What about halibrands with wide whites i have them on my 34 and i just don't know if i want to or not anyone have any pictures of it being done before?
No, they don't. Man if ya gotta run white walls on Cragars, for the love of god run narrow "pinner" whites. Wide whites on a wheel of that era is just as wrong as salami ice cream!!!
I could read this post a hunnert times and still not be able to make up my mind so I'm just going to run one three inch white and one 3/4 inch white on the front and black walls on the rear. I'll still ask for everyones opinion and not give a shit what others think. Some day I might do something about it but I,m not sure.
Tradition is something that has been repeated throughout many years. Period correct is what was available at a particular time. So in 1964 anyone could have put www's on cragars.
Maybe I'm off in my way of thinking, but Cragars came out to be an accessory wheel for 60's performance cars and drag cars. They look at home on a 66 Nova but they don't fit a traditional hotrod....especially with whitewalls. For every 100 people who think Cragars don't look right on a 32 Ford, you'll find 2 that do and 1 that likes them with whitewalls so this debate will go on forever.
California Dreaming has got to be the ugliest 59 Impala ever built, the display couldn't be anymore over the top.
Just one other thing b4 i totally get out of what became one of the most useless threads of the year......why everybody says Cragars where muscle car wheels? I mean, of course they were, but where do you guys put the Lowriders? pass!
Again, region comes into play... In our area, there just were no lowriders, that I can recall...it was all about the drag/muscle cars. Cragars were THE muscle car/drag car wheel. By the time we saw a low rider, or a bomb around here, it was sportin' Daytons...
I maybe joining this a little late. I just changed from americans to astro supreams with wide whites. Tell me what you think. jim
Run what YOU like, it's YOUR car. But...I do have to agree completly about the 1970's raised white letters...NOTHING WORSE LOOKING!!..my 2cents.
"ass" a little harsh,but i agree the white walls dont work. either steelies and tires. Or wheels and black sidewalls.....
not cragers , but later era americans with WWW radials. this is the way these came set up , if i were to buy new rolling stock for this car it would be pinner whites on supremes for sure but i can live with the look on it for now and if i find a set of astros and skinny whites i would run these WWW and wheels on another vehicle as well.