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History Old Time Junk Yard Photos PIX 1920 to 1970

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by jimi'shemi291, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Hey there, SunRoofCord! I heard a reference to the Cord used as a road sign, but no one had the photo. Great. Where was this? When was it taken down. Any idea what became of the Cord?

    As for Oldsmobile, I didn;t realize they even made many woody wagons!
  2. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Ignominious end for a once-proud "high-pockets" Packard
    -- now woefully down on its luck! But, an artful photo from
    WebShots, should someone want to buy a hi-res copy to
    frame for the wall!


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    Joined: Oct 22, 2005
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    Yup, they did. I photographed this one in a southern Minnesota Junkyard that no longer exists, I thought it was a '40 but it may be a '41
  4. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Some more from HAMBer Joe Grippo's wanderings at Flemming's yard.

    Hey, now we know WHERE Hernando's Hideaway is !!!

    One you just don't see every day, eh?!?

    Okay! Let's play name that mill!
  5. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    I don't know about you, but I am a sucker for great "detail"
    shots. And HAMBer BlackBaron of Finland (yes, Finland!)
    took these keen pix in his homeland, where he says there
    is a fair amount of U.S. cars around, too.




  6. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Time for a JUNKYARD THREAD UPDATE, folks!

    Since this thread started, we have taken a virtual gander at vintage tin hiding in bone yards, back yards and behind barns most everywhere around the world! We've had car bon fire pix, WWII scrap drive pix, cars holding back eroding river banks, a pedal-car junkyard, and cars used as business signs!

    This thread NOW contains old-timey cars in EVERY U.S. state EXCEPT for:


    So, you guys & gals in these states, if you know of places where abandoned and neglected cars and trucks are, PLEASE send pix of 'em on in so YOUR state can be represented!

    Enthusiasm for keen old cars with potential extends to HAMBers in numerous other countries, too! We've got junkyard pix from:

    ITALY (Slovenia border)

    MOST Canadian provinces are now represented with photos, BUT we STILL NEED pix from:


    Jeez, junk-yardin' is ADDICTIVE! But then, I've been doing it all my life!!! LOL (And from the input on this thread, it appears OTHER guys and gals feel the same way! I can't wait for the weather to warm up a bit, so I can get out with a camera again! How about you?!?)
  7. Only one Fiat 1100 sedan, which was the big brother of the Topolino.
  8. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Rich, that's cool. Just one year? What was the year? Any idea why the made so few?
  9. No, no're reading my post upside down. Only 1 shown in all the photos of that bone yard. The 1100 series was produced through the same period as the Topoliono 500, 1936 through 1948. They had 1100cc engines and were built is many different body styles including trucks.
  10. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Okey-dokey, Rich. I just missed it! LOL Thanks for clarifying it for my left brain!

    Hey, though we usually only show junkyard shots here, do you have a representative pic of a nice 1100? Sometimes, I think it helps greiving HAMBers to see the cars in either original or restored/rodded shape, instead of rotting away somewhere, ya know?

    As much as a lot of guys & gals "get" the attraction of old boneyards, some people actually find threads like this depressing, so maybe it IS good to show something sitting and, then, a nice pic of how they SHOULD LOOK.
  11. Just ask and ye shall receive. The 1100 has a longer wheelbase, stationary grill shell with a 2 piece hood and a center hinge like early Fords.

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  12. Frankie47
    Joined: Dec 20, 2008
    Posts: 1,877

    from omaha ne.

    You could say it's like a train wreck, you just can't look away....:eek:I wonder what the psi was on those lines? And he's in a no parking zone!

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  13. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
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    From a north Texas junkyard, a pretty varied collection of unusual
    and HAMB-friendly stuff. These were posted by FNG GTOnly70
    of Fort Worth. To see the rest of his virtual junkyard tour, just search
    for his thread, "Scenes from an old school junkyard," that he
    posted last November.
  14. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Since we had a pedal-car scrap yard last week, I thought this keen shot
    I ran across while surfing would be an enjoyable addition. This photo
    was snapped by one Ms. Mecomber at a salvage barn in Madison, NY,
    and posted on the site Photo Hunters (notated in this instance as Photo
    Hunters: Broken). This is on and was apparently
    taken in the Adirondacks region. Ms. Mecomber, your eye is good!
    The kids' wagons and the coal bucket reek with nostalgia!!!

  15. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    For a breath of fresh air (meaning junk & abandoned cars NOT all rusted to
    oblivion!), there's always HAMBer Sled's thread, "Mexican Junk . . . What I Found." If there's anybody in HAMBland NOT familiar with Sled's popular and long-running thread, do your self a favor (BUT, don't start on a Sunday evening, or you'll stay up all night & miss work on Monday! LOL). Sled is ONE cool dude! And I don't think there are many HAMBers who wouldn't love to be in his shoes, in Mexico where the dry clime super-slows rust, even on cars sitting out in the middle of fields and stuff.


    As of May '06, Sled said these two were basically sitting totally abandoned.


    '37 Chevy coupe in another location
  16. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Okay, gang, here's one of those dry southwestern junkyards that just defy Mother Nature (meaning RUST!). These are getting scarce anywhere -- and are pretty much EXTINCT east of the Mississippi.

    These were shot in southeastern Nevada by Jalopnik Contributing Editor Murilee Martin who goes by the screen name "57Sweptside." This yard lies along a lengthy stretch of U.S. Rt. 93 between Kingman, AZ, and Hoover Dam. If you like these examples of unspoiled early iron, you can enjoy 57Sweptside's entire PhotoBucket by dialing up the Jalopnik site, "Uncounted Treasurers Sleep in Desert Junkyards"
    (link: ).
    And if you just wanna BS with Murilee directly or send a TY, the direct
    email is:

  17. Spooky
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 2,423


    Lessee name that mill-
    239 or 254 Y Block
  18. Knucklehead29
    Joined: Mar 13, 2009
    Posts: 132


    A few of my old rusty's I have found cruising south Texas.

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  19. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Clipper Super 2DH in a North Carolina boneyard in Wilson County



    As Packard wound down in 1955 and 1956, the company vainly tried
    to spin off the CLIPPER as a stand-alone make of its own. They were
    good V-8 machines, but the Packard luxury mystique was gone and
    the public didn't respond in show-rooms. A ship's wheel was the
    Clipper's mascot, and the only reference to Packard parentage was
    a small Packard nameplate, bottom-right of trunk lid.

    Quick update for the HAMB junkyard posse: The ONLY U.S. states
    we don't have pix of VINTAGE TIN from represented on this thread
    are down to SEVEN out of 50 ! So, if you have a fave surviving bone
    yard near you, please post pix from these few states:

    1. Arkansas
    2. Hawaii
    3. Louisiana
    4. North Dakota
    5. South Dakota
    6. Tennessee
    7. Wyoming
  20. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499



    Ya got MY attention, KnuckleHead29! From the side trim, that looks like a New Yorker, which only had the FirePower 331. AND a hardtop, too! Good car for a project, 'specially if it still has the Hemi!
  21. foghorn62
    Joined: Nov 30, 2008
    Posts: 91


    Hey Jim, you asked for a woodie, here are some pics of the 36 Ford that I bought in CT last year and then later sold to Sawzall on the H.A.M.B. The first pics are scans from old Polaroids that the guy whom I bought it from took while the car was still in the field (check out the snow). The last one is a pic that he sent me when I was thinking about buying the car from him. Not really a “barn find“, more like a “chicken coop find”.





    The car didn't really look a whole lot better indoors.

    Here is a link to a whole bunch of pics of the car before and after I bought it. Woodie/
  22. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
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    Yo, Foghorn! THANKS FOR THE POST! Yeah, she's seen better days, but anybody with a good eye can see that she has potential to be brought back. As much as I like the bone yard pix, it's ALWAYS good to see cars that LOOKED doomed, until somebody took the trouble to give them a home and put them on the long road to recovery.

    I think this and OTHER photo threads show clearly that almost all '20s stuff is gone, especially if it's sat outside. And '30s/'40s stuff is rusting down or damn picked over. Except for barn and shed finds, looks like pre-1950 project cars are fast fading from the scene, and decent '50s stuff keeps getting scarcer by the day.

    So anybody who CAN had probably better rescue what he/she can, before they are all gone.
  23. foghorn62
    Joined: Nov 30, 2008
    Posts: 91


    You’re probably right, although there is still hope. I took these pics during my first visit to VT back in 2002 somewhere between Burton, and Orleans. I don’t remember exactly where they were, and I have been back through the area many times since then but haven’t noticed these cars. I wonder if there is anyone else on this thread that has been through northern VT and seen them.


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  25. fjordrIver
    Joined: Nov 19, 2009
    Posts: 56

    from California

    Great pics. I think some junk yards were born where folks started to drop off their old cars. My dad in the late 40s left his 37 Cad at a junk yard because it started to overheat. He said he thought the thermostat was stuck and V-12s were a pain to maintain. He also said didn't care for dual side mounts, running boards or the grandma's parlor type interior. One of his friends used to rebuild Model T trans at a junk yard and told us if you put in one of the gears in backwards - forward high/low would become the reverse high/low. He did that only once when a guy dropped in the rebuilt and backed his T in a pole. He was fired.
    My dad had a repair business and we salvaged many parts from junk yards. The Rambler yard was one of the most popular in the late 60s and 70s as a parts source for discontinued brands (Stude, Packard, Nash, and others). All the yards are gone due to environment, less rebuilding and redevelopment.
    If you have a pre war car, enjoy it more, most cars were scrapped/crushed during WWII for the war effort. And as manufactures started building hundreds of cars a day, the old ones would eventually loose out. Too bad. It makes me appreciate my jalopy and the work I put in it. Can't wait til Saturday and workin' on the carb!
  26. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
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    Some good points there, FjordIver. Decades ago, the wasn't much of a system and few local regulations, SO people ditched cars in a LOT of wild ways!! I have heard first-hand accounts of guys just pushing Model As, etc., "over the bank" into some ravine. Anything to get a "useless" car out of their hair!

    On to VT again: Newbie HAMBer Ibcd posted these shots in November from near Dubois, Wyoming, on the Wind River. Jeesh, ya GOTTA love the dryer climate west of the ol' Miss, eh??? Nice work, Ibcd!


    Not surprisingly, he said this one, above, was gone last time he checked.

  27. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
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    Some more HAMBer Ibcd posted last November from Wyoming.



  28. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Some Montana vintage tin!

    1937 Pontiac

    '41 Chrysler

    '48 Fireball 8 with Stude Hawk behind
  29. !920,s Junk yard Dodge 4dr in back ground

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