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Impact racing

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by budssuperpro, Mar 26, 2010.

  1. hog mtn dave
    Joined: Jul 14, 2004
    Posts: 1,353

    hog mtn dave

    In the interest of getting the facts out there, below is from the SFI site. As far as I can tell they don't do any testing themselves. Outside labs are used for the testing. SFI develops the spec, much like UL, NSF ASTM etc.

    What Is the SFI Foundation, Inc.?

    The SFI Foundation, Inc. (SFI) is a non-profit organization established to issue and administer standards for specialty/performance automotive and racing equipment.

    How is the SFI Standards Program Funded?

    Participating manufacturers pay for development and administration of these programs through licensing fees and/or unit charges. Also, interested associations have provided grants and donations.

    What About Enforcement?

    Typically, there are policing provisions through contractual or licensing agreements whereby SFI may inspect the records and/or equipment of a manufacturer in order to ascertain that the product involved meets SFI Specs. Once a manufacturer has voluntarily committed to participating in the program, it must comply with the specifications in all respects.
  2. There are three recent issues with Impact equipment over the past couple of years.

    1) The fire suits that were sold as meeting SFI specs...and didn't.

    2) The head sock issue.

    3) the use of "SFI" labels that weren't obtained from SFI...irrelevant of whether the product meets standards or not, part of the contract between SFI and an individual company states that official SFI labels must be used, as I understand it. That's the rule, and if you want to get SFI certification for your gear/parts, you must follow it.

    I would have to believe that SFI tried to work this out before pulling the plug. They have to know that any manufacturer, and especially Bill Simpson, is not going to go quietly. Therefore, I am inclined to think that there must be very serious issues going on behind the scenes for SFI to take this step.

    Thirdyfive, I don't disagree with all your points...but racers tend to be their own worst enemy. Over the years, drag racing typically works more smoothly and safely with a strong independent organization running things, IMHO...look at the PRA/PRO mess of the '70s. As someone stated, if you have an issue with SFI, it's better taken up with the sanctioning bodies who require that set of standards. However....putting aside issues of SEMA member track/series sponsorship, it is going to be infinitely easier for any sanctioning body to deal with ** one ** standards organization, rather than several. Nobody's going to re-invent the wheel at this stage unless they are offered an easier, better solution.

    So far as your comment about SFI controlling's a lot easier for a track tech guy to look for a sticker than it is for him to look for some manufacturer's identification on a part...then check a list to see if that part is legal for that car in that class. SFI exists at least in part because it simplifies things for the tracks (again, IMHO). Again, no wheels being reinvented.
  3. coryw
    Joined: Nov 4, 2005
    Posts: 227

    from Omaha, NE

    Someone that did that would get the same nastygram about de-certifying that Impact got - that's what. Unfortunately, if you go to the website others mentioned, it appears that maybe Impact was also doing exactly what you suggested - and got a nastygram from SFI at that time as well (Hans helmet clips).
  4. Nitro crew chief
    Joined: May 4, 2008
    Posts: 202

    Nitro crew chief
    from Illinois

    They sell harness' , fire suits, fireproof underwear, helmets, boots and such. I am involved in Nostalgia funny car racing and this is going to cost drivers that have Impact safty equipent LOTS of money. A complete firesuit (underwear, boots, gloves,helmet) costs well in excess of $3000, and many drivers will need to replace this equipment before they can run again. This will affect many small teams this year.
  5. Nitro crew chief
    Joined: May 4, 2008
    Posts: 202

    Nitro crew chief
    from Illinois

    I think I heard something about incorrect stitching on parachutes too. I believe all Impact chutes were collected at an NHRA race last season when they ripped from a top fueler.

  6. Duyu Remember
    Joined: Mar 29, 2010
    Posts: 6

    Duyu Remember
    from So. Cal

    Impact has to BUY the cert labels from SFI.

    The cert labels in question were not of SFI manufacture.

    Therefore the product might be questionable.

    Sounds like someone at Simpson felt like saving a few thousand dollars and having the cert labels made in a country of undetermined origin. Helmets get made there also. The ones that sell for $125 retail and have an SA rating and label. And some folks think they are made in Keokuk or Kalamazoo?? And then there is the AN fitting issue........
  7. According to the statement below, maybe the cert's and labels were legal. Certainly there seems to be two sides to this story Even if they used non issued labels that does not condemn the product.
    It wasn't Simpson but Impact Racing (two different companies)
    They are in Brownsburg, Indiana so why would someone think Kalamazoo?
    They don't make AN fittings so ?????

  8. Look for some high powered lawyer to start a Class Action lawsuite to get compensation for any purchaser of the miss labeled safety equipment.
  9. metalshapes
    Joined: Nov 18, 2002
    Posts: 11,130


    Seems to me, it does.

    Unless a non issued label will get you through tech...
  10. What I meant was just because the label may not have come from SFI directly or been approved by them it does not mean that the product was not up to cert quality, and until SFI "De certified" these products because of a label issue, I doubt that anyone was denied tech.
    I'm not defending Impact, just saying that as usual all the facts are not yet known and yet people are quick to condemn the company.
  11. Unkl Ian
    Joined: Mar 29, 2001
    Posts: 13,509

    Unkl Ian

    Impact had a problem last year, many of the fasteners
    for the HANS device were made of Aluminum, not steel as required.

    I would expect better from Bill Simpson.

    On the other hand, SFI is a bunch of idiots.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2010
  12. The Mandrill
    Joined: Nov 11, 2009
    Posts: 191

    The Mandrill
    from Tulsa

    Regardless of what has transpired, Simpson safety equipment (Bill Simpson era) and Impact safety products have been worn and tested (seriously tested) by myself, my dad, and my brother since the late 60's to now. He is a great guy that has always had a true concern for racers and their safety. There is no doubt I would not be here today if it were not for the quality of his products. The SFI tag is not what makes the product. If Bill Simpson tells me its safe, done deal.
  13. metalshapes
    Joined: Nov 18, 2002
    Posts: 11,130


    I must be missing something...

    Does it pass tech or doesn't it?

    If it doesnt, it wont get you to the scene of your crash, so it can protect you....
  14. Nitro crew chief
    Joined: May 4, 2008
    Posts: 202

    Nitro crew chief
    from Illinois

    Right now they do, but as I read the SFI paper, it looks like after 3/29/10 they will NOT cert. Anyone who has Impact safty equipment will need to replace everything with new with proper certification.
  15. boogeracng
    Joined: Feb 13, 2008
    Posts: 346

    from Eureka,MO

    We (racers) all know how this is going to end up.....Impact products unacceptable for ANY type of motorsports.....go karts, legend cars, roundy round weekend warriors, Nascar, mud racers, ANYTHING. Dig in your pocket and replace your equipment. Wait a minute, now there's a severe shortage of everything from the other manufacturers because of the demand to replace everthing from Impact. If I can locate what I'm going to need to run this upcoming season, I'm looking at $1K for replacement be a weekend warrior at 8-10 nostalgia programs. Thanks SFI and Bill this part of the economic stimulus package that's part of Washington's grand plan?

  16. Dan Warner
    Joined: Oct 25, 2004
    Posts: 557

    Dan Warner
    from so cal

    For those of you who race or are building a car for the salt or El Mirage this is the official SCTA statement re: Impact Racing products:

    Southern California Timing Association, Inc.
    Bonneville Nationals, Incorporated

    Tuesday, March 30, 2010


    The following press release from SFI was announced this past Friday and in essence it decertifies most
    of the SFI approved Impact Racing products. This quote was taken from the press release: “At this time
    SFI does not know how many products have counterfeit labels and patches and which ones have
    authentic labels and patches. Therefore, it was unfortunately necessary to decertify all the products
    manufactured by Impact pursuant to SFI specifications 3.2A, 3.3, 16.1 and 16.5.” The full press release
    can be viewed by following this link:

    After careful consideration and investigation by the SCTA Technical Committee, inclusive of
    information exchanged with representatives from the safety certification organizations SFI and Snell,
    SCTA / BNI has decided to follow their recommendations. In plain English this is how this decision
    may affect you. If you currently own any of the decertified Impact Racing products listed below you will
    be required to replace them with a non-Impact product prior to competing at an SCTA-BNI event.

    3.2A Driver Suits (3.2A/1, 3.2A/3, 3.2A/5)
    3.2A Driver Suits (3.2A/10, 3.2A/15, 3.2A/20)

    3.3 Driver Accessories:
    Arm Restraints
    Shoes (3.3/5)
    Drag Boots (3.3/15, 3.3/20)
    Gloves (3.3/1, 3.3/5, 3.3/10, 3.3/15, 3.3/20)
    Harness Pads
    Helmet Supports

    16.1 Driver Restraint Assemblies
    16.5 Stock Car Driver Restraint Assemblies

    Other Impact products not listed MAY also be under scrutiny and may be decertified at any time in the
    future. Impact manufactured helmets ARE NOT decertified at this time. However, if the helmet has an
    SFI certification tag for the nomex interior or balaclavas, then you will be required to use an additional
    nomex head sock, manufactured by another company, with a SFI certification tag attached.

    For specific questions please contact:

    Lee Kennedy, Technical Director

    805.421.5056 Ext 113(O)
    818.519.6896 (C)

    Steve Davies, Chief Car Inspector
    (714) 671-9454

    Van Butler, Motorcycle Committee Chair
    SCTA – BNI
    (949) 497-6478

  17. firingorder1
    Joined: Dec 15, 2006
    Posts: 2,147


    Better safe than fried.
  18. Larry T
    Joined: Nov 24, 2004
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    Larry T

    With 4 pages of discussion, it comes down to rules are rules (until they sort it out in court).
    Larry T
  19. BobG
    Joined: Oct 22, 2008
    Posts: 350


    It was just dropped in court today, things are as they were before with the exception of the damage done to the company by bad press
  20. Steel Coupes
    Joined: Jul 22, 2006
    Posts: 80

    Steel Coupes
    from Midwest

    April, 2010
    April 1, 2010 - Impact Racing, LLC and SFI Foundation, Inc., in the litigation pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, have agreed that:
    1. Impact Racing, LLC has provided sworn testimony that, upon review and investigation, no counterfeit SFI Conformance Labels have been used on Impact Racing products during the production years of 2009 and 2010.
    2. Impact Racing, LLC has provided sworn testimony that, upon review and investigation, all Impact Racing products manufactured and sold during the production years 2009 and 2010 meet SFI specifications.
    3. Based upon this sworn testimony, the decertification against Impact Racing products for the production years 2009 and 2010 is lifted. The decertification of the production years prior to 2009 and 2010 remains in effect. The parties will continue to work cooperatively in an effort to resolve the issues relating to decertification in these years.
    4. Impact Racing stands behind the safety of all products it has manufactured and to which SFI Conformance Labels have been affixed. SFI will continue to monitor compliance with product specifications.
    5. Impact Racing, LLC and SFI Foundation, Inc. will cooperate in determining whether any Impact Racing product bears a counterfeit SFI Conformance Label and if any safety issue exists in regard to products manufactured prior to 2009 and 2010.
    6. If any Impact Racing product does not bear the date of manufacture the purchaser or user is instructed to immediately contact Impact Racing who will provide verification of the date of manufacture. Impact Racing, LLC will immediately notify SFI Foundation, Inc. of this occurrence. Impact Racing, LLC and SFI Foundation, Inc. will work with the sanctioning bodies to determine the best method for product users to present verification of the date of manufacture.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2010
  21. OK, read this, then we can put an end to all the speculation! And who's going to pay for the damage to Impact's Reputation ??? And there still remains the earlier label problem, but nothing is proven nor has there been anything to claim bad product.
  22. seatex
    Joined: Oct 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,670


  23. Man, I never saw that kind of resolution comming so quickly.
    There is a sworn statement on another site from an Impact employee stating he was instructed to have a company in China produce the fake labels. Looks like his a$$ is now in a pickle!
  24. Not necessarily Rich, it looks like there is still some older labels in question ......
  25. Steel Coupes
    Joined: Jul 22, 2006
    Posts: 80

    Steel Coupes
    from Midwest

    Quote"Man, I never saw that kind of resolution comming so quickly. "

    That's because it was a totally false accusation.

    Funny how SFI dropped the suit today and everything is reinstated.

    The only thing you'll have to worry about now is who's tag is going to be on everything now after SFI is sued into bankruptcy for this and is nothing but a footnote in history....

    Bye bye SFI.
  26. Don, I believe that safety gear certification tags have a 2 year life. Anything made before 2009 would have to be recertified to be approved to use in 2010.
    I was going to put new belts in Pinocchio, but have held off until we're ready to either race it or if sold, the new owner can install current belts when he is ready to hit the track.
  27. BobG
    Joined: Oct 22, 2008
    Posts: 350


    The older lables in question are the SFI-15 and SFI-20 from the recall of 2007 and 2008 suits that were put into place a year ago by SFI. Not from any other items or years.
  28. BobG
    Joined: Oct 22, 2008
    Posts: 350


    It's two years on seat belts
    Five years from the manufactures date on Suits and all other drivers items.
  29. Steel Coupes
    Joined: Jul 22, 2006
    Posts: 80

    Steel Coupes
    from Midwest

    Cat got your tongue now ?

    You'll soon see the connection between the suit recall, the SFI tags and the HANS clip deal.....which by the way, NO fault or knowledge by Bill Simpson......

    You also conveniently left out that Bell, Simpson and Impact were all sold counterfeit HANS clips from someone in Georgia, which consequently is where HANS is located, and ALL fell victim to being sold a bad batch of clips.......but maybe since you don't have a clue what you're talking about above, you didn't know that either....

    Funny how the fake HANS clips are exactly identicle to the real ones, right down to HANS' logo laser etching and numbers.....except for the center post being stainless instead of steel.....they appear to be made on the same tooling since they're so perfect.......and even came from the same state as HANS, almost like the shop that was making them made a batch for themselves ?......funny huh ?

    Your apology can be insterted here :

  30. Beef Stew
    Joined: Oct 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,253

    Beef Stew
    from So Cal

    Wow, feeling a sense of entitlement tonight?

    Impact is screwing themselves.

    First strike... making fire suits that didn't meet SFI spec even though they had the SFI patch on them.

    Second strike... knocking off HANS clips (below is from the SFI site)

    So what's the third strike going to be? Seems to me that Impact likes to go cheap when it comes to YOUR safety. It's all about $$$.

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