Way cool! Full fendered is the way to go IMHO. Kinda doing the same with my '30 coupe in the near future. Can I suggest another way to do the rear spring though? Flip the axle housings side for side, so the spring is up front, use the model "A" spring. Then move the rear crossmember forward the 7.5 inches that the spring is ahead. Tube shocks can be mounted between the crossmember and the axle housings. It accomplishes a bunch of things all at once, Lowers the back just enough to look really "right" with a full fendered car, doesn't intrude into rear seat space, and it stiffens the back of the frame up quite nicely. the only downside I can see is that your "springbase" is shortened up a bit, so it might be a little choppier riding. That can be adressed by playing a bit with the spring pack. This is the way I've decided to do mine, and I'm using the same components you are. Oh, it also looks bitchin' from behind 'cause it looks like everything is floating. Tons of room for a quick change too. Whew, sorry I didn't mean to get so windy! bitchin' build - nice to see a car keep it's fenders.
Cool thread, missed the first time around. Keep it up, Bull. I'm still doing chemo from last year's brain tumour. I'm looking forward to my 20th anniversary as a survivor, as well as your 40th! Cheers!
Damn somehow I missed this. Awesome post. Love what is going on with the car. Titus is the "can do man" that is for sure. Man I really want an A Tudor with fenders now. Might have to sell my 36 Humpback project.
Thanks for all the comments. BTW, I like my A's both ways. I've got my fenderless A Tudor going back together now too . . . http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=275101
No way you guys are so so close and Jeff works like a Mad Man. I'm not sure what food product I'm bring yet but I'll bring a bunch! I'll check with the weather warm = Pulled Pork or Brisket Cold = Hot Rod Chile or Gumbo
I don't know how I missed this one the first time around. Great read and touching story. Quite a shame about your other A. I try to relax when I'm behind the wheel of my rod but I am always afraid of the other ass hats out there. April 17th is a good date for me too. My daughter was born on the 17th and I was born on the 18th. I'm gonna subscribe to your thread. Rock on brother! Hats off for gettin rid of that cancer. My pops is a cancer survivor too.
Wow, great looking sedan! I picked-up a coupe body and when I build it I want fenders too. Can't wait to see more!
Progress has slowed a bit lately with me starting a new job (http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=410024), etc. But Titus sent me some pics of my new headers so I wanted to share them with you. These were made for me by Matt at www.lakeheaders.com. These are his new design with a gentle sweeping curve on the pipes off the block. Love the look! Titus will be modifying them with a downtube that runs into the splash apron down to the exhaust and adding removable caps at the end of the megaphone. This way I can run full exhaust with the caps on or open headers with them uncapped. The exhaust will exit just in front of the rear wheels under the tuck & roll covered running boards with chrome ribbed pipe kickstands. The headers will be Jet Hot coated in white.
Lost a daughter in 89 to Hodgkins Disease, a brother in law in 2008 to Brain Tumor and a close friend this year to Non Hodgkins Disease....give PRAISES TO GOD for you are a SURVIVOR!! Your sedan is awesome and man have you got a testimony to tell....Share the faith ! This is the kind of HOPE AND CHANGE THIS WORLD NEEDS....GOOD LUCK!
Well, I finally got down to Titus' shop on Wednesday night to give him a hand with a little shrinking & stretching on the majorly battered back panel. Really I just followed orders, provided refreshments & pizza and tried to look like I knew what I was doing. A little cutting, hammering, dollying and heating and it's starting to get back into shape. I've got a patch panel for the bottom 4 inches on order and hopefully that resolve some more of the issue. This thing got walloped a few times back there over the years for sure. Some pics from the night: A fun night. Can't wait to get back down there!
My trip home was not quite as fun though. Bambi decided it wanted to play chicken with my Scion and I'm not sure who won. Bambi ended up with two bullets courtesy of the Wright County Sheriff (my neighbor coincidentally) to put it out of its misery, my car got a facelift and Wright County Collision (my dad's shop who is rebuilding my other wrecked Model A) gets to take on another one of my cars! The bumper, airdam, headlights, grille(s), hood and both fenders are toast. The core support is pushed into the engine and the radiator is munched. The passenger door won't open and has Bambi juices on it. And of course I only had 4 payments left on it! Yee haw! I'm glad I know a tow guy (towaholic: Lance/Burda's Towing) and a body man (my dad!). I just got the estimate today. $5600 damage! The carnage:
Who care about sedans.......I do, especially when they are done like this. the exhaust is certainly cool with the full fendered treatment. The car is progressing....perhaps not as much as Jeff's Chops (side burns) but progressing none the less.
Adam- Post more pics of the headers. How close was I to that F1 box? Looks like it's coming along well! Things gonna' be rad!
Matt, the fit is perfect on the headers. Perfect spacing from the fenders and cowl. Looks like you made them with the car right there for measurement! Unfortunately I don't have any close up pics of the headers. This is the only other pic I have:
Bull, Looks like you and Jeff were wailing away on the back panel ! Matt's headers fit your "A" just Bitchin' ! Glad that you are still with us from fighting cancer. Stay healthy and keep us informed on your "A". 41 Dave
Keep up the good work. This is the kind of stuff that keeps me here. If the magazine were doing this kind of build ups they might not be heading the way of the dinosaurs! I hope your recovery continues down the right path. Sending prayers up for you.
Hey Bull.You are a inspiration to us all.I really dig this build & especially your story as every one here on the HAMB can relate to or someone who has gone thru what you have,,well done,,Deadbeat ps have sent you a PM
thats a cool lookin project. im glad to see this one at the top of the list today and not another what its worth thread or a poll. this thread is one of the reasons i like the HAMB. thanks and keep posting pictures, looks like you got a good project there.
Thanks for the feedback. Can't wait to drive this car after dreaming about it for 21 years. We're aiming for this spring for the maiden voyage.
Thanks guys. Yes, Alex, this is the car I almost lost my mind and sold to you years ago. So glad I kept it. Sorry man! And Ryan, without this place, I wouldn't have met Titus who is putting all the ideas to life with this car. Thank you! As for the fenders, I think it'll go nicely with my highboy A . . . one fendered, one fenderless. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=275101&showall=1