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Lookey what I got for a project!! (Hyfire Poly!)

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by wolfhound423, May 10, 2009.

  1. The guys at Hot Rod Chassis and Cycle built this car a few years ago. try sending a PM to hotrodchassis. Thay are one here fairly often.
  2. dave s
    Joined: Aug 2, 2005
    Posts: 354

    dave s

    i love these motors. yours is looking great!

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  3. That's a beautiful set up! Unfortunately, mine will be tucked under a hood, but you can't win them all! I painted my poly silver so it'll shine like a diamond in that flat black maw of Big Blue's engine bay. Tomorrow, the mancub and I will attack some other project, or maybe go to the swap meet at the Puyallup Fairgrounds... depends on the weather.
  4. The weekend was too beautiful not to take the kids out and enjoy the sunlight, so I only got after a small project this evening. I managed to tear down the rear end the rest of the way (thank goodness for air tools!) to inspect it , and so I could really get after the case. I'll get it outdoors on some sawhorses and strip the last little bits of rust off, then paint it jet black with some of that lovely hi-temp paint I have... only this time, I won't bake it on in the wifey's oven. :D

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  5. I had a nice weekend to get stuff done in the garage, so I went for broke. I leave on Tuesday for a month in Okinawa, so I was desperate to get some meaningful work done. Fortunately, the weather cooperated for me and I was able to get the rest of my stripping/painting tasks done. I got the rear end down to bare metal, degreased and under a few layers of "poor man's powdercoat" - Rustoleum hi-temp engine paint. I'm just trying to match the axle, but for a little le$$. I even managed to reassemble the center section. We'll see how it holds together under stress! :eek: I also managed to get the '47 Plymouth rims out in the alley, wet sand them, and shoot the last coats of Rustoleum on them. All in all, not bad for a Sunday. I'm going to be dreaming of what I can get done in April, when I get back from my little trek!

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  6. I made a cardboard template of the header flange off of the header bolts on the eng.
    Then transferred that to a wood template.
    I then transferred that to a piece of 3/8" hot roll steel.
    Drilled the bolt holes and the ex's. ports & then cut out the flange w/ a plasma cutter.
    I then welled short pic's of pipe in the ex. ports.
    I cut up an old set of headers and welled the pipe to the short pic's in the flange.
    Remember, for good low end power, the pipes should be about the same size as the ex. valves.
    Good luck. Bob
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2010
  7. rbmain
    Joined: Jan 6, 2009
    Posts: 46

    from Newark, CA

    I got one of those too, in my 55 Plymouth. I added some 55 Dodge hemi heads, and it started right up. The intake even bolted right up. But, I had to have some headers made, the Sanderson headers interfere with the Plymouth steering linkage.

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  8. Wow! I can almost see the engine under that huge AC compressor! :eek: Still - that's an awesome looking motor. Hemi heads do bolt right up, but I have heard that the rods require some fiddling with to make it all run like it's supposed to. I will be (initially) using my stock exhaust and praying I don't have to move the steering box. We'll find out when I get the engine and trans all together and I can get some accurate measurements. I really don't feel like having to scratch build a header on one side to fit the steering, but we'll just cross that bridge when we get there!
  9. George
    Joined: Jan 1, 2005
    Posts: 7,783


    The rods are the same, pistons have different location for valve reliefs. You can get away w/o changing pistons with a low enough lift cam, Chrysler reportedly did.

  10. Egads.... meant to type pushrods, but typed just rods. I need more coffee. Thanks for keeping me honest, George. In the vein of this discussion, I saw a little 241 Poly get some Hemi heads bolted on it a few months back. It was going into a little coupe... and I'm sure it is a firecracker.
  11. Could you please tell me what transmission you are going to run w/the poly. Eng?
  12. 73RR
    Joined: Jan 29, 2007
    Posts: 7,284


    Allsteel, here is a an earlier note from Pete, post #134 with pics.
    And Pete, the flywheel is a done deal.

    Sua Sponte
  13. Thanks Gary. I am going to be out of the net thru Easter, when I get back from Okinawa. After that, it'll be a mad dash to get the engine finished, mated to the trans, and in Blue before the Summer hotrod season.
  14. 73RR
    Joined: Jan 29, 2007
    Posts: 7,284


    Hi Pete, I recalled your note about 'traveling' so took the liberty of answering allsteel.

    Have a safe journey.

    Sua Sponte
  15. Got back from a month in Okinawa and a trip to Disney with the kids, only to find the last little bit of machine work that my Poly needs still hasn't been finished. More delays. Ugh.

    One good bonus from my travels - I got a Dillon calendar for my garage. Dillon makes our miniguns, and they like to put healthy girls on the calendars... much like the old performance shop calendars.

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    Last edited: Apr 16, 2010
  16. Still waiting for the machinist to finish balancing the motor. Sigh. Well, it was a rare sunny day here in the PNW, so the mancub and I pulled Big Blue out in the alley and gave her a bath this afternoon. Boy did she need it! I had to snap some pics (note the HAMB plaque prominently displayed in the window - helped me out once or twice!), and they didn't turn out half bad for late afternoon in the alley with an iPhone. Then, to celebrate, we piled the whole family in and went for an evening cruise down the Ruston waterfront. Quite sublime. Could this have been one of the last voyages for the tired old flathead 6? One can only hope so. As the weeks tick by, I'm going to be really crunched to get the Hyfire under the hood before the Summer rodding season here in the PNW! Onward and upward!!!

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    Last edited: Apr 18, 2010
  17. Yet more disappointment in the engine department. I went by Friday, and they STILL weren't done with the balancing. This machinist is one of the best in the area, and his shop is stacked floor to ceiling with motors... but really? Does it take 2 months to balance a *&^%$# motor? Anyone else have delay after delay like this? In these tough economic times, are people rebuilding their engines instead of just buying a new car, and that's why he's so backed up?? Grumble... another weekend lost. As consolation, I'll take the BEvERage fetcher up to XXX Rootbeer for his birthday lunch and see the rest of the Bishops.
  18. 73RR
    Joined: Jan 29, 2007
    Posts: 7,284


    Sounds more like you got put on the back burner because you were 'gone'... The balance job should not take more than 1-2 hours on your engine.

  19. Made my weekly pilgrimage by the machinist shop today, and whaddya know? They finished with the work. Seems the boss had been gone (celebrating his 50th Anniv), and the boys had fallen behind in his absence. He tightened them up (had them in this weekend playing catch up) and my stuff is ready for pickup. I had the wife's little car (my bad), so I'll have to go back and get my treasures tomorrow. Goal for the weekend - get the short block knocked together and start on the heads. Anyone know of a good tutorial for valve adjustment? I have looked up a few online, and there are some "teasers" for rebuild videos, and some shade tree lessons... any favorites out there? I am going back through my Victory Library book on Poly performance to see if I can glean a few tips... but feel free to send me any ideas! Thanks!!

    This weekend - pictures of the BEvERage fetcher learning how to use a torque wrench!
  20. Yes!
  21. 73RR
    Joined: Jan 29, 2007
    Posts: 7,284


    Pete, there is alot of verbage on the Crane site but it appears to leave out adjustable pushrods.

    As in the Crane piece, all adjustments are made on the backside of the lobe, on the 'heel'.
    Once you have all of the slack removed....once the pushrod is touching/pressing against the puck and the rocker, but the puck is still against the snap ring, open/unscrew/extend the adjuster 1½ (minimum) to 2 (maximum) turns.
    This is based on the adjuster using 32 tpi, which is an industry standard.

  22. Dynaflash_8
    Joined: Sep 24, 2008
    Posts: 3,038

    from Auburn WA

    Man im tellin ya pete, the quicker you come get those white walls and get those mags off the better!!!
  23. Marty - you read my mind, brother. I didn't even know you were teasing me on the HAMB (just now found the post) when I called this evening to talk about those white walls. They sure would look nice for the Black Top Rebels show next weekend in Bremerton!! :D

    Well - went and collected my bits from the machinist at lunch. I raced home after work, wolfed down dinner, kissed the kids goodnight, then ran out to the garage to start getting things prepped. I got the block on the stand, and everything laid out to get busy for the next few evenings and the weekend. Heck, I even cleaned out all the bicycles and toys that crept in there while I was gone. I'll start working on assembling the short block tomorrow, and maybe have her together after a push on Fri evening. I'm figuring it would take a trained builder about 4 hours... so it'll probably take me about 6 to muddle thru it. The wifey has to work this weekend, so it'll just be me and the kids. I bet I can even get my little one out in the garage. She loves to help wash the cars, and if the weather is nice enough, she'll just ride her bike up and down the alley while BEvERage fetcher and I get greasy.

    Did I mention I can't wait for the weekend to get here?!
  24. George
    Joined: Jan 1, 2005
    Posts: 7,783


    Don't get in too big a hurry. Plastiguage & check things as you go.:)
  25. Thanks George. Being gone for a month+, craziness at work, a slow turn around from the machinist, and the onset of the summer season here in the PNW have only stoked my enthusiasm. I know I sound eager and ready to tear into this, but I have had to promise several people already (machinist, fellow Bishops, neighbor) that I wont let my enthusiasm get me in over my head. I'm just a little giggly to finally have all the pieces back in one spot and a free weekend to have a go at it. Several numbers are programmed into the phone for when (not if) the BEvERage fetcher and I get in a tight spot, and I have all my manuals laid out on the bench. My wife even suggested I play soothing classical music in the garage to keep me wrenching slow and the cursing to a minimum. It would be a shame to have worked on this thing for a year plus and screw it up in the last few days. :eek:
  26. Short block is together and sitting on the stand. Hallelujah.

    Once I finished it cleaning up in the garage, I took a break for lunch today, grabbed some headbolts at Tacoma Screw before they closed, then went to go pick up some new shoes for Blue. Marty, the BEvERage fetcher and I mounted the tires on my rims on the garage floor. What a great lesson for the little man - never pay to mount tires again!

    Tomorrow, the BEvERage fetcher and I will mount the heads and embark on our first attempt at adjusting valves. More pics later...

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  27. torchmann
    Joined: Feb 26, 2009
    Posts: 787

    from Omaha, Ne

  28. torchmann
    Joined: Feb 26, 2009
    Posts: 787

    from Omaha, Ne

    another one

    49 Dodge rolling chassis, newer tires, newer inline 6 engine. Car until recently was stored in garage. Shortly after needing the garage area for household goods, the car was moved to the back yard and completely covered. A fire subsequently burned the garage down so for the next several weeks until the debris is cleared the condition of the doors and fenders is suspect. The seats were destroyed, but the hood and one fender were not affected. GREAT parts car for the rebuilder.



    57 Dodge Royal Custom Body Parts - $100 (Springfield)
    Drivers side fender, driver door and sedan drivers side door $100
    Passenger side fender has damage but passenger door and rear sedan door good $100.00

    Hood - nice shape comes with hood hinges

    Interior parts - dash speedometer, radio, heater controls, steering wheel $100.00

    Interior front and rear seats $20.00

    57 Dodge Royal Custom 325 Motor - $250 (Springfield)

    57 Dodge Royal Custom 325 cubic inch motor. All original and all intact from the very rare air cleaner to the
    oil pan, this motor is complete. Also have many other 57 Dodge parts or take the entire car for $400.00
    Last edited: May 9, 2010
  29. Thanks T(orch)Man(n), but Omaha's a tiny bit (1,682 miles, to be exact) outside my parts scavenging radius. I have driven to Everett and Portland for key pieces, and I might even drive all the way to Central Ory-Gun for help from Gary on adapting my transmission... but Nebraska is a skosh outside my territory. Enough chitter chatter... time to get out in the garage with the BEvERage fetcher and mount some heads!!!
  30. George
    Joined: Jan 1, 2005
    Posts: 7,783


    @ least you're dealing with the light Poly heads....:)

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