It's not a dead nuts clone guys. Its close but not a total clone. Skirts are different, minitruck stance(we were all busting Javiers balls in sacramento bout his airbags.) also the front bumper sits out farther then stock they extended it out quite a bit.Its a larger distance from the grill to the back of the bumper.Also Jerry didnt have rounded hood corners.Its close but its not a identical clone.
When we were in sac the bags were broke and Javier was pissed because it had to sit with the air all out. Jerry Q's merc and the words mini truck stance should not even be mentioned together!!!
That rear three-quarter shot of the original, in white primer, is just an awe-inspiring photo. With the stock cars visible in the photo, you really get a sense of why chopped Mercs were so otherworldly and so modern when they first appeared on the scene. When my '49 Club Coupe gets rolling, I may have to paint it in white primer, until I have it painted. (This'll be three years out, of course, at the rate I'm going.)
Mine and Jeffs are in the bumperguards also. Fabian of the Bean Bandits made mine. Jeffs are amazing! Much better looking than mine. His "V" at the top and mine are straight across. I think I have a pic... Here's mine... If you look closely,you can see the difference in mine and Jeffs...
Thanks 51mercules and BadBob I really like those and believe this is the way I am going to go with my Merc.
That's the way I'm going also. I like how Jeff's have a larger lense, but it looks like a lot more work.
Hey Bob what were the tailights you were going to run before you saw my car at Giovonnies that night?? I remember you saying they were a real different light then most you have seen.
Yes they do look good.I also really like the winfield lenses dropped low. They look real close to the Bettecourt tailights.Dick wanted me to run those on my car now I wonder,if I should of.
I absolutely love bumperguard tail-lights on Mercs but most builders totally forgot about how good looking the stock tail-lights are.
I was working at Scott Guildners shop when the top and side shot above Merc in process was chopped, he used the front posts off my Merc to do the rear posts on the doors, made them thinner and a little nicer shape. The car is still underway, painted a great dark metalic green. Scott sold it to a customer around 1999, It has a 500 Cad engine and trans, very good looking car. John Williamson
Hi fellas. I've poked around many of the threads dealing with the Quesnel Mercury waiting to see if anyone else would bring up this article; ...or, if anyone can confirm the claim made here. Seems to me that pictures of this car (or one very similar to it) were posted in a mercury thread, but I can't find them. Is Jerry's car still around, Jeff, Rik, Bickford, anyone? -Dave