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" How Many Milk Crate Seat Storys Are Out There.."

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by J.Fishbeck, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. hey good to see kiwi's are not the only ones that do this ... i have used beer crates(wooden) buckets,lawn chairs, even borrowed our city's mayors, austin 7 bucket seat to get my 36 coupe home from auto sparkys shop has been a saw horse cut down so i could see out wind screen ...of english b4 tudor 20 miles on tow rope !!! seamed like good idea at the time
  2. junkyardgenius
    Joined: Dec 29, 2005
    Posts: 897

    from Kernow

    When I was building my old A40 (blown 355 Chevy) my son and I drove it up and down the drive a few times then decided to try it down the road as it was quiet.We had a battery on the floor and my son who was around 10 or 11 at the time was holding the wires together for the lashed up ignition circuit and the electric fuel pump .So off we go perched on the traditional milk crates, went about 1/4 mile down the road and back a couple of times then my son says wind it up a bit dad, so being a responsible adult I mash the throttle , the thing took off like a rocket as we slid backwards on our crates, my son vanished into the trunk and took the electrics with him. we ended up across the white line enveloped in clouds of tyre smoke, thats when every car in the county decided to come down our road one of which contained my wife and mother, :eek:I tried to explain the boy made me do it.
  3. Randy in Oklahoma
    Joined: Sep 18, 2008
    Posts: 301

    Randy in Oklahoma
    from Oklahoma

    Ha! Built a deuce coupe in the Sixties and sat on a combination 5 gallon can/gas tank/ seat for for months as I drove in around the country roads of Central Texas.
  4. Its funny how all these stories go sideways right after the line "Then I floored it" :eek::D:D

  5. 2manytoys
    Joined: Feb 24, 2009
    Posts: 224

    from Fresno

    Not milk crates but milk cans I'm using for my Divco seat mounts and they are staying in there.

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  6. 1950ChevySuburban
    Joined: Dec 20, 2006
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    from Tucson AZ

    I drove my newly bought 1950 Plymouth on a green 5 gal bucket. Car had no shocks either, totally unsafe! The stuff we did as kids...........
  7. LIL.TIMMYUser Name
    Joined: Jan 30, 2009
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    LIL.TIMMYUser Name

    this takes the cake!
  8. PegLegStrick
    Joined: Aug 8, 2007
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    I had a body shop years ago and did work for some of the upholstery & top shops in the sourounding towns. Had to do some rust repair on a Imperial's top (back when vinyl tops were popular). Guy brought it to me on a rollback but when it was time time for him to get it he could'nt get the roll back so I drove the thing 12 miles to his shop sitting on a 5gal bucket & no front windshield or back window. Back roads all the way and than god his shop was on the outskirts of town. wind in my hair & bugs in my teeth!
  9. Hotrodbuilderny
    Joined: Mar 20, 2009
    Posts: 1,646


    My father sold his 68 Opel kadett gasser around 1974 to a customer, Big Block Chevy the customer was in his early 20's for whatever reason he didn't want the
    early style fiberglass buckets and gave them back I still have one for my willys
    anyway he bolted a corvette seat to a milk crate took it to the hampton's made a pass going for second gear he tore the milk crate off the floor fell out and still went 10.80 needless to say the hampton's were pretty lax on there tech inspections
  10. buickvalvenut
    Joined: Oct 29, 2008
    Posts: 660

    from Rialto

    used a blue milk crate when i had just got my 56 buick. i was to exited to check the brakes so i went thru a red light and scared the crap out of my buddy.
  11. Hotrodbuilderny
    Joined: Mar 20, 2009
    Posts: 1,646


    Yeah well I didn't say he wasn't hi tech
  12. mac762
    Joined: Jun 28, 2007
    Posts: 676


    My Dad's buddy and another guy drove a VW bug from California to KS sitting on milk crates and the throttle was a string draped over your shoulder.
  13. The boy made him do it! Yeah, the boy inside himself! HaHaha..

  14. KeithDyer
    Joined: Mar 26, 2007
    Posts: 193


    '55 Chevy after we installed a F1 gasser axle using the stock '55 steering gear.

    Milk Crates AND a short stick wrapped with bailing wire attached to the carb.

    Now that will put the fear in your passenger!!

  15. rtc1930
    Joined: Jul 22, 2009
    Posts: 15


    Guess this doesn't count as a milk crate, but sure get some funny looks driving down the road. Totally legal with "construction equipment in transit" plates, yeah right.

  16. HomemadeHardtop57
    Joined: Nov 15, 2007
    Posts: 4,336


    I don't care what anyone says...this is a great thread
  17. 1/2done
    Joined: Oct 29, 2006
    Posts: 637

    from Ohio

    I had a buddy in high school that was building a V8 Vega with a Jegster chassis. He got it running with no floor, brakes or gas pedal. He was in the driveway working the throttle with a wire, letting the clutch out and launching briefly and then pushing the clutch back in and letting the low on air 13x32's slow it down. He decided to launch it about 5000 rpm and side step the clutch. It lit the tires and the clutch pedal swung around and the rod fell out. He flew into the garage and hit the chest freezer and knocked it through the back wall. I don't know how he explained that one to his dad.
  18. 2 stories....#1...I was working on my car at the time, slammed on the ground w/very little suspension, I had both front seats out. A girl I knew wanted to go out & I couldn't say no. I only had time to install the drivers seat-for obvious reasons & used a milk crate for the passenger side. All I remember were her double D's bouncing all over & the date ended happily. #2...a little different, a few buddies & I were in a Ford Econoline van-completely empty in the back. After a little-ok, maybe a lot of alcohol, we took turns sitting on the milk crate at the back with the driver going down the road, then slamming on the brakes, sliding as fast as %&@$ towards the front seats. Luckily, no major injuries, very stupid in retrospect. This was in the early/mid 80's.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2010
  19. jmayabb
    Joined: Nov 18, 2009
    Posts: 21

    from Kentucky

    My dad had a 70 Mustang with a 427 tunnel port with a 4 speed. The car ran 10.40s and it was tubbed and had a rollcage. He took me for a ride and my seat was a milk crate. I was about 6 years old. He power shifted all the way to 3rd gear on the road and I was trying to hold on to the bars and keep my but on that seat but it was too much. It was very stupid of him and my mom chewed him for a week but that was the most awesome ride I have ever had.
  20. Idn' it, tho!
  21. Redz Rodz
    Joined: Oct 4, 2002
    Posts: 490

    Redz Rodz

    my pop bought a 36 ford cpe with a 57 olds motor stuffed in the frame half finished @ spring of 69,on weekends he worked on the hot rod at the shop where he maintined the towns fleet " cop cars,garbage trucks ,ect" alot of these guys would hang out & clean up their cars,one hot shot cop ,later became the chief of police,bought a orange 69 judge was always talking shit about the old mans hot rod,near the end of summer he had it running and about ready for paint,pop had enough of his shit ,the bet was on ,he would wash the judge the rest of the summer or the cop would buy the paint , i begged the old man to let me ride along , he sat a 5 gallon thinner can on the floorboardtold me to hold on to the windshield frame,never forget what he said next "will show this asshole who the judge is" from the dog pound past the garbage trucks ,1st to 2nd is all it took T-BIRD INDY GREEN paint ,the car is still in town ,over the years I never left the cop live that day down.
  22. Tim Cowan
    Joined: Jan 3, 2009
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    Tim Cowan

    In 1961, we were painting my 54 Ford Mainline 239 in the booth at the body shop where I worked parttime. My buddy and I were giving it the last sanding before final paint. He tired out and hot, sat on the 5 gal. thinner pail that had a damp thinner rag on the top. Very soon he had his pants off with the air hose blowing off his ass. I think he then left and I couldn't get any more help from him.
  23. 54fordgasser
    Joined: Apr 18, 2009
    Posts: 136

    from Kansas

    Ok I've got a good one with pictures and all. First trip in my 54 trying to get it ready for Greaserama. 4 speed t10 behind my 390 that I picked up at a swap meet and was told was good had no synchro's so the shifts were exciting I leave it at that. Not a milk crate just a rubbermade stool but no doors, wirin, windows, nothin. One of the happyiest days of my life though. Spent like 4-5 years working on it all through junior high and high school to get it like that and couldnt have been happier. Luckily it has a come a little farther than the rubbermade stool. Unfrotunatly not as light as it was then though albiet a little safer.

    The other time when it was more complete it had seats and wiring and windows just no doors or bed.

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  24. Insane 1
    Joined: Feb 13, 2005
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    Insane 1
    from Ennis TX

    Borden's fiberglass crate!

    This was in daily use on my dads car lot since the late 70's. It has stayed upside down now for 99.9% of the time we have owned it. It just gets kicked around to move it and has now lost quite a bit of the top of it from being ground down. We have drove many a cars around using this thing.

    I now use it in my shop everyday for something to stand on, and whatever else I need. I have even used it to set the front of a fullsize truck (with motor) on it for a short period of time... more than once .

    Last edited: Jan 26, 2010
  25. My milk crate story goes like this...I was about 16 and working for the local hot rod/custom shop. I was just the floor sweeper/car detailer/shop bitch...We (mostly they) were building an 8 second drag car out of a 1986 Mustang. I don't even remember the engine, but it had nitro. The car had a tube chassis unde rit, a full cage, glass front clip, all aluminum interior, wheelie bars, chute, etc... When the car was basically finished the owner came by for a little test run down the roadway in front of the shop. It was a rural area. The owner asked if I wanted to come along. I of course said hell yes. There was no passenger seat, only a milk crate. So I climb in and sit on it. He gets in the car, straps into the 5 point harness, puts on his helmet and fires it up. The thing had open headers and with all the aluminum interiour panels it was loud as hell when he fired it up. I forgot all about the serious posibility of me dying. We pull onto the roadway and then stop. He revs it a few times and squirts the nitro. He brings up the RPM's and lets her rip. I reached up and grabbed the cage above me and held on for dear life. It was the scariest yet most fun thing ever!! Obviously I survived, but it probably wasn't the smartest thing for me to do. The car was just completed and making it's first pass. Anyhthing could have broke and I could have died. I guess that's part of the reason it was so cool. When the shop owner found out he wasn't too happy, but oh well. I would probably do it again....
  26. djcobraman427
    Joined: Mar 13, 2009
    Posts: 28


    When I was first married, I purchased a house about a mile from our apartment. I had my race car, a '64 Dodge, minus engine and trans sitting out front. We had moved everything else and had to move the Dodge. We had borrowed my father-in-law's Ford Courier. I atempted to explain the subtle basics of towing with a tow-chain, but she told me she towed her Dad all the time, and refused to listen.

    The race car had no seats, so i had thrown a blue milk crate in to sit on, as it was just a short tow to the new house. I might add that the race car had 14" slicks on the back, little skinnies on the front, and the old single master cylinder.

    My wife towed me out to the 4 lane street leading to out new place, a slight hill, so I used my brakes to stop us, Everything is going fine, except I notice my wife doesn't check the mirrors to see how I am doing. Traffic cleared and I watched in horror as she rolled backward, putting about 6 feet of slack chain between us. Then, without looking back, she dumps the clutch on her dad's little pickup and takes off, at which time, the blue milk crate shot out from under my butt, placing me squarely on the floor.

    I scrambled up to see where I was going, franticly waving for her to stop. Does she look in the mirrors? Hell NO. I tried to get up so I could get a foot near the brake pedal and I was holding on for dear life, half kneeling as we hit about 50MPH. I was still waving like a crazy man, cussing, and trying to figure out what to do. But the wife just kept driving. I hit the brake so hard that I blew out a wheel cylinder. Luckily, the race car still had an operational emergency brake.

    We made it to the turn off and rather than slowing up to turn, she went full speed right up to it. I was all over the emergency brake pedal as she stopped and got within 3 feet of running over the Courier. Once stopped, I got to take a quick breath before realizing that my wife was turning left into the subdivision. I was still waving and yelling, but she didn't look back once. I was sitting over the top of the tow chain when she gunned it and took off, jerking the race car sideways and tossing me into the back.

    I grabbed the wheel and we were headed into the subdivision, and she still hadn't looked back to see if I was there. We made the last corner and as we got close to the house, I noticed she wasn't slowing down at all. I mashed the emergency brake pedal all the way to the floor, locking up my slicks. The little Courier felt to tug as Ipulled it to a stop, with my wife madly down-shifting to try to turn up the driveway. I was sp pissed when I got out and started "asking" her what the hell she thought she was doing. She was still trying to get the truck into the driveway.

    I asked, as calmly as I could, why she didn't pull over when I waved at her. She said she didn't like her Dad's choice of radio stations and was trying to find her favorite. When I "calmly" explained my displeasure in her towing abilities, she actually got mad at me. I was quite cool in the new house for several days, but I learned my first lesson in being married, sometimes, you just have to shut up!

    Lesson 2--Never, ever, ever tow anything with a tow chain for any distance, never let your wife do the towing, and never use a milk crate for a seat. Oh, dual master cylinders are cool too.
  27. I just spent the last hour or so reading this post.Would have been less time but I had a couple of choking spasms that took awhile to subside.
    Guess I'll throw mine into the ring.

    I was 16 years old at the time(1960)and my friend Ed had purchased a really nice 40 Chevy convertible that had a 57 Olds J-2 in it until the owner decided to put the motor in a 50 Olds convertible and sold the Chevy to Ed.
    He found a 53 Olds engine(w/Hydra-Matic attached)and we proceeded to install it.Got it all hooked up and attempted to start it.No good.Turned over nicely and backfired through the carburetor pretty regularly.Obviously the timing was off but we were a bit afraid to pull out the distributor not knowing whether we could get it back in correctly.
    Someone suggested that as the trans had a front pump we could push start it to get it running.A little background here:the car had no hood on it and there was no seat in it save the good old milk crate.Also the throttle linkage was the venerable coathanger through the firewall.
    Our friend Pat had a nice 56 Oldsmobile which he volunteered to act as push car.Putting an old tire on the rear bumper of the Chevy we proceeded to push the car down Ed's driveway(on a slight hill)and down the street(between two ponds)and onto the main road;all this with Ed sitting on the milk crate and me(the fool)sitting on the left front fender holding onto the right wiper pivot with one hand and attempting to turn the distributor into proper position.
    As you may know you have to push one of these cars approximately 25 mph before the trans will engage.Pat;having a serious lead foot affliction decided to up it a bit and we tore down the street at about 40 mph.No luck;the car burped a couple of times but refused to run.
    WE turned the car around and once again started back towards Ed's house;this time Pat REALLY pouring on the coal and getting us up to around 50 mph.About this time I said screw the car and just held on for dear life!At about the same time the car lit and surged forward.Ed was thrown backward off the crate and regaining his footing is trying to back off on the throttle;steer the car,and try to see where he is going around the fool who is sitting on his front fender trying to keep the car from going into one of the ponds and all the while Pat is 10 feet off the rear bumper.All I could think of is if I fall off the fender he is going to run me over.
    Somehow we managed to get the car back to Ed's driveway where the car promptly died.I shakily got off the fender and went back to Pat's Olds with the thought of perhaps beating him to death on the spot but I was shaking so bad I could barely stand up.
    As I look back on it I can laugh about it now.I recently spoke with Ed and we got a huge laugh out of it as well as some other escapades involving driving his 63 Galaxie race car to Sanford Maine(about 80 miles one way)with the 4:57 Detroit Locker;changing to the Casler cheater slicks,racing and then changing it all back and driving home getting about 3-4 mpg in the process. Unfortunately Pat passed away several years ago.
  28. matthewsuckerpunch
    Joined: Aug 7, 2007
    Posts: 166

    from Austin TX

    my first resto job was on a 70 bug right out of high skool, i loved that damn car but only had one seat when the car was "finished" and it was covered in a blanket while i was waiting for seat covers to be made and the other seat was a milk crate covered in said blanket. anyway, some friends of mine decided to set me up on a blind date one night. i agreed and figured id take the new car to impress the girl, needless to say the girl wasnt exactly a looker and didnt like me anyway... it started to rain as we were leaving the restaurant and my wipers desided to shit out. so were in awkward silence for awhile on the way back to her place and i missed the turn so turned around in a parking lot... id never been in it before and in the day time i would have noticed that what i thought was a drop off was actually just an incline in the parking lot to a lower level... well i freaked and slammed on the brakes and BLAM! she came off the crate and smashed her face on the front window and fell in the floor board... i didnt know what to say besides sorry.
  29. narlee
    Joined: Dec 7, 2009
    Posts: 240


    Not sure of all the details but I think it was late 40's my Dad and some buddy's went to town and got lickered up. They had an old panel with no rear doors and one of the guys was in the back on a milk crate. They lived out in the boonies and the road was bad and their driving probably wasn't that good. They looked back and their buddy was gone, he had bounced out the back. They turned around to find him and when they did he was sitting in the middle of the road still hanging on to his bottle.
  30. Fingers
    Joined: Feb 23, 2005
    Posts: 122


    Reading this thread made me want to do it again... so I just did!:):)

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