I screwed around with the plate location on the 41 http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=452735 then I made a place to park my ass and also took two leafs out of the front spring on the t-bucket,spring is near
Not much, but got the windshield frame for the '32 roadster chopped 3" instead of buying the one on Ebay for $400. It's not just take out 3" and weld it back up as the sides are not parallel so a little fiddling with the lower corners is in order. A little learning exercise and saving $400......................priceless. Frank
I got my transmission assembled to the engine and the chassis is almost ready. Next weekend I will marry the two.
This...first start up of my first hot rod. Taken way longer than I care to admit just to get to this stage, but its getting there. no cooling, belt, or timing set so I didn't let it run long. <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid34.photobucket.com/albums/d101/frankr87gt/037.flv">
I drove Nash hot rod, then did some wiring in a '31 chivvy pickup I made for a friend out of derelict sedan sheetmetal. We opened the garage door; it was 52 degrees F. Spring is right around the corner!!
Saturday: Painted the rear leafs, step supports, and various parts. Sunday: Painted the rear leafs, step supports, and various parts. The devil is in the details.
Been working on the sub-dash panel, Got it primed about 15 minutes before the rain hit. (sorry for the blur)
Had to put helper bags on the back of my 07 Silverado, so I can pull trailers once again.... I did get a little time to finish pulling all the old wiring out of my Shoebox, so I can start the rewire
Had a brake line give up the ghost on my Silverado so I got stuck with that all weekend. Was going to do the intake gasket on my Flathead...at least the weather was nice.
Got the 40 out and went for a drive with some friends. Had lunch at Stratton's and drove somemore. What a great weekend in Tennessee.
Saturday I figured out the overheating problem on the coupe. Had purchased a "premium" thermostat last year which apparently never worked right.Took it out and when heated in water on the stove wasn't budging till hit over 200 degrees. Replaced it with a regular priced thermostat and cooling issues are history. Also made a gear indicator and mounted it on the steering column so I could tell what gear I was in. Saturday night I came down with the same stomach virus my wife and daughter had so Sunday I just layed around like a slug.
I removed the headlights and front shocks from my '32, then I reshaped the front frame horns a little bit. This week I'm making new headlight and front shock mounts. Trying to get rid of that bug eye look...
lowered the front truck with the help of one of sids drop axles then the exhaust manifold broke right when i got to the local cruise night so went home fixed the manifold while i was at it i re did the exhaust and the vavle cover anpainted it plus re did the paint on the air cleaner -tune up oil change temp sensor an that about it as far as car related stuff went
Didn't get alot done. Cleand and capped gutters on the house ready for the spring rains, almost. Put a 10 bolt diff back together and Toddster came by and helped me bench race for a bit.