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Best lines to talk Farmer out of an old car

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Desert1957, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. Desert1957
    Joined: Aug 15, 2007
    Posts: 50

    from Pa/Md

    Hey All,
    Needs some help , been spying on some of my old neighbors cars and trucks. About 3 miles from my house.
    Looks like a 34 Ford Pickup amd maybe a 36 Chevy 5 window in the field behind his barn. How do you approach people without pissing them off?
    What kind of offer do you make them? I have driven by for years hoping to catch someone outside so I could stop and chat, No luck so far...
    Any help appreciated..

    Cannot get pictures worth posting without trespassing.

  2. If you've never seen anyone outside, I doubt if he is a farmer. Just knock on the door, be polite, and be prepared to pay what it's worth.
  3. Dooley
    Joined: May 29, 2002
    Posts: 3,043

    from Buffalo NY

    common sense, knock on the door, and tell them you noticed the cars, and if possible can you view them, if no, then leave, you may try again later.

    If allowed to look at the cars, ask questions, and LISTEN, old timer may be talkative or not but if he is you need to listen, the better he feels with you the better off you are, now most people are somewhat sofisticated, so if you drive up in a 09 SUV with name brand clothes he may size you up as someone with $$$.

    An old beater is a good idea, if you have one or can borrow. Also overalls or work clothes would be best as well.

    If you have knowledge of the cars; years makes and models you can let him know that you know what you are looking at, but if he does not want to sell, no mater what you think you want to leave him on good terms in case he changes his mind...
  4. what ever you do DO NOT look like a hotrodder the clean cut I work for a living goes a long way here it seems.,and if ya have a friend with a nice lookin restored/semi restored rig drive it,I like to look kinda like I am intrested in the car but try not to get very excited.............Be respectful and try to strike a cord with the guy mention restoring the rig not hotrodding unless he ends up saying that he likes hotrods but make the whole thing seem like his idea.good luck
  5. alchemy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2002
    Posts: 21,774


    Well, if somebody was to come up to me in a junker car and grubby clothes, asking to buy one of my cars, I'd hate to think what life it will have with them. I know money is king, but sometimes I like to think my cars and parts are going to be treated well after they leave me. I guess I'm too sentimental about old cars and parts.

    So, I would think a person who looks like they can care for the item is more likely to buy it from me.
  6. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
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    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    chances aint for sale
  7. sinks88
    Joined: Feb 18, 2009
    Posts: 610


    Drive a truck over there (non-threatning) and not a beater either, just an everyday truck, and mimic his/their surrounding IE: clothes, stlye, financial status....and be honest and good hearted....and you will be fine, maybe even a friend after a half hour!
  8. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 9,767


    I agree about the clothing-nice,not ratty, but not too overdone,either. Don't go at dinnertime, don't go on Sundays,don't go at 6AM. You won't know if they are for sale unless you ask. If they say know, tell them who you are and that if they change their minds, to please call you. And don't waste their time if you really aren't expecting to pay what they are possible worth.
  9. Desert1957
    Joined: Aug 15, 2007
    Posts: 50

    from Pa/Md

    Thanks Guys, Very Good Tips.
    I will let you know how it goes....
    Any thoughts on taking pictures if he lets me look at the vehicles?
    yea or ney?

  10. The worst thing you could say is how much do you want. Instead state i was wondering about them. I wouldnt mind buying them if you would consider selling. Also dont run them down or complain about them sitting and rotting. Being respectful is always the right thing. Start up a conversation Stuff like how long have they lived here. Doctors and medicine cost are favorite subjects with older folks. Listen to them gripe about whatever if thats their thing. Dont be pushy or in a big hurry. If the have a pet dog or cat, bird ect get then to talk about it. If you see a deer mount or horns talk about that. Dont drive up in a same type vehicle. Dont show up in a 55 chev if that what you are trying to buy. Sometimes bringing a wife girlfrend or child will help. My best sucess was to ride up on a horse. Might have to trailer it 100 miles and unload 4 or five miles away. Dont show up with a carload of people. If they shoot you a price and you want it pay cash immediately and get the title and a bill of sale. Above all be honest and fair. OldWolf
  11. Gotgas
    Joined: Jul 22, 2004
    Posts: 7,198

    from DFW USA

    I don't want someone to show up at my house to "talk me out of" an old car. If you want the car, be prepared to buy it at a fair price.

    Are you really serious about buying it? If so, show up with an idea of what you are willing to pay, and have the cash to back it up. If you don't have the money to put a reasonable offer together, then don't waste his time or yours.

    If you're looking for tips, then I would do this. Show up at a reasonable time. Shower and brush your teeth beforehand (seriously). Wear respectable clothes. Be polite. Be direct, tell the person that you are there to talk about the cars. Tell them how you came across the cars. Be HONEST in everything you say. Listen to what they have to say. Plan to be there a while in case they offer to show you the cars, or talk about them. Be willing to accept NO as an answer. Leave contact information (preferrably a business card) regardless if you strike a deal or not. Basically - leave the owner with a favorable impression of you, so even if he doesn't want to sell today, he will consider selling to you in the future. Good luck-
  12. carcrazyjohn
    Joined: Apr 16, 2008
    Posts: 4,841

    from trevose pa

    I agree dont ask if there forsale out of the gate ,Explain to him that you have been admiring some of his old cars and wondering if he wouldn't mind if you take a look, And then go from there.
  13. I was going to say that he should tell them he's from the FBI and the car was used in a federal crime. That way, he could "confiscate" it as evidence. But I guess being honest might work too, if you're in to that sort of thing. :rolleyes:
  14. Petejoe
    Joined: Nov 27, 2002
    Posts: 12,464

    from Zoar, Ohio

    Most old timers are morning people. They normally feel better that time of day.
    Hit him up around 9-10 am.
    Alot of good points listed above.
  15. billthx138
    Joined: Oct 17, 2009
    Posts: 401


    Go to your county assessors office, get the owners name and write him an inquiry letter. Be polite and open ended with your name and contact information. You may be surprised with the response.
  16. OldSub
    Joined: Aug 27, 2003
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    I've had the most success showing up in a similar vehicle. It proves I'm interested in the old car (usually truck in my case) and shows some common ground real fast. Don't hurry them, speak with respect for them and their stuff. I've ended up with some good friends just talking trucks with guys old enough to be my father and I've brought some some interesting stuff as a result.
  17. Bruce Lancaster
    Joined: Oct 9, 2001
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    Bruce Lancaster
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    Farmer is doubtless stark raving mad, and will tell you "I'm gonna fixitup someday" while he is loading the shotgun.
    Wait til he's in town and show his wife a shoebox full of $100 bills.
    Secret strategy, stolen from my late wife who reeled in 2 deuces without consulting me:
    Have your WOMAN make the visit. This completely derails the customary reactions and fosters polite dialogue with no ranting. She can say something like "My husband has always wanted to fix up a 1952 Kaiser, and his birthday is coming up...(whip out shoebox containing CASH in amount you are willing to go).
    I am serious. People who have vivible old cars chase away unwanted visitors continually, and this completely changes the equation!
  18. 333 Half Evil
    Joined: Oct 16, 2006
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    333 Half Evil

    If he lets you look, ask if he'd mind if you took a pic or two. Some will not mind others will. Just ask. One thing that has worked for me many times, even with people who have told others that something wasn't for sale, was to look at something else. Usually there is an old tractor or some piece of farm equipment, wagon, whatever around on this farm. If so, stop and inquire about that. Chances are people have already stopped and asked about the car and truck...he probably has not wanted to sell or they more than likely would be gone if he did, but not many people stop and ask about the old tractor, or hay wagon etc.
    Do not mention the truck and or car until you have been able to talk to the guy about the other object you inquired on. Hell I have bought an old tractor, and some trailers and even an old horse buggy before just to get in with the guy and once I had sealed the deal, then I asked about the vehicle. I've bought several vehicles that had not been for sale after doing this.
    There is a 50 ford truck about 5 miles from my house, that has been there for years. The guy bought it in Missouri and brought it back back in 1976. He quit driving it around 1985 or so, and it was inside until about 5 years ago. I had stopped and asked about it when I first seen it outside, and nope not for sale. I caught the guy outside earlier this summer, he was working on his horse trailer near the end of his driveway, so I stopped and asked him if he needed a hand. It seems that the fender mounts had rusted and the fender was rubbing the tires and cut them.
    Long story shorter, I helped him take the fenders off, took the fender over to my house and welded up some new supports and abrackets on them, took them back and we bolted it on. When he was at my house, he seen all the old cars in my shop and asked me about them. I told him that I was into old cars and trucks..and this was my "collection". When we got that trailer fixed, he asked me what he owed me and I told him nothing, I was glad to help. He told me hed had to pay me something, so he gave me $40. and we shook hands and I left. He stopped by my house last week when I was working on my plow truck, and asked me if I was still interested in his truck. I told him I was, but I had gotten laid off and I couldn't afford it now. He told me not to worry about it, if I want it, it's mine!!! I can either make payments on it, or he will hold it until I can buy it from him.
    So I say, if there is nothing else around that one could inquire on, then be nice. Do not ask if they are for sale but talk to him about them. Let him get comfortable with you before you ask to buy them. Like I already said, chances are others have asked and he told them no, that is why they are still there. Good luck.
  19. The Mandrill
    Joined: Nov 11, 2009
    Posts: 191

    The Mandrill
    from Tulsa

    I have purchased alot of "it aint for sale" cars and just by being courteous, patient, and polite has done wonders for me. My real ace in the hole for a guy who doesent want to sell is asking "If its not for sale, what would you trade for it?" I have found that many of that generation don't want/need any more money but they don't want to turn loose of what money they have. Get creative, offer them labor, plumbing, a tractor, fence building, whatever. There is always something they would rather have than the iron in the back pasture.
  20. hotrodj54
    Joined: Jun 1, 2007
    Posts: 634


    ive been in that position before, first line is please dont shoot me......john
  21. Shamedevil
    Joined: Dec 16, 2008
    Posts: 272


    Don't be anxious.........just be yourself. Your eyes are the windows of the soul.
  22. Left Turn
    Joined: Nov 13, 2009
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    Left Turn
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    from Omaha, NE

    Shit, Shave, and Shower first... Brush your teeth, nobody likes bad breath. Plain T-Shirt or sweatshirt if it's cold... Don't wear your favorite shirt that says "Do you want to try my sausage?"... Show up in your basic everyday truck. Tell 'em you've noticed the car, truck, tractor, or whatever that's sitting in their field and that you were wondering if they had time could they tell you a bit about it, or if you could go look at it. Don't tell them right away that you know what it is! (I did this once with an ol' Deere tractor, and me knowing what it was made it worth a hell of alot more)..
    Don't ask right away if it's for sale either! If they aren't home leave a note or come back later... Just be polite, and if it's not for sale leave them your name and # if they decide to sell it later.

    My dad and I have picked up hundreds of cars and tractors by following these rules..
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2009
  23. tinmann
    Joined: Nov 11, 2005
    Posts: 1,588


    Classic Bruce!!!!!!
  24. 35mastr
    Joined: Oct 26, 2007
    Posts: 1,898

    from Norcal

  25. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 35,192


    Good opener, take the camera too. If it turns out to be junk, take a bunch of photos and tell him/her that you like to take photos of old rigs like that.

    Also take along enough cash for a decent deposit or to buy it outright. If it is worth buying you want to be able to make the deal then and there. The one thing that bugs me is "be backs" I've had guys stop and make a deal on something and then give me the "be back" and no deposit or payment. Those guys never seem to show up again or expect you to hold the item forever with no deposit.

  26. I always found that honesty was always the best policy. I also never whined when I was told it was not for sale.I merely mentioned that if ever came up for sale I would be interested.....usually worked for me!
  27. draggin breath
    Joined: Feb 5, 2006
    Posts: 510

    draggin breath

    Clue for doing the deal: Old farts frequently don't NEED the cash,but want company,help on something around the place or help preserving something more valuable to them. Be patient! I'm an old fart with project cars so I know. I've been on a '29 touring since '72 in Georgia; we exchange Christmas cards,I drive 100's of miles out of my way to visit with a third generation,but I'll score before I die.........
  28. Bigchuck
    Joined: Oct 23, 2007
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    from Austin, TX

  29. finkd
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    J ust be frank...... look dude you haven't done anything with it for 30 yrs, chances are you ain't ever going to do anything with it, lazy ass , so sell it too me so I can enjoy it and I promise to drive by here and give you rides on the days you feel like getting off the couch that you are stinking up. !! LOL
  30. Lobucrod
    Joined: Mar 22, 2006
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    Alliance Vendor
    from Texas

    Dont forget the bullet proof vest! I usually start out telling them that I happened to notice the old car out back and wanted to know if I can take a look at it. Strike up a conversation about it, how long have you had it? Is it a family heirloom? Does it still run? Show some real interest in the story you will probably get to hear. Should not be a problem. If your really interested in the car you will be interested in its history. If it ends up not being for sale then thank the gentleman/lady for the story and their time. Stop by later anytime you see them outside and shoot the breeze. Never know, they might get to like you enough to sell it to you eventually. If not then at least you've made a new friend.

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