I admire the craftsmanship! I do not like the lower, unfinished lights (I can see the adjustment screws, and the rear wings are just slightly over the top for my liking, and I hate a continental kit.. But otherise, I'd roll it. But again, he built it to his tastes! As far as the Citreon goes... Think of the first guy to use a Pinto front suspension on his car... I'm sure he was laughed at! Now it is hard to buy anything else IFS wise...
I like it! Ed Roth would have liked it, would be good 2 to see it with shiny paint,sick of seeing 32 fords anyway!
i like it .way better than some of the cars i seen back in the day and even now i think it has a good look. it could use some graphics and stripes
Dude this is sooooo fantastic!!!!! made me laugh like i didnt in a long time! The now 93% advertising is the shit! Is it your art? Oh and Doc i said "call me a dick if you wish" but not by an Aussie rat rodder ah ah, J/K mate, its just that sometimes it seems that having an opinion of your own isnt kool anymore....or better even isnt traditional!
Ed Roth also said to do something different. Don't copy what has already been done. Mission accomplished. That thing is badass, I would rock the hell out of it and tell all detractors to keep walking.
Yes and I will say Amen to that statement ! <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
Even if it's not to your liking, you still have to admire the amount of work that went into it! I may not like someone's car or truck, but I keep it to myself....CR
I like each half as a seperate car, toghether in the middle is a bit wierd, but seperate it kind of rules!
I like it! It shows skill and imagination! Also, I have often wondered why the guy with the ugliest (or worst color) car avatar on the HAMB doesn't get called out more for stupid, obnoxious comments.
Hmmmm... Builder supposedly from Leicester, and a FNG with 1 post also from Leicester. What are the chances that the builder and the FNG are the same dude? If it is you that built this car, props to you. I was impressed when Kripfink first posted the pics & doubly impressed when I found out it is made of aluminum & not steel. Post up some build pics, we would love to see it under construction. Pay no mind to the keyboard cowboys, there are way too many of them on here. And you should post up a separate intro or a bunch of the cowboys will bust on you for that too. Cool car!
I think you could be right. His profile says he owns the Duality Sled, which I think is the name of this car. Welcome to the HAMB... Please show us some more of your car.
Yeah,Dualatron,if you are the guy that built this sled,step offa the sidelines and take a bow. This site is full of good shit and kool people, you just have to figure out who the assholes are and learn to ignore them. Paul
Terry Cook had someone do that one up, he posted it here a couple years ago, with the artists name. I borrowed it from the Deco Rides site. Thought it was fitting.
Just signed up to give a local guy a bit of praise, but if he is here I will let him tell you all, but a bit of what I know, just to whet your appetites... Body was hand formed in Aluminium over a wooden buck in his front garden, grille teeth are from a pub bar... There are a lot 'different' cars over here, as has been said before in this thread, we don't have the tin you guys have (although we DO have a lot of good base material) and we can buy stuff from you guys... Vision and the skill to be able turn that vision into something cool is extremely rare (in any country, think about that one...!!!) and I for one will stick up for anyone who can do it...
Well said, and pretty much what i said a few pages back, most of the guys raggin' on it could never come close to building anything like it themselves. Look at some of their avatars. I hope if the builder is on here that the haters haven't chased him away, and he'll post some build pictures. Most of us are very impressed.
Here is Terry Cook's post, about the Sheep Rodder cover. He makes some very good points, not just about '32 Fords. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1754362&postcount=17 In part: " let see you do something other than whine and critizize and badmouth other rodders specifically. Its rude and ignorant people like you are the reason that so many good rodders have stopped reading the HAMB, which is otherwise an excellent effort." Amen Terry.
I still like my '32, as well. I hope you guys are OK with that. ( I dont see any of this as a "Them vs Us" kinda thing...)
I was going to post up a pic of a Bx for you to see but someone has beat me to it but im too in awe at the workmanship that goes in to building anything different
Dude, that thing is bitchin all day long! Yes, I don't care for the short roof line, but it's sweet none the less.
Honestly, it pound's the shit out of most of the rat/shock rod's('09 Pile Up) here in the U.S. The car cool.