark!" I mean..they are both dogs.
So Mickey Mouse says to the psychiatrist: "Damnit, Doc, I didn't say Minnie was crazy, I said she was f*cking GOOFY!"
Mark Twain said"it is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt!"