I picked up a complete running driving virtually rust free 191 f100 unibody truck about 2 weeks ago for $600. And i drove it approx 35 miles home. I have lowered the back and still need to put the torque thrust up front. I am also building a moon style tank for the front. I just put a lot of time into sanding and took the white off that was covering up the cool old two tone original paint. Im not planing anything radical for the truck since im making it my daily. Just want a cool gasser daily because we dont see hardly any of those these days.
i do like them but i got a free set of vintage torque thrusts for the front. And i think with some skinnys on those and some like 295/75 on the back with 1/4 of the sheel painted white... it would just set the truck off
Cool truck. I just put together a '63 gasser style pickup. Real low buck and dropped in a dual quad big block ford with a tremec 5spd behind it. They look pretty cool as a gasser
I've been thinking about only dropping the rear on my 64 F1. I kinda dig the way they look "running uphill". How'd ya go about doing the rear on your truck?
the truck at some point had helper leafs added into the pack so i pulled the helper leafs out and i thin one or 2 of the others. It still has 5 i think under there and rides great. I had to cut the bump stops down and if i still hit a big enough of a bump she bottoms out.
wow that thing is tits. I am planing on making some very similar traction bars and it is funny you put a bigblock and a 5 speed because i am currently building a 1969 Cadillac with a 472 a semi turbo and a Richmond 6speed behind it. And someday when i decide to do something else in the caddy the turbo motor train and 6speed will go into the truck.
What big block are you using and what type of headers are those? I've a similar project in mind if I can get hold of a '61 F100 I know of. Got a 429 sitting on my engine stand. Also did you move the front axle forward any?
Got some wheels on it but i still need to lift the truck a little and move the front axle forward. I think this weekend that will happen.
nice, it does need to be raised about two inches. don't forget the fenderwell headers for it too. would look great in there since you cut the "lip" off from the wheelwells. looks a lot better with the torque thrusts in my opinion.
Nice find! A straight grille, tailgate, and uncut dash are rare in these trucks. And straight body panels that aren't rusted out are rare anywhere outside the desert...
Looks good. Jack the back up about an inch or so... that way it looks like it was level and the front is coming up. The torque thrusts look sick on that. Nice tuck.
Cadillacskippy...... Damn man, I am VERY jealous of ya! SA WEET pick up!!! Imsure wish that I coulda scored something that nice. My 66' ... amoungst MANY issues. It's dash looks like someone "cross eyed" that licks electrical outlets attempted to install a hamb radio in it. lol. Really dig your truck man and it gives me inspiration to drudge on to hopefully one day have it look close to yours!! Thanks fer sharin'.
Ok so the job isnt finished just yet but im curently moving the front axle forward and down. I got the spring rear mounts made so i set the axle back in for just a teaser. Ill post more pics when i get the thing outta the shop and get some good pics.;
Hasn't anyone noticed how incredibly gay this whole thing is? Anyone? Daily driver gasser? Are you gonna throw some chrome valve covers and some stickers on it and make it look fast too?...shit, I bet a Toyota Camry could beat you from light to light...stop making drag cars look retarded to the general public, either go all out or drive it as what it is, a damned farm truck...
....About as gay as racing snowmobiles on drag strips.... Don't worry guys, there was probably 10 feet of snow on the Ruiners lawn this morning. Keep up the good work on a cool truck!
No, we only got 9 inches of snow here yesterday...but that still won't hide a stock '61 Ford pickup that's making a mockery of drag racing history...
of everything thats been posted on this site and you say THIS is a mockery....obviously the guy is still building it...give it time man. Everyone starts somewhere. No need to be a dick....its what HE wants. I think its bad ass man and keep on working on it. Everyone has a dream....uni's rule. Kick ass.
I love Unibody Fords...and I love actual gassers that followed class rules to race and often were street driven...this appears to be nothing more than looking cool on the street than it is about having any respect for the real gassers and altereds that he's trying to mimic...if it were a shop truck at stock or lowered stance, it'd be way cooler in my book...
I understand what youre saying but money may be an issue and i think the first response was basically calling him out on it. Give him chance though...im sure when many folks on here started others thought it was ungly, dumb, not correct and so on...its a project....there is enough negativity in this world...without knowing someones back ground its not cool to call them out. Unless THEY are being assholes hahaha
The thing that got me is his first couple sentences, that alone solidified his intentions...cheap daily driver gasser...aka I'm gonna be slow but look cool...altering the wheelbase is one of the LAST things needed when experimenting with traction, not the first thing you do to look like Bobby Badass...my point is, if you want a cheap and cool daily driver, a lowered Uni pickup doesn't get much cooler...if you want a gasser, then build it proper...that doesn't mean you have to have a $30k blown and injected hemi, it just means follow the rules for the class you are going to run it in...the whole "street gasser" look to me is the equivalent of putting a wing and fart can on your Honda Accord and thinking it's cool and fast...don't do the wild 60's stance when you've still got Grandpa's farm truck drivetrain, it just makes those of us who actually live and breathe the old drag cars hate you, and doesn't show the general public how amazing our REAL history really is...