They have canceled the 21st annual Tacoma Dome Mild to Wild show for 2010 and say it will move to Puyallup for 2011. Death of a great long runing hot rod and harley show I think! Wish they would have told me earlier I had 2 friends book plane tickets to meet me there. I just talked to them 2 weeks ago and they confirmed that i was excepted and didnt mention any of this.
What the hell is going on around here? First the Seattle Roadster gets canned, then the Hot-rod-arama gets canceled last year, now Mild to Wild. Which big show is next to get canceled?
HRAR is back!! Pretty lame about the Tacoma Dome show just because it was kind of nice to break up the monotany of winter. However, over the past couple years, there have only been a handful of cars that really stand out, with several builders bringing some new rides. Other than that, same ole stuff you see at the cruise nights everywhere around here. Hopefully, it gets a fresh look for 2011 in the new space.
Yeah the Portland Rod and Custom show was canned down here too, last year anyway. I haven't heard word if it was back on. It's too bad these were decent indoor shows! (Portland equivalent to the Tacoma show)
I am going to the Portland Roadster show but was hoping to head to Tacoma the next weekend for Mild to Wild. I guess I will have to re plan the vacation!!
Not to hijack the thread but did anyone notice the roadster show is in April now?
Chas always put on a class show and made you feel welcome. Showed 12 diff cars there in the past. 11th year for our indoor show down in Bend/Redmond Oregon, and its put on by car guys....March 19th 2010
I'm pissed because M-t-W was the only big show I was going to get to this year thanks to Uncle Sam sending me to Asscrackistan in May. I'll miss all the good shows this year. I am planning on goin to the Portland show though.
Do they have a pinstripers pit at the P'town show??? That was one thing I liked about the Tacoma Dome show. (we were just talking about this show this morning!!!)