I'm a little surprised about some of the super negative responces. This guy turned a throw away item ( a Citroen BX ) into a one of a kind Custom. I respect that a hell of a lot more than turning a savable Truck into yet another eyesore Bobbertruck, or cutting up a One-Off Detroit Conceptcar ( like what happened to create the first Batmobile )
I think it pegs the Kooky Meter! I must admit that it looks way better than some of the shit our so called "Customizers" have done on this side of the pond. Do I like it? Not really. Do I think it was a shitload of work? Way more than I would want to do!! But I must give mad props for taking lemons and making a custard pie! I hereby christen it "The Turdista"!
The guy who built it has loads of talent and has done an amazing job with the raw materials to hand, and it would seem home built, Congratulations, whoever you are.
In a certain, strange sorta way, its kinda cool. And as others have mentioned, may not appreciate the outcome but there's a lot of time and skill went into that thing.... I still wouldn't want to change a tire one it!
Almost my whole car has a bunch of work that I've done that others would consider questionable but what they probably don't know is that I might feel the same. I look at it as if I did it once I can do it again and the next time it will be better than the first time. For all we know this builder may have the same idea. If he can knock out stuff like this he can definately change things at will. Kustom7777 ,Kripfink, rustyhood Keep up the good posting your posts are not a "holeshot" into a shithole as such others.
Not my style but I will give the crew that built it props ..... lots of work taking a sows ear & making a ..... custom purse. Cartoonish in a good way ..... PACO
i just fucking love it!!!! it's really spurring me on to get my bubble top MG Midget in the garage and get on with it.....THIS IS NOT A JOKE!!!!!!! and for Holeshot....if you have to ask why you are never gona understand.....
I like it alot,but I've never been a fan of cookie-cutter customs anyway.The guy had the balls to build it,and it looks like good work,too. I'd drive the shit out of it.... I'd love to see build pics,too
Hell! it's no worse than anyting put out by DEROSA BARRIS et al. some fine skills displayed on this build, while i might not agree with every styling decision, it's still an attention grabbing car. the response to this thread proves that. i give it a thumbs-up!
I wouldn't build it but Hell I'd like to have it as my daily driver. Hopefully be some more info in a couple of days Hey Holeshot, just think what he could do to the Mustang of yours
It's a radical Custom, not a Cookie Cutter. The guy is obviously not a Sheep Rodder, Lemming, or Band Wagon Jumper. You won't see that guy post crap like: "What color should I paint my wheels ?" "Who has the best prices on Mexican blankets?" "Who sells the cheapest flat black ?" "Why doesn't Autozone carry every part I need for my 60 year old car?" Think of it this way: How many WHINERS, bitching about this car they will never see in person, actually have the skills and imagination to attempt something of that magnitude ?
I'd roll in it. I'd have to buy a cape and utility belt first though . . . . . . . Seriously though, I dig it. Wouldn't have done the fins that way myself, but one thing in certain, it IS unique. Try finding another one like THAT in all the world. That's gotta count for something. And it's obvious that the guy has skill with the sheet metal (unless it's a thousand pounds of sculpted bondo ). My thoughts exactly.
This is a forum. You can like a car...you can say you like it. I can dislike a car...I can say I don't like it. This car, I don't like.
Wow, Buttholeshot, they've even got you pegged for an asshole all the way over in the U.K...... from the rods n sods site.... Hmm, I have just sat here and read the hamb thread... Makes you want to sign up and give them what for, especially that twat with the Mustang as his avatar...
I spoted this post just after Kripfink put it here for all to see. And i was blown away at the amount of work somone had invested in this truely individual custom. Especially building a complete body to achieve the vision they must of had Then I waited to see what the responces would be. As usual I have not been dissapointed with the lack of vision from a good persentage that have responded with coarse and derogative comments. I would assume that a good persentage of these people would not have the vision or ability to even attempt such a major build, but are quick to condemn someone that has. We know that it is in England, but no one has been able to confirm who the owner or builder is, and how and where this custom was built. Now compare this new custom, with a 50's build For all the knockers, imagine if this custom was built today. A custom that is now held in such high reguard by devotees of Custom History. And has been the topic of much interest reciently when its existence and possible present condition was made known I would imagine the same group of knockers would expel their wealth of wisdom on what a custom is and should be, and what should be done to it. As they have done here in the last couple of days.
Keyboard fucking warriors.........the world over. You boys take the words of one old sarcastic man to heart and get your lacy panties in a bind. Take some midol and get the fuck over it. BTW, it's not what that Mustang looks like on the OUTSIDE, its what's hiding under the hood you should respect. The car is okay, if he paints it that groovy purple on the steering wheel. Is it a Chitcan? Not likely, probably the only parts left is the rolling chassis.....which means SOMEBODY found old Yankee tin laying around, or he's one hell of a coach builder. Would I own it? Nah, but I'd totally play villain to any of you willing to dress up as a caped crusader.
The Golden Saharah has so many things in common w/ this new Uk one! Never realized it until now.......like the new one better thou, call me a dick if you wish. Im anxious of knowin more!
Dude Im with you this FrogFolly looks much better than the Golden SaHORROR but there still not my cup of tea, well I dont drink tea at all so that is probably why? Do I have to call you a dick? I hope not cause that makes me one too, well more of one than normal..... Doc. Bored.
This custom is simplicity, clean and tidy. No tacky add ons. But I would like to see it with shinny paint Has anyone looked at the grill? and worked out what was used. I am sure I know Anyone want to have a guess at what they were before being used here