Dualatron, Nice to meet you! Many of us here on the HAMB appreciate the design and workmanship on your Kustom! We'd be pleased to see any 'in progress' pictures of the adventure. (Please feel free to include any bucks/tools used in the process too)! Thanks for including us. Dan Stevens dba, Steelsmith
Several guys have mentioned the grille teeth. what did they begin life as?? please enlighten those of us who don't know.
The answer was in bigyellataxi's post, grill teeth are from a pub bar Once you see them in a bar, you will recognise what they are.
Smooth C.------------what the hell are those theet from?Ive spent years in UK pubs but cant figure it out!.... Dualatron mate you rule!
OK Guy, I give up. Me and Sandra have spent too much time in pubs but we have no idea what these are. Give us a clue mate.
My hat's off, it's great work. It's ugly but it's great work. For those who think it's somehow wrong, I lifted this definition of customize from the dictionary: cus·tom·ize <SUP></SUP>  <SCRIPT language=javascript>AC_FL_RunContent = 0;</SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript>var interfaceflash = new LEXICOFlashObject ( "http://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/d/g/speaker.swf", "speaker", "17", "15", "<img src=\"http://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/g/d/speaker.gif\" border=\"0\" />", "6");interfaceflash.addParam("loop", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("quality", "high");interfaceflash.addParam("menu", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("salign", "t");interfaceflash.addParam("FlashVars", "soundUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fsp.ask.com%2Fdictstatic%2Fdictionary%2Faudio%2Fluna%2FC10%2FC1068800.mp3&clkLogProxyUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fdictionary.reference.com%2Fwhatzup.html&t=a&d=d&s=di&c=a&ti=1&ai=51359&l=dir&o=0&sv=00000000&ip=7380447c&u=audio"); interfaceflash.addParam('wmode','transparent');interfaceflash.write();</SCRIPT><OBJECT id=speaker codeBase="codebase=" classid=clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 width=17 align=textTop height=15 http: fpdownload.macromedia.com pub shockwave cabs flash swflash.cab#version='6,0,0,0"'> </OBJECT><NOSCRIPT></NOSCRIPT> /ˈkʌstəˌmaɪz/ Show Spelled[kuhs-tuh-mahyz] Show IPA verb (used with object)-ized, -iz·ing. to modify or build according to individual or personal specifications or preference: to customize an automobile. Please take note of the words "individual or personal specifications", then fuck off.
Hi All, The builder of this vehicle has just started a thread on Rods n Sods today. He built it from scratch outside on his front drive in all weathers. It doesn't matter if you like the end product or not, the man commands respect for his vision and skills. I for one will be looking forwards to following his thread. http://www.rodsnsods.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?p=104699#post104699 Cheers. Russ.
I actually think it is pretty cool. Like others have said, really have to admire all the work that went into it. 1000 times cooler than anything you see parked around it.
Not my thing or style. But a custom is a custom I guess. I have seen much worse looking customs, that are older models, posted here before. It could be picked apart, but so could many customs/cars. A longer roof line and the diff grill for one... But it would look cool going down the highway I bet...
I'm from Leicester, UK and my sources have told me where the Dualatron Lives, gonna check it out this weekend and maybe meet the owner monday. It's not the only messed up Citroen in leicester.........
Please do and snap as many pics as your finger tip allows! What do you mean by "It's not the only messed up Citroen in leicester..." ?? Here are the "new" shots i got from the owners thread over at RnS forum: I really like the fact that he kept the stock dash and central console and made it look like it belongs. The shifter is a bit of an eyesore but i bet hes got that covered too......plus, check out the guys work! A small detail such as the shifter wouldnt stop me from erasing the wheels off it! I posted this yesterday in thumb form, wanted to show it loud n clear..... this must be the place where he actually hammered it!
Agree that the roof is a little short for my tastes but if he likes it, that's what counts. That fact that he beat it together in his front yard/drive is amazing.
Pixie who lives a stone throw from Dualatron chopped another citroen into a matt black pickup daily for his brother in law. I originally thought they had burnt the midnite oil to build it into over xmas this then realised they were too busy chopping, 2 dooring, canting and couping that 51 mercury import for it to be theirs....Also on Rodsnsods..
When you buy the car from him I believe you will be allowed to move the steering wheel to whatever side of the car you would like.
It always takes awhile for most people to get used to and accept something different. I remember when the 58 Chevy came out and people moaned about it, including me, then again in 59, but what I'd give to own either today, a 57 not so much. That's why car companies have had to make gradual design changes, because the average consumer can't accept much at one time. Look what happened with Studebaker. Anyway, the more I look at this white version, the more I feel I wouldn't change a thing. I think the "teeth" really detract from the car in the black version. <!-- / message --> <!-- sig --> __________________
NO, its on the correct side !!!............yawn. 'Street Rodder' used the same line many moons ago on a Brit car, it was the last time I ever bought that mag again. To all the negative posts.......try taking up knitting cause this hobby isnt for you !!
All you FNG brits with attitude, you're not doing us any favours you know. If you actually take time out to read the entire thread and do some math, I think you'll find that our American cousins, you know, the ones from the country that actually gave us Hot Rods and Kustoms, are actually reacting pretty positively towards Paul's car. And you all wonder why so many FNGs get flamed. I think if you come on this board looking for trouble it will find you. Calm down. Paul
First Build.............AMAZING!! Looking forward to what you come up with next. Awsume Work.....Hope you won"t be discouraged posting here. Could you post a few build pic"s....Thanks...
Hadn't been to the Rods 'n Sods site for quite a while so I thought I'd see what they were saying about this piece. Some quotes: "Mad as a box of frogs but I love it." "..thats fookin ace....want it.." "thats fookin mental." "Blimey I wasn't expecting that!" "I'v a soft spot for odd French things but that's way out there." "...it`s the nutz.the builder certanally has talent.stonking looking car" "who say's you can't kustomize modern cars ..." "flippin eck thats fooking amazing..." "cooler than a penguins ball bag..." "Taht's it then - words out. It's hit the HAMB and the Yanks are being their usual tolerant selves ! Fuck 'em, I love it !" "It reminds me of the mad builds of the late '70 and into the '80s when there were no 'rules' about what was cool." "If it upsets the yanks then it's a job well done as far as I'm concerned." "Fnarghhhhh!!!! pmsl" "...to build something from scratch on an otherwise unloved chassis that most people would,nt even consider...takes not only BIG BALLS!...but a shedload of imagination and talent!!" Not too sure about the "box of frogs" thing. Maybe that's like a "sack of wet squirrels", so I guess that's a compliment. "Fnarghhhhh!!!! pmsl"??? Maybe a typo? Maybe like "Bob's your uncle"???
I have seen guys take a cool car that really needs nothing done to it and fuck it up beyond repair. This guy took a more door car and made a kustom in his front drive! Took mad skills and talent. The guy has talent and not every project is a top 10 some are stepping stones for the future.
Thanks for being the voice of reason, Paul. Its really amazing how a major accomplishment like this car can trigger this amount of bullshit. Both here and on the UK site... I guess that just shows how small some people can be.